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[Audiodo-develop] Sec.

From: Roger Carr
Subject: [Audiodo-develop] Sec.
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:42:25 -0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

I've had very-very few "personal" posts.
I do believe that time will heal all and i hope it does for your, sooner rather than later.
You can of course share it here with a different name or hold your peace for ever.
perhaps because i feel that i will keep giving those that i leave, some kind of hope, if i keep in touch with them. Most of them have grown to be wonderful women in their own right and making a life for themselves. You can of course share it here with a different name or hold your peace for ever. It's a tricky question this one. I spoke to some of my colleagues and they agree that just like relationships and life in general, its a cycle.
Maybe that's why blogging isn't natural to me.
I don't do that at work and in life I try not too follow the crowd too much.
we still contact with each other and still cherish the moment we spend together.
When I read my fellow blogger's posts, they just seem to have so much to share with the world.
Honestly I don't know.
I'm at a spot where I believe a blog mirrors its owner. i still keep in touch with my ex. But if the friendships start to interfere with our lives or becomes hurdles and actually prevent us from moving on properly, then it's just not worth it!
welcome back i dont have trouble with ex-s.
Hope you rediscover the pleasure of blogging. time does heal and i hold on to that. i have my pride, yes? Honestly I don't even know who am I. I've got people asking me why aren't I blogging anymore and I keep giving excuses. at least you can improve your writing skills. Some do say that the flaws in a person is actually what makes that person perfect.
Don't worry, you'll only have to. at least you can improve your writing skills.
For those who have entered the wonderful world of marriage, was or is there still someone out there which you wish could be friends with now? won't be able to answer you this time because i've never been in a girl-boy relationship in which the both of us are more than just friends. But if the friendships start to interfere with our lives or becomes hurdles and actually prevent us from moving on properly, then it's just not worth it!
It's a statement we all have heard so many times yet it may not be applicable to anyone all the time.
It's really quite easy,.
made me reconsider the whole lets-keep-it-cordial business under a whole new light.

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