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Re: [Ada-mode-users] Ada mode 6.0.0 released

From: Simon Wright
Subject: Re: [Ada-mode-users] Ada mode 6.0.0 released
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2018 08:48:09 +0000

On 5 Dec 2018, at 00:58, Stephen Leake <address@hidden> wrote:

Simon Wright <address@hidden> writes:

Which compiler should we use? I ask because with GCC 9.0.0 I get an ICE:

+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| 9.0.0 20181103 (experimental) (x86_64-apple-darwin15) Assert_Failure einfo.adb:2730|
| Error detected at wisitoken-lexer-re2c.adb:170:38 [ada_process_lalr_main.adb:25:4]|

+ a list of ~80 files!

I've tested with gnat GPL 2017, CE 2018, and pro 19. I'll add that in
the first paragraph of the user manual Installing section, and on the
main web page.


In the mean time, do the executables need to be in the current
compiler's tree? (I know that gpr_query & ada_mode_gps_indent are OK
to move, because I've been doing so for some time)

ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe expects ada_lr1_parse_table.txt to be in the
same directory as the executable.

Otherwise the parsers do not rely on being in the tree for anything;
they just have to be in exec-path.

What is the rationale for not putting them in the compiler tree? Maybe
we need to provide an --install-dir option to

I keep several compilers on my machine, the current default is FSF GCC 8.1.0. But occasionally I need to use others, and in particular it'd be hard to run with GCC 9.0.0 if the ada-mode executables had to be in the compiler tree while the compiler couldn't compile them!

I think that's a fairly unusual use-case, so would be happy with just a list of the executables (I haven't looked to see whether there is one already!)

BTW, ada-france mtn doesn't seem to be updated? (at least org.emacs.ada-mode)


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