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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/preview/preview.el

From: David Kastrup
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/preview/preview.el
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 19:03:57 -0400

Index: auctex/preview/preview.el
diff -u auctex/preview/preview.el:1.257 auctex/preview/preview.el:1.258
--- auctex/preview/preview.el:1.257     Mon May 23 23:11:02 2005
+++ auctex/preview/preview.el   Fri Jun 17 23:03:56 2005
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; $Id: preview.el,v 1.257 2005/05/23 23:11:02 dak Exp $
+;; $Id: preview.el,v 1.258 2005/06/17 23:03:56 dak Exp $
 ;; This style is for the "seamless" embedding of generated images
 ;; into LaTeX source code.  Please see the README and INSTALL files
@@ -792,7 +792,8 @@
 (defun preview-gs-dvips-process-setup ()
   "Set up Dvips process for conversions via gs."
   (unless (preview-supports-image-type preview-gs-image-type)
-    (error "This Emacs lacks '%s image support" preview-gs-image-type))
+    (error "preview-image-type setting '%s unsupported by this Emacs"
+          preview-gs-image-type))
   (setq preview-gs-command-line (append
                                 (list (preview-gs-resolution
@@ -817,9 +818,10 @@
   (if preview-parsed-pdfoutput
       (if (preview-supports-image-type preview-gs-image-type)
-       (error "This Emacs lacks '%s image support" preview-gs-image-type))
+       (error "preview-image-type setting '%s unsupported by this Emacs"
+              preview-gs-image-type))
     (unless (preview-supports-image-type preview-dvipng-image-type)
-      (error "This Emacs lacks '%s image support"
+      (error "preview-dvipng-image-type setting '%s unsupported by this Emacs"
     (let ((process (preview-start-dvipng)))
       (setq TeX-sentinel-function #'preview-dvipng-sentinel)
@@ -2590,8 +2592,9 @@
        (set (nth 1 var) nil))
       (goto-char (point-min))
-         (while
-             (re-search-forward "\
+         (progn
+           (while
+               (re-search-forward "\
 \\(^! \\)\\|\
 \(\\([^()\r\n{ ]+\\))*\\(?:{[^}\n]*}\\)?\\(?: \\|\r?$\\)\\|\
 )+\\( \\|\r?$\\)\\|\
@@ -2632,124 +2635,124 @@
 ;;; This would have caught overfull box messages that consist of
 ;;; several lines of context all with 79 characters in length except
 ;;; of the last one.  prauctex.def kills all such messages.
-           (cond
-            ((match-beginning 1)
-             (if (looking-at "\
+             (cond
+              ((match-beginning 1)
+               (if (looking-at "\
 \\(?:Preview\\|Package Preview Error\\): Snippet \\([---0-9]+\\) 
 \\.? *(\\([---0-9]+\\)\\+\\([---0-9]+\\)x\\([---0-9]+\\))\\)?\\)\\.")
-                 (progn
-                   (setq snippet (string-to-number (match-string 1))
-                         box (unless
-                                 (string= (match-string 2) "started")
-                               (if (match-string 4)
-                                   (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
-                                               (* (preview-get-magnification)
-                                                  (string-to-number x)))
-                                           (list
-                                            (match-string 4)
-                                            (match-string 5)
-                                            (match-string 6)))
-                                 t))
-                         counters (mapcar #'cdr preview-parsed-counters)
-                         error (progn
-                                 (setq lpoint (point))
-                                 (end-of-line)
-                                 (buffer-substring lpoint (point)))
-                         ;; And the context for the help window.
-                         context-start (point)
-                         ;; And the line number to position the cursor.
+                   (progn
+                     (setq snippet (string-to-number (match-string 1))
+                           box (unless
+                                   (string= (match-string 2) "started")
+                                 (if (match-string 4)
+                                     (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+                                                 (* (preview-get-magnification)
+                                                    (string-to-number x)))
+                                             (list
+                                              (match-string 4)
+                                              (match-string 5)
+                                              (match-string 6)))
+                                   t))
+                           counters (mapcar #'cdr preview-parsed-counters)
+                           error (progn
+                                   (setq lpoint (point))
+                                   (end-of-line)
+                                   (buffer-substring lpoint (point)))
+                           ;; And the context for the help window.
