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[avr-chat] AVR ISP Error

From: Daniel Mayo
Subject: [avr-chat] AVR ISP Error
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:17:48 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

I just got two new AVR ISPs from Digikey and am getting this error when I try to connect to them via AVR Studio 4.11 Build 401 which seems to be the latest at atmel.com

"An AVRISP with firmware version 2.01 has been detected. The firmware corresponding to this installation of AVR Studio is 2.00. Press OK to launch the upgrade program to perform a downgrade, or Cancel without downgrading. NOTE! Correct operation is not guaranteed if a downgrade is not performed."
If I press Cancel it seems as though everything works.
If I press Ok, AVR Studio launches the Atmel STK500/AVRISP Upgrade program but after doing something to the AVRISP so that the LED goes out it then reports that no programmer could be found, and thus no update is performed, and then AVR Studio can't detect the AVRISP until I close AVR Studio AND cycle power to the AVRISP.

How do I get rid of either the first warning or the error updating so that I can resolve this?

I have looked online at atmel.com and avrfreaks.com, with no luck.

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