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[AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/style/biblatex.el,v

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] Changes to auctex/style/biblatex.el,v
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:57:50 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/auctex
Module name:    auctex
Changes by:     Tassilo Horn <tsdh>     13/02/18 10:57:49

Index: style/biblatex.el
RCS file: /sources/auctex/auctex/style/biblatex.el,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -b -r1.2 -r1.3
--- style/biblatex.el   12 Feb 2013 07:54:40 -0000      1.2
+++ style/biblatex.el   18 Feb 2013 10:57:49 -0000      1.3
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; biblatex.el --- AUCTeX style for `biblatex.sty'
+;;; biblatex.el --- AUCTeX style for `biblatex.sty' version 2.5.
 ;; Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This file adds support for `biblatex.sty'.
+;; This file adds support for `biblatex.sty' version 2.5.
 ;;; Code:
@@ -38,10 +38,140 @@
    (unless (or (member "backend=bibtex" TeX-active-styles)
               (member "backend=bibtex8" TeX-active-styles)
               (member "backend=bibtexu" TeX-active-styles))
-     (setq LaTeX-using-Biber t))))
+     (setq LaTeX-using-Biber t))
-;; TODO: Add package options.
-(defvar LaTeX-biblatex-package-options nil
+   (TeX-run-style-hooks
+    "etoolbox"
+    "keyval"
+    "kvoptions"
+    "logreq"
+    "ifthen"
+    "url")))
+(defvar LaTeX-biblatex-package-options-list
+  '(;;; Load-time Options
+    ("backend" ("biber" "bibtex" "bibtexu" "bibtex8"))
+    ("style" BibLaTeX-global-style-files)
+    ("bibstyle" BibLaTeX-global-style-files)
+    ("citestyle" BibLaTeX-global-style-files)
+    ("natbib" ("true" "false"))
+    ("mcite" ("true" "false"))
+    ;;; Preamble Options
+    ;; General
+    ("sorting" ("nty" "nyt" "nyvt" "anyt" "anyvt" "ynt" "ydnt" "none" "debug"))
+    ("sortcase" ("true" "false"))
+    ("sortupper" ("true" "false"))
+    ("sortlocale")
+    ("sortlos" ("bib" "los"))
+    ("related" ("true" "false"))
+    ("sortcites" ("true" "false"))
+    ("maxnames")
+    ("minnames")
+    ("maxbibnames")
+    ("minbibnames")
+    ("maxcitenames")
+    ("mincitenames")
+    ("maxitems")
+    ("minitems")
+    ("autocite" ("plain" "inline" "footnote" "superscript"))
+    ("autopunct" ("true" "false"))
+    ("language" ("auto" "catalan" "czech" "danish" "dutch" "american" "british"
+                "canadian" "australian" "newzealand" "finnish" "french"
+                "german" "austrian" "ngernam" "naustrian" "greek" "italian"
+                "norwegian" "brazilian" "portuguese" "russian" "spanish"
+                "swedish"))
+    ("clearlang" ("true" "false"))
+    ("babel" ("none" "hyphen" "other" "other*"))
+    ("block" ("none" "space" "par" "nbpar" "ragged"))
+    ("notetype" ("foot+end" "footonly" "endonly"))
+    ("hyperref" ("true" "false"))
+    ("backref" ("true" "false"))
+    ("backrefstyle" ("none" "three" "two" "two+" "three+" "all+"))
+    ("backrefsetstyle" ("setonly" "memonly" "setormem" "setandmem" "memandset" 
+    ("indexing" ("true" "false" "cite" "bib"))
+    ("loadfiles" ("true" "false"))
+    ("refsection" ("none" "part" "chapter" "section" "subsection"))
+    ("refsegment" ("none" "part" "chapter" "section" "subsection"))
+    ("citereset" ("none" "part" "chapter" "section" "subsection"))
+    ("abbreviate" ("true" "false"))
+    ("date" ("short" "long" "terse" "comp" "iso8601"))
+    ("origdate" ("short" "long" "terse" "comp" "iso8601"))
