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[AUCTeX] auctex and amslatex (or amsmath)

From: P G L Porta Mana
Subject: [AUCTeX] auctex and amslatex (or amsmath)
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 00:14:44 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Hi everyone,

I wonder if someone can help me with the following problem: I'd like to have 
the amslatex environments "align", "gather", "matrix", etc. (as well as the 
other amslatex macros) available in auctex mode.

Note that my .emacs file does have the entries

 (require 'tex-site)
 (setq TeX-auto-save t)
 (setq TeX-parse-self t)
 (setq-default TeX-master nil)

which seem to be relevant for loading amsmath.el when typing C-c C-n or C-u C-c 
C-n (the "resetting" commands). Yet, even after I have typed those keys, the 
ams macros are not loaded - I don't see them in the LaTeX menu, nor do they 
appear if I try to complete a C-c C-e ("insert environment") command.

Until a couple of weeks ago I was using a 21.3 version of emacs with auctex 
11.14, on a PC with windows xp, and everything worked fine. Now I have 
installed the pre-compiled emacs + auctex 11.82 for MS windows which 
can be found on the auctex homepage, and I have the problem described above. I 
wonder whether I need to configure my .emacs (or the general site-start.d 
directory) in a different way, or whether it is a bug of the pre-compiled 

Further, hopefully relevant, notes:

- amsmath.el (and .elc) is in the emacs\site-lisp\auctex\style\ directory;

- nothing happens if I issue a "M-x load-file" to load amsmath.el from its 

- each one of my .tex files has a call to the amsmath package, and has moreover 
a respective .el file in the local style\ directory; all these files 
contain "amsmath" under "TeX-run-style-hooks";

- the general site-start.d directory contains header.el, preview-latex.el, 
auctex.el, and gnuserv.el;

- if, in my .emacs file, I UNcomment both of the lines

 ;(autoload 'amsmath-mode     "amsmath")
 ;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook  'amsmath-mode)

then preview-latex does not work anymore (why??). Those lines where there, 
uncommented, when I had the 21.3 version of emacs and 11.14 of auctex.

I attach my .emacs file (NB: some lines got broken in the copy&paste process), 
AUCTeX info got from "TeX-submit-bug-report", and emacs info got from "Send-bug-

Hope someone can help or give some hints! Thank you in advance anyway!

(PS: does someone knows if the pre-compiled version emacs+auctex for MS windows 
has bugs related with bibtex.el as well?)

===== .emacs ==========================================================

;(global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-line)
;(global-set-key [end] 'end-of-line)
(global-set-key [S-home] 'beginning-of-buffer)
(global-set-key [S-end] 'end-of-buffer)
;(global-set-key [backspace] 'delete-backward-char)
;(global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)

(global-set-key [S-backspace] 'backward-kill-paragraph)
(global-set-key [S-delete] 'kill-paragraph)
;(global-set-key [S-backspace] 'backward-kill-word)
;(global-set-key [S-delete] 'kill-word)
;(global-set-key [S-backspace] 'backward-kill-word)
;(global-set-key [S-delete] 'kill-word)
;(global-set-key [S-up] 'backward-paragraph)
;(global-set-key [S-down] 'forward-paragraph)
(global-set-key [S-left] 'backward-sentence)
(global-set-key [S-right] 'forward-sentence)

(global-set-key [f5] 'find-file)
;(global-set-key [f2] 'revert-buffer)
;(global-set-key [f4] 'load-file)
(global-set-key [f6] 'save-buffer)
(global-set-key [f7] 'write-file)
;(global-set-key [f9] 'abbrev-mode)
(global-set-key [f8] 'auto-fill-mode)
(global-set-key [f9] 'iso-accents-mode)

(global-set-key [?\C-x f11] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
(global-unset-key [?\C-x ?\C-c])

;; Translate <DEL> to `C-h'.
;(keyboard-translate ?\C-? ?\C-h)

;; Translate `C-h' to <DEL>.
;(keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)

