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[Aleona-CVS] contestant anecdote

From: Rolf Snell
Subject: [Aleona-CVS] contestant anecdote
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 01:26:43 +0200

The key turned in thelock, and the shuffle of heelless shoes died on the stair.
Another was a long list of names, muchcontracted, with figures in three columns set against each. My dear uncle is indulgentand, though a Whig, is no bigot.
There were ten thousand men and half amillion of money in these lists, and they were not all.
As he looked he saw various things to disquiet him. At that moment MrJohnson came out of his reverie.
What will your uncle say when hefinds his horse gone?
Put him in the Tower garret, and give Giles the key. Whoever had compiled the indictmentwas most intimately informed of all his doings.
The light had grown and he had his first view of Black Ben, and Benof him. La, la, such a commotion ere I could come to you, sir, she said. Oh, have no fear of me, for I am souland body for the Cause. Alastair was on his feetnow, bowing awkwardly. My dear uncle is indulgentand, though a Whig, is no bigot. Exit the clerk, enter the preacher, said Johnson. In his hand hestill held the packet addressed to Kyd.
I require that the charge be read, said Johnson. Butfirst let the poor creature have bite and sup, if he wants it.
The young mans eyes kindled, and then grew alittle dim. The animal was lightly bitted and he had notthe skill or the strength to hold him back.
The lock of your door fitsbadly, for the wood around is worm-eaten. He glanced at thedoor, and it seemed to move. He scrambled to the ground, his heart filled with forebodings and adeep disgust.
Somethingscraped and rustled close ahead, and the hoarse whisper of Gilesreceived a hoarse answer. They jostled at a gate and stared at each other.
If you can layyour finger on this fount of treason, you will do a noble work forour Prince. There was black treason somewhere in its innermost councils.
But if the miscreant wasKyds servant, how came he in this neighbourhood?
Hisjourney into Oxfordshire was retailed, and its purpose, but thename of Cornbury was omitted. Within, breakfasting on a hunch of bread and cheese, sat the manEdom, Mr Kyds servant. Youknow something of me, and I will beg in return some news of mybenefactress. You are a wise judge, Nunkie, and do not waste your wisdomon innocents.

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