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Re: [Adonthell-devel] On combinations

From: Nezumi
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] On combinations
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 19:49:18 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Kai Sterker wrote:

> For lack of better ideas I came up with the following five:
> * Quality
> * Water
> * Fire
> * Air
> * Earth

That would imply, at least in my own twisted sense of the universe, that
combinations strong in fire would tend to be attack magic, and the sort of
attack would possibly be determined by the second strongest element.  So
double fire would be a fire spell, fire and water would be an ice spell,
etc.  By the same token, Earth would be defensive spells.  Water would
naturally be healing or status magic (including offensive things like
poison and such) and Air would be for meta-spells, or possibly used to
enchant the weapons and armour of other party members.  So you could make
a spell with Air, then Fire, which could, depending on other factors,
result in a spell which would give more strength, speed or an added attack
or something, to a fighter's sword.

However, I don't know if that works well with your calculations.  So
that's an idea we could scrap, or maybe adapt part of.

In any case, we need to take into account the different classes of spells
we're dealing with.  Healing, offensive, defensive and meta/enchantment
seem to be it, although I'm certainly not tied to that.

I do like the system, and the variety of spells would be a real
crowd-pleaser, so long as we keep the actual calculations "under the
hood", so to speak.

                      Nezumi * address@hidden
 *  "Love doesn't subtract -- it multiplies! The more you love, the more
you can love." -- Robert A. Heinlein

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