;(require 'gnuserv)
(setq gnuserv-frame (selected-frame))

;(setenv "GNUSERV_SHOW_EMACS" "1") 

(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'LaTeX-install-toolbar)

;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex); with AUCTeX LaTeX mode
;(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex); with Emacs latex mode

(require 'tex-mik)

(require 'tex-site)
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
(setq-default TeX-master nil)

;(setq tex-dvi-print-command
;         '(format "lpr -P%s" (read-string "Use printer: ")))
;(setq print-buffer-command
;         '(format "lpr -P%s" (read-string "Use printer: ")))
;; (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-
(add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "C:/usr/local/info/")

;; (autoload 'reftex-mode     "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" t)
;; (autoload 'turn-on-reftex  "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" nil)
;; (autoload 'reftex-citation "reftex-cite" "Make citation" nil)

 (autoload 'reftex-index-phrase-mode "reftex-index" "Phrase mode" t)
;; (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with AUCTeX LaTeX mode
;; (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with Emacs latex mode
 (add-hook 'bibtex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with Emacs latex mode

(add-hook 'TeX-language-uk-hook
          (function (lambda () (ispell-change-dictionary "british"))))

;; (setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t)
;; (setq reftex-save-parse-info t)
;; (setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t)

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

;; (setq LaTeX-section-hook
;;                 '(LaTeX-section-heading
;;                   LaTeX-section-title
;;                   LaTeX-section-toc
;;                   LaTeX-section-section
;;                   LaTeX-section-label))

(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)

;(set-language-environment "Latin-1")

;(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)

;(set-background-color "lightgreen")
;(set-foreground-color "white")
;(set-cursor-color "black")

(setq frame-title-format "%b")
;(autoload 'amsmath-mode     "amsmath")
;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook  'amsmath-mode)

;;settings for bib-cite.el (provided with auctex)

 (require 'imenu)
 (define-key global-map [S-mouse-3] 'imenu)
 (autoload 'turn-on-bib-cite "bib-cite")
 (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-bib-cite)

; (defvar mouse-wheel-scroll-window-under-mouse t
;   "*When non-nil, wheel scrolling affects window beneath the mouse pointer,
; else the current buffer.")

;; (defun mouse-wheel-scroll-line (event)
;;   "Scroll the current buffer by `mouse-wheel-scroll-amount'.
;; If mouse-wheel-scroll-window-under-mouse is non-nil, scroll the window
;; beneath the mouse pointer, else scroll current buffer."
;;   (interactive "e")
;;   (let ((owin (selected-window)))
;;     (save-excursion
;;       (and mouse-wheel-scroll-window-under-mouse
;;         (condition-case nil
;;             (mouse-set-point event)
;;           (error nil)))
;;       (condition-case nil
;;        (if (< (car (cdr (cdr event))) 0)
;;            (scroll-up mouse-wheel-scroll-amount)
;;          (scroll-down mouse-wheel-scroll-amount))
;;      (error nil)))
;;     (or (eq owin (selected-window))
;;      (select-window owin))))

;; (defun mouse-wheel-scroll-screen (event)
;;   "Scroll buffer by `mouse-wheel-scroll-amount'.
;; If mouse-wheel-scroll-window-under-mouse is non-nil, scroll the window
;; beneath the mouse pointer, else scroll current buffer."
;;   (interactive "e")
;;   (let ((owin (selected-window)))
;;     (save-excursion
;;       (and mouse-wheel-scroll-window-under-mouse
;;         (condition-case nil
;;             (mouse-set-point event)
;;           (error nil)))
;;       (condition-case nil
;;        (if (< (car (cdr (cdr event))) 0)
;;            (scroll-up)
;;          (scroll-down))
;;      (error nil)))
;;     (or (eq owin (selected-window))
;;      (select-window owin))))

;; Makes URL's clickable
;(global-set-key [down-mouse-3] 'browse-url-at-mouse)

;; Make nice, informative headers in your files 
;; In the beginning of this file is an example of a header.