+                           context-start (point)
+                           ;; And the line number to position the cursor.
 ;;; variant 1: profiling seems to indicate the regexp-heavy solution
 ;;; to be favorable.  Removing incomplete characters from the error
 ;;; context is an absolute nuisance.
-                         line (and (re-search-forward "\
+                           line (and (re-search-forward "\
 \\([^\n\r]*?\\)\\(\\.\\.\\.\\|\\^\\(?:\\^[89a-f]?\\)?\\.\\.\\.\\)?\r?$" nil t)
-                                   (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
-                         ;; And a string of the context to search for.
-                         string (and line (match-string 3))
-                         after-string (and line (buffer-substring
-                                                 (+ (match-beginning 4)
-                                                    (- (match-end 3)
-                                                       (match-beginning 0)))
-                                                 (match-end 4)))
-                         ;; And we have now found to the end of the context.
-                         context (buffer-substring context-start (point))
-                         ;; We may use these in another buffer.
-                         offset (car TeX-error-offset)
-                         file (car TeX-error-file))
-                   (when (and (stringp file)
-                              (or (string= file "<none>")
-                                  (TeX-match-extension file)))
-                     ;; if we are the first time round, check for fast hooks:
-                     (when (null parsestate)
-                       (setq open-data
-                             (save-excursion (funcall open-closure))
-                             tempdir TeX-active-tempdir)
-                       (dolist
-                           (lst (if (listp TeX-translate-location-hook)
-                                    TeX-translate-location-hook
-                                  (list TeX-translate-location-hook)))
-                         (let ((fast
-                                (and (symbolp lst)
-                                     (get lst 'TeX-translate-via-list))))
-                           (if fast
-                               (setq fast-hook
-                                     (nconc fast-hook (list fast)))
-                             (setq slow-hook
-                                   (nconc slow-hook (list lst)))))))
-                     (condition-case err
-                         (save-excursion (run-hooks 'slow-hook))
-                       (error (preview-log-error err "Translation hook")))
-                     (push (vector file (+ line offset)
-                                   string after-string
-                                   snippet box counters) parsestate)))
-               ;; else normal error message
-               (forward-line)
-               (re-search-forward "^l\\.[0-9]" nil t)
-               (forward-line 2)))
-            ((match-beginning 2)
-             ;; New file -- Push on stack
-             (push (match-string-no-properties 2) TeX-error-file)
-             (push 0 TeX-error-offset)
-             (goto-char (match-end 2)))
-            ((match-beginning 3)
-             ;; End of file -- Pop from stack
-             (pop TeX-error-file)
-             (pop TeX-error-offset)
-             (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
-            ((match-beginning 4)
-             ;; Hook to change line numbers
-             (rplaca TeX-error-offset
-                     (string-to-number (match-string 4))))
-            ((match-beginning 5)
-             ;; Hook to change file name
-             (rplaca TeX-error-file (match-string-no-properties 5)))
-            ((match-beginning 6)
-             (let ((var
-                    (assoc (match-string-no-properties 6)
-                           preview-parse-variables))
-                   (offset (- (match-beginning 0) (match-beginning 7)))
-                   (str (match-string-no-properties 7)))
-               ;; paste together continuation lines:
-               (while (= (- (length str) offset) 79)
-                 (search-forward-regexp "^\\([^\n\r]*\\)\r?$")
-                 (setq offset (- (length str))
-                       str (concat str (match-string-no-properties 1))))
-               (when (and var
-                          (string-match (nth 2 var) str))
-                 (set (nth 1 var)
-                      (funcall (nth 4 var)
-                               (match-string-no-properties
-                                (nth 3 var)
-                                str))))))))
+                                     (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+                           ;; And a string of the context to search for.
