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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/tex.el

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/tex.el
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 10:28:30 +0000

Index: auctex/tex.el
diff -u auctex/tex.el:5.559 auctex/tex.el:5.560
--- auctex/tex.el:5.559 Tue Feb  7 10:14:58 2006
+++ auctex/tex.el       Wed Feb  8 10:28:30 2006
@@ -3070,6 +3070,9 @@
 (defcustom TeX-kpathsea-format-alist
   '(("tex" "${TEXINPUTS.latex}" TeX-file-extensions)
     ("sty" "${TEXINPUTS.latex}" '("sty"))
+    ("dvi" "${TEXDOCS}" '("dvi" "pdf" "ps" "txt" "html"
+                         "dvi.gz" "pdf.gz" "ps.gz" "txt.gz" "html.gz"
+                         "dvi.bz2" "pdf.bz2" "ps.bz2" "txt.bz2" "html.bz2"))
     ("eps" "${TEXINPUTS}" LaTeX-includegraphics-extensions)
     ("pdf" "${TEXINPUTS}" LaTeX-includegraphics-extensions)
     ("png" "${TEXINPUTS}" LaTeX-includegraphics-extensions)
@@ -4647,11 +4650,6 @@
       (if arg (forward-sexp (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
       (insert TeX-grcl))))
-(defun TeX-goto-info-page ()
-  "Read documentation for AUCTeX in the info system."
-  (interactive)
-  (info "auctex"))
 (defun TeX-submit-bug-report ()
   "Submit a bug report on AUCTeX via mail.
@@ -4689,6 +4687,108 @@
 Your bug report will be posted to the AUCTeX bug reporting list.
+;;; Documentation
+(defun TeX-goto-info-page ()
+  "Read documentation for AUCTeX in the info system."
+  (interactive)
+  (info "auctex"))
+(autoload 'Info-find-file "info")
+(autoload 'info-lookup->completions "info-look")
+(defvar TeX-doc-backend-alist
+  '((texdoc (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode)
+           (lambda ()
+             (when (executable-find "texdoc")
+               (TeX-search-files nil '("dvi" "pdf" "ps" "txt" "html") t t)))
+           (lambda (doc)
+             (call-process "texdoc" nil 0 nil doc)))
+    (latex-info (latex-mode)
+               (lambda ()
+                 (when (Info-find-file "latex" t)
+                   (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                             (let ((x (car x)))
+                               (if (string-match "\\`\\\\" x)
+                                   (substring x 1) x)))
+                           (info-lookup->completions 'symbol 'latex-mode))))
+               (lambda (doc)
+                 (info-lookup-symbol (concat "\\" doc) 'latex-mode)))
+    (texinfo-info (texinfo-mode)
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (when (Info-find-file "texinfo" t)
+                     (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                               (let ((x (car x)))
+                                 (if (string-match "\\`@" x)
+                                     (substring x 1) x)))
+                             (info-lookup->completions 'symbol
+                                                       'texinfo-mode))))
+                 (lambda (doc)
+                   (info-lookup-symbol (concat "@" doc) 'texinfo-mode))))
+  "Alist of backends used for looking up documentation.
+Each item consists of four elements.
+The first is a symbol describing the backend's name.
+The second is a list of modes the backend should be activated in.
+The third is a function returning a list of documents available
+to the backend.  It should return nil if the backend is not
+available, e.g. if a required executable is not present on the
+system in question.
+The fourth is a function for displaying the documentation.  The
+function should accept a single argument, the chosen package,
+command, or document name.")
+(defun TeX-doc (&optional name)
+  "Display documentation for string NAME."
+  (interactive)
+  (let (docs)
+    ;; Build the lists of available documentation used for completion.
+    (dolist (elt TeX-doc-backend-alist)
+      (when (memq major-mode (nth 1 elt))
+       (let ((completions (funcall (nth 2 elt))))
+         (unless (null completions)
+           (add-to-list 'docs (cons completions (nth 0 elt)))))))
+    (if (null docs)
+       (message "No documentation found")
+      ;; Ask the user about the package, command, or document.
+      (when (and (called-interactively-p)
+                (or (not name) (string= name "")))
+       (let ((symbol (thing-at-point 'symbol))
+             contained completions doc)
+         ;; Is the symbol at point contained in the lists of available
+         ;; documentation?
+         (setq contained (catch 'found
+                           (dolist (elt docs)
+                             (when (member symbol (car elt))
+                               (throw 'found t)))))
+         ;; Setup completion list in a format suitable for `completing-read'.
+         (dolist (elt docs)
+           (setq completions (nconc (mapcar 'list (car elt)) completions)))
+         ;; Query user.
+         (setq doc (completing-read
+                    (if contained
+                        (format "Package, command, or document (default %s): "
+                                symbol)
+                      "Package, command, or document: ")
+                    completions))
+         (setq name (if (string= doc "") symbol doc))))
+      (if (not name)
+         (message "No documentation specified")
+       ;; XXX: Provide way to choose in case a symbol can be found in
+       ;; more than one backend.
+       (let* ((backend (catch 'found
+                         (dolist (elt docs)
+                           (when (member name (car elt))
+                             (throw 'found (cdr elt)))))))
+         (if backend
+             (funcall (nth 3 (assoc backend TeX-doc-backend-alist)) name)
+           (message "Documentation not found")))))))
 ;;; Ispell Support
 ;; FIXME: Document those functions and variables.  -- rs

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