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[AUCTeX] post-installation: how to invoke auctex.

From: Søren Christensen
Subject: [AUCTeX] post-installation: how to invoke auctex.
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:28:51 +0100

Finally I got through the installation, ./configure, make and make install -- 
without error-messages. The info-pages of AUCTeX and preview are all available.

But loading a TeX-file does not give me the "LaTeX" and "Preview" menu, and the 
auctex-commands are not available.

I guess I've missed a simple thing, but I can't figure out what.

In my .emacs I've put the following lines:

(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
(setq-default TeX-master nil)
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
(setq-default TeX-master nil)

and at start-up, emacs does not complain.

But if I add the lines:
(load "auctex.el" nil t t)
(load "preview-latex.el" nil t t)

loading .emacs does result in error-messages.

What's missing?

Best regards
Søren Christensen
Hvamvej 95, Gl. Hvam, 9620 Ålestrup
+45 22 80 35 17

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