;(setq-default save-place t)
;(require 'saveplace)

;(load "header") ; M-x make-header 

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(LaTeX-default-environment "gather")
 '(LaTeX-default-style "revtex4")
 '(LaTeX-indent-environment-check nil)
 '(LaTeX-indent-level 0)
 '(LaTeX-item-indent 0)
 '(LaTeX-left-right-indent-level 0)
 '(LaTeX-style-list (quote (("book") ("article") ("letter") ("slides") 
("report") ("revtex4"))))
 '(PC-include-file-path (quote ("/usr/include" "/usr/local/include")))
 '(PC-meta-flag nil)
 '(TeX-auto-global "@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/auto/")
 '(TeX-auto-parse-length 9999999)
; '(TeX-auto-save t)
 '(TeX-brace-indent-level 0)
 '(TeX-braces-user-association (quote (("\\{" . "\\}") ("(" . ")") ("[" . "]") 
("\\langle" . "\\rangle"))))
 '(TeX-command-list (quote (("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %S%(PDFout) \"%(mode)\\input %
t\"" TeX-run-TeX nil (plain-tex-mode texinfo-mode ams-tex-mode) :help "Run 
plain TeX") ("LaTeX" "%l \"%(mode)\\input{%t}\"" TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode 
doctex-mode) :help "Run LaTeX") ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %t" TeX-run-compile nil 
(texinfo-mode) :help "Run Makeinfo with Info output") ("Makeinfo 
HTML" "makeinfo --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-mode) :help "Run 
Makeinfo with HTML output") ("AmSTeX" "%(PDF)amstex %S%(PDFout) \"%(mode)
\\input %t\"" TeX-run-TeX nil (ams-tex-mode) :help "Run AMSTeX") 
("ConTeXt" "texexec --once --texutil %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil (context-
mode) :help "Run ConTeXt once") ("ConTeXt Full" "texexec %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-
TeX nil (context-mode) :help "Run ConTeXt until completion") ("ConTeXt 
Clean" "texutil --purgeall" TeX-run-interactive nil (context-mode) :help "Clean 
temporary ConTeXt files") ("BibTeX" "bibtex %s" TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help "Run 
BibTeX") ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard nil t :help "Run Viewer") ("Print" "%p" 
TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file") ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background 
nil t :help "View the printer queue" :visible TeX-queue-command) ("PDFFile" "%
(o?)dvipdfm %d" TeX-run-command t t :help "Generate PDF file") ("PSFile" "%(o?)
dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-command t t :help "Generate PostScript file") 
("Index" "makeindex %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Create index file") 
("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) :help "Check LaTeX file 
for correctness") ("Spell" "<ignored>" TeX-run-ispell-on-document nil 
t :help "Spell-check the document") ("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help "Run 
an arbitrary command"))))
 '(TeX-file-extensions (quote ("tex" "sty" "cls" "ltx" "texi" "texinfo" "bib")))
 '(TeX-lisp-directory "@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/" t)
; '(TeX-master nil)
 '(TeX-open-quote "``")
; '(TeX-parse-self t)
 '(TeX-source-specials-mode t)
 '(TeX-source-specials-places (quote 
("cr" "display" "hbox" "math" "par" "parend" "vbox")))
 '(TeX-source-specials-view-editor-flags "" t)
 '(TeX-style-global "@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/style/")
 '(TeX-style-path (quote ("@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-
lisp/auctex/style/" "@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-
