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[avr-chat] ADCW only returns 1023

From: Mikey Sklar
Subject: [avr-chat] ADCW only returns 1023
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 22:10:08 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.10i

I recently built a circuit board to measure the temperature of the
grease flowing through my car. The car is a old Mercedes running on
Waste Vegetable Oil from restaurant dumpsters. I was able to upload my
code and single step with gdb then I found a issue. The ADCW register
reports back 1023 despite my sensors running a wide range of values
between 1.9V - 5V.

Has anyone else seen this behavior before? 

- atmega169 (TQFP)
- avarice (v2.5)
- avr-gcc (4.0.2)
- avr-libc (1.4.5)
- avr-gdb (6.5)
- jtag clone serial based programmer (MK-I only)
- Mac OS/X 10.4.11


#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#define SENSORS 2       // three thermistors measuring temperature (0-2)

int main (void);

unsigned int adc_data;          //variable for ADC results
unsigned int illuminate;        //led display pattern

SIGNAL(SIG_ADC)                 //ADC ISR
        adc_data = ADCW;        //read all 10 bits into variable

        /* ADC data from thermistors translated into five different hex values.
           Hex values are stored for display to appropriate output LED port.
           Shows driver grease temperature by illuminating LEDs.
           The more LEDs that are on, the hotter the fuel is. */

        if ( adc_data <= 432 )
                illuminate = 0x00;      // less than 65F - all lights off
        else if ( adc_data > 432 && adc_data <= 530)
                illuminate = 0x01;      // 65F - 85F   bin: 0001  dec: 1  hex: 
        else if (adc_data > 530 && adc_data <= 770 )
                illuminate = 0x03;      // 85F - 105F  bin: 0011  dec: 3  hex: 
        else if (adc_data > 770 && adc_data <= 827)
                illuminate = 0x07;      // 105F - 125F bin: 0111  dec: 7  hex: 
        else if (adc_data > 827 && adc_data <= 1023)
                illuminate = 0x0F;      // 135F+       bin: 1111  dec: 0  hex: 
                illuminate = 0x00;      //error all lights off

        if ( ADMUX == 0 ) {
                PORTA = illuminate;     //store sensor results for display
        else if ( ADMUX == 1 )  {
                PORTC = illuminate;     //store sensor results for display
        else if ( ADMUX == 2 ) {
                PORTD = illuminate;     //store sensor results for display
        else {
                PORTA = 0x0A;           //MUX Error: 0101 (led pattern)
                PORTC = 0x0A;           //MUX Error: 0101 (led pattern)
                PORTD = 0x0A;           //MUX Error: 0101 (led pattern)

        // rotate through sensors
        if ( ADMUX < SENSORS  ) 
                ADMUX += 1;             //change mux to next sensor
                ADMUX = 0;              //reset mux to first sensor

        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x40; //start the next conversion


int main(void)
        DDRA=0x0F;              //LED output (first four pins)
        DDRC=0x0F;              //LED output (first four pins)
        DDRD=0x0F;              //LED output (first four pins)
        ADCSRA=0xCE;            //ADC on, /64, interrupt enable, and started
        ADMUX=0x00;             //ADC registers PF0, PF1, PF2 one at a time

        PORTA = 0x0F;           //power on: 1111 (led pattern)
        PORTC = 0x0F;           //power on: 1111 (led pattern)
        PORTD = 0x0F;           //power on: 1111 (led pattern)

        sei();                  //global interrupt enable bit

        while(1) {

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