+    ("eventdate" ("short" "long" "terse" "comp" "iso8601"))
+    ("urldate" ("short" "long" "terse" "comp" "iso8601"))
+    ("alldates" ("short" "long" "terse" "comp" "iso8601"))
+    ("datezeros" ("true" "false"))
+    ("dateabbrev" ("true" "false"))
+    ("defernumbers" ("true" "false"))
+    ("punctfont" ("true" "false"))
+    ("arxiv" ("abs" "ps" "pdf" "format"))
+    ("texencoding" ("auto"))
+    ("bibencoding" ("auto"))
+    ("safeinputenc" ("true" "false"))
+    ("bibwarn" ("true" "false"))
+    ("mincrossrefs")
+    ;; Style-specific
+    ("isbn" ("true" "false"))
+    ("url" ("true" "false"))
+    ("doi" ("true" "false"))
+    ("eprint" ("true" "false"))
+    ;; Internal
+    ("pagetracker" ("true" "false" "page" "spread"))
+    ("citecounter" ("true" "false" "context"))
+    ("citetracker" ("true" "false" "context" "strict" "constrict"))
+    ("ibidtracker" ("true" "false" "context" "strict" "constrict"))
+    ("opcittracker" ("true" "false" "context" "strict" "constrict"))
+    ("loccittracker" ("true" "false" "context" "strict" "constrict"))
+    ("idemtracker" ("true" "false" "context" "strict" "constrict"))
+    ("parentracker" ("true" "false"))
+    ("maxparens")
+    ("firstinits" ("true" "false"))
+    ("sortfirstinits" ("true" "false"))
+    ("tersefirstinits" ("true" "false"))
+    ("labelalpha" ("true" "false"))
+    ("maxalphanames")
+    ("minalphanames")
+    ("labelnum" ("true" "false"))
+    ("labeltitle" ("true" "false"))
+    ("labeltitleyear" ("true" "false"))
+    ("labelyear" ("true" "false"))
+    ("singletitle" ("true" "false"))
+    ("uniquename" ("true" "false" "init" "full" "allinit" "allfull" "mininit" 
+    ("uniquelist" ("true" "false" "minyear"))
+    ;;; Entry Options
+    ;; Preamble/Type/Entry Options
+    ("useauthor" ("true" "false"))
+    ("useeditor" ("true" "false"))
+    ("usetranslator" ("true" "false"))
+    ("useprefix" ("true" "false"))
+    ("indexing" ("true" "false" "cite" "bib"))
+    ;; Type/Entry Options are not available globally.
+    ;; Legacy Options (deprecated)
+    ("openbib"))
   "Package options for the biblatex package.")
+(defun LaTeX-biblatex-package-options nil
+  "Prompt for package options for the biblatex package."
+  (unless BibLaTeX-global-style-files
+    (if (eq TeX-arg-input-file-search t)  ;; Treat `ask' value as `nil'.
+       ;; ...then, search for BibLaTeX styles.
+       (progn
+         (message "Searching for BibLaTeX styles...")
+         (setq BibLaTeX-global-style-files
+               (mapcar 'identity (TeX-search-files-by-type 'bbxinputs 'global 
t t))))
+      ;; ...else, use default BibLaTeX styles.
+      (setq BibLaTeX-global-style-files
+           '("numeric" "numeric-comp" "numeric-verb" "alphabetic"
+             "alphabetic-verb" "authoryear" "authoryear-comp" "authoryear-ibid"
+             "authoryear-icomp" "authortitle" "authortitle-comp"
+             "authortitle-ibid" "authortitle-icomp" "authortitle-terse"
+             "authortitle-tcomp" "authortitle-ticomp" "verbose" "verbose-ibid"
+             "verbose-note" "verbose-inote" "verbose-trad1" "verbose-trad2"
+             "verbose-trad3" "reading" "draft" "debug"))))
+  ;; Can't use directly `TeX-arg-key-val' because that would insert an empty
+  ;; `[]' after `\usepackage' when `options' is empty.
+  (let ((options (multi-prompt-key-value
+                 (TeX-argument-prompt optional "Options (k=v)" nil)
+                 LaTeX-biblatex-package-options-list)))
+    options))
 ;;; biblatex.el ends here

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