lisp/auctex/auto/" "style/" "auto/" "@AUCDIR/styles/" "@AUCDIR/auto/")))
 '(auto-save-default t)
 '(auto-save-interval 60)
 '(auto-save-list-file-prefix "~/_emacs.d/auto-save-list/_saves-")
 '(auto-show-mode t)
 '(auto-show-show-left-margin-threshold 0)
 '(bibtex-autokey-additional-names "etal")
 '(bibtex-autokey-name-change-strings (quote (("\\\\aa" . "aa") 
("\\\\AA" . "Aa") ("\\\"a\\|\\\\\\\"a\\|\\\\ae" . "ae") 
("\\\"A\\|\\\\\\\"A\\|\\\\AE" . "Ae") ("\\\\i" . "i") ("\\\\j" . "j") 
("\\\\l" . "l") ("\\\\L" . "L") ("\\\"o\\|\\\\\\\"o\\|\\\\o\\|\\\\oe" . "oe") 
("\\\"O\\|\\\\\\\"O\\|\\\\O\\|\\\\OE" . "Oe") 
("\\\"s\\|\\\\\\\"s\\|\\\\3" . "ss") ("\\\"u\\|\\\\\\\"u" . "ue") 
("\\\"U\\|\\\\\\\"U" . "Ue") ("\\\"E\\|\\\\\\\"E" . "E") 
("\\\"e\\|\\\\\\\"e" . "e") 
\\t\\|\\\\c\\|\\\\d\\|\\\\b" . "") ("[`'\"{}#]" . "") ("\\\\?[  
]+\\|~" . " "))))
 '(bibtex-autokey-names 1)
 '(bibtex-autokey-titleword-length 0)
 '(bibtex-autokey-titlewords 0)
 '(bibtex-autokey-titlewords-stretch 0)
 '(bibtex-autokey-year-length 4)
 '(bibtex-entry-format (quote (opts-or-alts inherit-booktitle realign last-
 '(bibtex-include-OPTkey nil)
 '(bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries t)
 '(bibtex-parse-keys-fast nil)
 '(bibtex-parse-keys-timeout 60)
 '(bibtex-user-optional-fields (quote (("annote" "Personal annotation 
(ignored)") ("note" "note with eprint" "{\\arxiveprint{}}") ("abstract" "") 
("other" ""))))
 '(blink-matching-paren t)
 '(blink-matching-paren-dont-ignore-comments nil)
 '(blink-matching-paren-on-screen t)
 '(calendar-date-display-form (quote ((if dayname (concat dayname ", ")) 
day " " monthname " " year)))
 '(calendar-holiday-marker (quote holiday-face))
 '(calendar-latitude 39.2)
 '(calendar-longitude 9.2)
 '(calendar-time-display-form (quote (24-hours ":" minutes (if time-zone " (") 
time-zone (if time-zone ")"))))
 '(calendar-week-start-day 1)
 '(case-fold-search t)
 '(case-replace t)
 '(column-number-mode t)
 '(current-language-environment "Latin-1")
 '(custom-theme-directory "~/_emacs.d/")
 '(default-frame-alist (quote ((tool-bar-lines . 0) (vertical-scroll-bars . 
right) (menu-bar-lines . 1) (width . 67) (height . 43) (background-
color . "#e9ffe9"))))
 '(default-input-method "latin-1-prefix")
 '(delete-auto-save-files nil)
 '(delete-selection-mode nil)
 '(diary-date-forms (quote ((month "/" day "[^/0-9]") (month "/" day "/" 
year "[^0-9]") (monthname " *" day "[^,0-9]") (monthname " *" day ", *" 
year "[^0-9]") (dayname "\\W") (year "-" month "-" day))))
 '(diary-mail-addr "address@hidden")
 '(dired-kept-versions 4)
 '(display-time-24hr-format t)
 '(display-time-day-and-date t)
 '(display-time-format nil)
 '(display-time-mail-file "non-nil")
 '(display-time-string-forms (quote ((if (and (not display-time-format) display-
time-day-and-date) (format-time-string "%a %b %e " now) "") (format-time-string 
(or display-time-format (if display-time-24hr-format "%H:%M" "%-I:%M%p"))))))
 '(enable-local-eval t)
 '(european-calendar-style t)
 '(european-date-diary-pattern (quote ((day "/" month "[^/0-9]") (day "/" 
month "/" year "[^0-9]") (day " *" monthname "\\W+\\<[^*0-9]") (day " *" 
monthname " *" year "[^0-9]") (dayname "\\W") (year "-" month "-" day))))
 '(file-precious-flag t)
 '(fill-column 65)
 '(flyspell-multi-language-p t)
 '(focus-follows-mouse t)
 '(fontset-default-styles (quote (bold italic bold-italic)))
 '(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock))