+                           string (and line (match-string 3))
+                           after-string (and line (buffer-substring
+                                                   (+ (match-beginning 4)
+                                                      (- (match-end 3)
+                                                         (match-beginning 0)))
+                                                   (match-end 4)))
+                           ;; And we have now found to the end of the context.
+                           context (buffer-substring context-start (point))
+                           ;; We may use these in another buffer.
+                           offset (car TeX-error-offset)
+                           file (car TeX-error-file))
+                     (when (and (stringp file)
+                                (or (string= file "<none>")
+                                    (TeX-match-extension file)))
+                       ;; if we are the first time round, check for fast hooks:
+                       (when (null parsestate)
+                         (setq open-data
+                               (save-excursion (funcall open-closure))
+                               tempdir TeX-active-tempdir)
+                         (dolist
+                             (lst (if (listp TeX-translate-location-hook)
+                                      TeX-translate-location-hook
+                                    (list TeX-translate-location-hook)))
+                           (let ((fast
+                                  (and (symbolp lst)
+                                       (get lst 'TeX-translate-via-list))))
+                             (if fast
+                                 (setq fast-hook
+                                       (nconc fast-hook (list fast)))
+                               (setq slow-hook
+                                     (nconc slow-hook (list lst)))))))
+                       (condition-case err
+                           (save-excursion (run-hooks 'slow-hook))
+                         (error (preview-log-error err "Translation hook")))
+                       (push (vector file (+ line offset)
+                                     string after-string
+                                     snippet box counters) parsestate)))
+                 ;; else normal error message
+                 (forward-line)
+                 (re-search-forward "^l\\.[0-9]" nil t)
+                 (forward-line 2)))
+              ((match-beginning 2)
+               ;; New file -- Push on stack
+               (push (match-string-no-properties 2) TeX-error-file)
+               (push 0 TeX-error-offset)
+               (goto-char (match-end 2)))
+              ((match-beginning 3)
+               ;; End of file -- Pop from stack
+               (pop TeX-error-file)
+               (pop TeX-error-offset)
+               (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
+              ((match-beginning 4)
+               ;; Hook to change line numbers
+               (rplaca TeX-error-offset
+                       (string-to-number (match-string 4))))
+              ((match-beginning 5)
+               ;; Hook to change file name
+               (rplaca TeX-error-file (match-string-no-properties 5)))
+              ((match-beginning 6)
+               (let ((var
+                      (assoc (match-string-no-properties 6)
+                             preview-parse-variables))
+                     (offset (- (match-beginning 0) (match-beginning 7)))
+                     (str (match-string-no-properties 7)))
+                 ;; paste together continuation lines:
+                 (while (= (- (length str) offset) 79)
+                   (search-forward-regexp "^\\([^\n\r]*\\)\r?$")
+                   (setq offset (- (length str))
+                         str (concat str (match-string-no-properties 1))))
+                 (when (and var
+                            (string-match (nth 2 var) str))
+                   (set (nth 1 var)
+                        (funcall (nth 4 var)
+                                 (match-string-no-properties
+                                  (nth 3 var)
+                                  str))))))))
+           (when (null parsestate)
+             (error "LaTeX found no preview images")))
-             (if (null parsestate)
-                 (error "LaTeX found no preview images"))
              (setq parsestate (nreverse parsestate))
              (condition-case err
                  (dolist (fun fast-hook)
@@ -3418,7 +3421,7 @@
 (defconst preview-version (eval-when-compile
   (let ((name "$Name:  $")
-       (rev "$Revision: 1.257 $"))
+       (rev "$Revision: 1.258 $"))
     (or (if (string-match "\\`[$]Name: *\\([^ ]+\\) *[$]\\'" name)
            (match-string 1 name))
        (if (string-match "\\`[$]Revision: *\\([^ ]+\\) *[$]\\'" rev)
@@ -3429,7 +3432,7 @@
 (defconst preview-release-date
-    (let ((date "$Date: 2005/05/23 23:11:02 $"))
+    (let ((date "$Date: 2005/06/17 23:03:56 $"))
        "\\`[$]Date: *\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)"

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