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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/tex.el

From: David Kastrup
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/tex.el
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 10:57:30 -0400

Index: auctex/tex.el
diff -u auctex/tex.el:5.524 auctex/tex.el:5.525
--- auctex/tex.el:5.524 Sun Jun  5 12:20:47 2005
+++ auctex/tex.el       Tue Jun  7 14:57:28 2005
@@ -2669,28 +2669,70 @@
   :group 'TeX-parse)
   (make-variable-buffer-local 'TeX-auto-x-regexp-list)
+(defun TeX-regexp-group-count (regexp)
+  "Return number of groups in a regexp.  This is not foolproof:
+you should not use something like `[\\(]' for a character range."
+  (let (start (n 0))
+    (while (string-match "\\(\\`\\|[^\\]\\)\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\\\([^?]"
+                        regexp start)
+      (setq start (- (match-end 0) 2)
+           n (1+ n)))
+    n))
 (defun TeX-auto-parse-region (regexp-list beg end)
   "Parse TeX information according to REGEXP-LIST between BEG and END."
   (if (symbolp regexp-list)
       (setq regexp-list (and (boundp regexp-list) (symbol-value regexp-list))))
    (if regexp-list
        ;; Extract the information.
-       (let ((regexp (concat "\\("
-                            (mapconcat 'car regexp-list "\\)\\|\\(")
-                            "\\)")))
+       (let* (groups
+             (count 1)
+             (regexp (concat "\\("
+                             (mapconcat
+                              (lambda(x)
+                                (push (cons count x) groups)
+                                (setq count
+                                      (+ 1 count
+                                         (TeX-regexp-group-count (car x))))
+                                (car x))
+                              regexp-list "\\)\\|\\(")
+                             "\\)"))
+             syms
+             lst)
+        (setq count 0)
         (goto-char (if end (min end (point-max)) (point-max)))
         (while (re-search-backward regexp beg t)
-          (unless (TeX-in-comment)
-            (let* ((entry (TeX-member nil regexp-list
-                                      (lambda (a b)
-                                        (looking-at (nth 0 b)))))
-                   (symbol (nth 2 entry))
-                   (match (nth 1 entry)))
+          (let* ((entry (cdr (TeX-member nil groups
+                                         (lambda (a b)
+                                           (match-beginning (car b))))))
+                 (symbol (nth 2 entry))
+                 (match (nth 1 entry)))
+            (unless (TeX-in-comment)
+              (looking-at (nth 0 entry))
               (if (fboundp symbol)
                   (funcall symbol match)
-                (add-to-list symbol (if (listp match)
-                                        (mapcar 'TeX-match-buffer match)
-                                      (TeX-match-buffer match))))))))))
+                (puthash (if (listp match)
+                             (mapcar #'TeX-match-buffer match)
+                           (TeX-match-buffer match))
+                         (setq count (1- count))
+                         (cdr (or (assq symbol syms)
+                                  (car (push
+                                        (cons symbol
+                                              (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+                                        syms)))))))))
+        (setq count 0)
+        (dolist (symbol syms)
+          (setq lst (symbol-value (car symbol)))
+          (while lst
+            (puthash (pop lst)
+                     (setq count (1+ count))
+                     (cdr symbol)))
+          (maphash (lambda (key value)
+                     (push (cons value key) lst))
+                   (cdr symbol))
+          (clrhash (cdr symbol))
+          (set (car symbol) (mapcar #'cdr (sort lst #'car-less-than-car)))))))
 (defun TeX-auto-parse ()
   "Parse TeX information in current buffer.

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