 '(help-char 8)
 '(highlight-nonselected-windows t)
 '(inhibit-splash-screen t)
 '(initial-frame-alist (quote ((vertical-scroll-bars . right) (menu-bar-lines . 
1) (top . 0) (left . 0))))
 '(ispell-personal-dictionary "~/_ispell_british")
 '(kept-new-versions 5)
 '(kept-old-versions 2)
 '(line-number-mode t)
 '(mail-archive-file-name "Rmail")
 '(mail-default-headers nil)
 '(mail-extr-ignore-single-names nil)
 '(mail-from-style (quote angles))
 '(mail-indentation-spaces 2)
 '(mail-use-rfc822 t)
 '(make-backup-files t)
 '(meta-prefix-char 27)
 '(mouse-avoidance-mode nil nil (avoid))
 '(mouse-sel-mode t)
 '(mouse-wheel-follow-mouse t)
 '(mouse-wheel-mode t nil (mwheel))
 '(mouse-yank-at-point t)
 '(next-line-add-newlines nil)
 '(next-screen-context-lines 2)
 '(paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)
 '(partial-completion-mode t)
 '(printer-name "\\\\WPRS\\opqc")
 '(ps-lpr-command "gsprint.exe")
 '(ps-printer-name nil)
 '(ps-printer-name-option "Opir")
 '(query-replace-highlight t)
 '(reftex-cite-format (quote ((13 . "~\\citey{%l}") (112 . "~\\citep{%l}") 
(116 . "\\citet{%l}") (117 . "\\citealp{%l}") (84 . "\\citet*{%l}") 
(80 . "~\\citep*{%l}") (115 . "\\citealt{%l}") (85 . "\\citealp*{%l}") 
(83 . "\\citealt*{%l}") (97 . "\\citeauthor{%l}") (65 . "\\citeauthor*{%l}") 
(111 . "~\\onlinecite{%l}") (120 . "\\nocite{%l}") (89 . "~\\citeyear{%l}") 
(121 . "~\\citey{%l}") (105 . "\\citein{%l}") (110 . "%2a~\\citey{%l}") (78 . "%
 '(reftex-cite-punctuation (quote (", " " and " " \\etal")))
 '(reftex-default-bibliography (quote ("bibliography.bib")))
 '(reftex-default-label-alist-entries (quote (AMSTeX amsmath endnotes fancybox 
floatfig longtable picinpar rotating sidecap subfigure supertab wrapfig LaTeX)))
 '(reftex-derive-label-parameters (quote (2 20 t 1 "-" 
("the" "on" "in" "off" "a" "for" "by" "of" "and" "is" "to") t)))
 '(reftex-insert-label-flags (quote (nil t)))
 '(reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
 '(reftex-sort-bibtex-matches nil)
 '(reftex-toc-keep-other-windows nil)
 '(require-final-newline nil)
 '(rmail-delete-after-output nil)
 '(rmail-enable-mime t)
 '(rmail-preserve-inbox t)
 '(save-place t nil (saveplace))
 '(save-place-file "~\\_emacs-places")
 '(scroll-bar-mode (quote right))
 '(scroll-margin 0)
 '(scroll-step 0)
 '(search-exit-option t)
 '(search-highlight t)
 '(search-nonincremental-instead t)
 '(search-upper-case t)
 '(sentence-end "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\|     \\| \\)[        
 '(sentence-end-double-space nil)
 '(show-paren-mode t)
 '(show-paren-style (quote parenthesis))
 '(tab-width 8)
 '(tar-mode-show-date t)
 '(tex-dvi-print-command "lpr -d")
 '(tex-dvi-view-command "xdvi")
 '(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify)))
 '(track-eol nil)
 '(transient-mark-mode t)
 '(truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
 '(type-break-demo-functions (quote (type-break-demo-boring)))
 '(type-break-good-rest-interval 600)
 '(type-break-interval 3000)
 '(type-break-keystroke-warning-intervals (quote (200)))
 '(type-break-mode t nil (type-break))
 '(type-break-mode-line-message-mode nil)
 '(type-break-query-interval 60)
 '(type-break-query-mode nil)
 '(type-break-time-warning-intervals (quote (120)))
 '(user-full-name "P. G. L.  Porta Mana")
 '(user-mail-address "address@hidden")
 '(version-control nil)
 '(windmove-wrap-around t)
 '(winner-mode nil nil (winner)))
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.

