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Re: install-sh -C

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: install-sh -C
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 17:35:31 +0200

Certainly. But frequently in Automake tests the problem is as follows:
  do_something with $file
  touch stampfile
  do_something_else with $file
  ensure that $file is updated/not updated.

If the last command is done with `ls -1t', I either have to think about
the locale ordering in case that do_something_else finishes quickly
(i.e., in less than a second; even if it doesn't now, it will in a
couple of years).  Or I have to add another $sleep after the touch.
Or I use
  find stampfile -newer $file

which ensures me that $file is at least as new as stampfile.

OK, so I finally understand: you are ok with working with
"newer or as older", while I'm stating that using find or
ls is just the same when you are interested in "strictly
newer".  It is our usage that differs.

Hum.  Actually, are you sure "-newer" means what you claim?
"ensures me that $file is at least as new as stampfile" while
it seems to mean that it is strictly newer than stampfile.
At least on OSX:

     -newer file
True if the current file has a more recent last modification time
             than file.

address@hidden $ touch foo bar
address@hidden $ find foo -newer bar
address@hidden $ find bar -newer foo
address@hidden $ find . -newer foo
address@hidden $ find . -newer bar
address@hidden $

I used it in the attached patch.

Interresting thread (congratulations Sherlock!), but again, I fail to
see any added value to find compared to ls. If the result is undefined
because the time stamps are too close (read equal), then I don't care
about determinism.

So you prefer to add another $sleep in the above scenario.


+set -e
-. ./defs || exit 1
+. ./defs

I don't think `defs' is written to be `set -e' clean.  At least all
other tests only enable it after sourcing defs.

Agreed, but what do you suggest: proofreading defs so that it'd
be, or do as in the other tests?

Do as in the other tests.  You could also proofread, if you like.
But it will be a bit ugly.  For example you will have to write

| if test -n "$required"
| then
|         if ( bison --version ); then :; else exit 77; fi

instead of
|         ( bison --version ) || exit 77

because of the OpenBSD /bin/sh bug with `set -e' that is described in of-Builtins.html#index-g_t_0040command_007bset_007d-1240

Gee!  That's a new one :(  I know that

        false && echo

is not safe with -e (and actually, it does seem fair), but I did not

        false || echo

could be a problem.  BTW, the example in the Autoconf doc would
be much clearer (IMHO) with true and false instead of test.

I prefer the former, that's more factorized.

Factored!  Shame on me :(

I have some qualms about the Bourne compatibility initialization,
and whether it can be made `set -e'-clean.  I saw weird issues with
AIX /bin/sh in Libtool, but have not been able to get to the bottom
of those yet.  (I've been meaning to do that in order to be able to
write a helpful bug report to Autoconf.)

But working without -e is so dangerous too...

Here is my updated proposal.

Attachment: diffs.txt
Description: Text document

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