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Re: Autoconf and CVS

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: Re: Autoconf and CVS
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 10:26:10 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 24 Dec 2005, Daniel Pekelharing wrote:

Interesting thought: Wouldn't it get annoying if many devs are working
on one CVS controlled project, and they have different version
autotools, surely each time they commit their changes they're possibly
going to have conflicts? Which would make the files unusable? (until

Yes, this can be annoying. As a work-around you can include some sort of 'bootstrap' script so that developer's can immediately overwrite the version from CVS. Of course then changed files will be committed, and there will be thrashing in CVS. If the bootstrap script insists on certain versions of the autotools, then the thrashing should go away.

In some cases most of the project developers don't want to have anything to do with build maintenance. They just want to edit existing C/C++ source code. So the maintainer mode feature can be added to disable automatic rules, and only the actual build maintainer enables maintainer mode. The other developers don't even need to have any autotools installed. This is the method used on one of the projects I maintain, and it works fine.

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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