(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

===== AUCTeX info ==================================================

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2005-12-18 on NEUTRINO
Package: 11.82

current state:
 AUCTeX-date "2005-12-17"
 window-system 'w32
 LaTeX-version "2e"
 TeX-style-path '("@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-
lisp/auctex/style/" "@PROGRAMS/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/auto/" "style/"
                  "auto/" "@AUCDIR/styles/" "@AUCDIR/auto/")
 TeX-auto-save t
 TeX-parse-self t
 TeX-master nil
 TeX-command-list '(("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %S%(PDFout) \"%(mode)\\input %t\"" TeX-
run-TeX nil
                     (plain-tex-mode texinfo-mode ams-tex-mode) :help "Run 
plain TeX")
                    ("LaTeX" "%l \"%(mode)\\input{%t}\"" TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-
mode doctex-mode) :help
                     "Run LaTeX")
                    ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %t" TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-
mode) :help
                     "Run Makeinfo with Info output")
                    ("Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil 
(texinfo-mode) :help
                     "Run Makeinfo with HTML output")
                    ("AmSTeX" "%(PDF)amstex %S%(PDFout) \"%(mode)\\input %t\"" 
TeX-run-TeX nil (ams-tex-mode)
                     :help "Run AMSTeX")
                    ("ConTeXt" "texexec --once --texutil %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-
TeX nil (context-mode) :help
                     "Run ConTeXt once")
                    ("ConTeXt Full" "texexec %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil 
(context-mode) :help
                     "Run ConTeXt until completion")
                    ("ConTeXt Clean" "texutil --purgeall" TeX-run-interactive 
nil (context-mode) :help
                     "Clean temporary ConTeXt files")
                    ("BibTeX" "bibtex %s" TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help "Run 
                    ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard nil t :help "Run Viewer")
                    ("Print" "%p" TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file")
                    ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background nil t :help "View the 
printer queue" :visible
                    ("PDFFile" "%(o?)dvipdfm %d" TeX-run-command t 
t :help "Generate PDF file")
                    ("PSFile" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-command t 
t :help "Generate PostScript file")
                    ("Index" "makeindex %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Create 
index file")
                    ("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) :help
                     "Check LaTeX file for correctness")
                    ("Spell" "<ignored>" TeX-run-ispell-on-document nil 
t :help "Spell-check the document")
                    ("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help "Run an arbitrary 

======== Emacs info ===================================================

In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2005-12-18 on NEUTRINO
X server distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
configured using `configure --with-gcc (3.4) --cflags -

Important settings:
  value of $LC_ALL: nil
  value of $LC_COLLATE: nil
  value of $LC_CTYPE: nil
  value of $LC_MESSAGES: nil
  value of $LC_MONETARY: nil
  value of $LC_NUMERIC: nil
  value of $LC_TIME: nil
  value of $LANG: en_GB
  locale-coding-system: cp1252
  default-enable-multibyte-characters: t

Major mode: LaTeX/S

Minor modes in effect:
  TeX-source-specials-mode: t
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  unify-8859-on-encoding-mode: t
  utf-translate-cjk-mode: t
  column-number-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

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