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[Ada-mode-users] Function expression returning an aggregate that is not

From: Ludovic Brenta
Subject: [Ada-mode-users] Function expression returning an aggregate that is not enclosed in an expression
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 14:13:24 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.5.3

Hello, the following legal sources cause a parse error:

procedure P is
  type T is record
    Component : Boolean;
  end record;
  function F return T is (Component => True); -- line 5
end P;

I know that this is illegal in Ada 2012 but it became legal with
AI12-0157[1] (i.e. binding interpretation) and GNAT compiles it.
The ada-mode parser currently fails with:

p.adb:5:38: syntax error in grammar state 884; unexpected =>, expecting one of (default RIGHT_PAREN)

This requires the programmer to add extra parens around the aggregate:

  function F return T is ((Component => True));

or not use an expression function:

  function F return T is begin return (Component => True); end F;


Ludovic Brenta.

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