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[avr-chat] Building ASF with GCC?

From: Rick Mann
Subject: [avr-chat] Building ASF with GCC?
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2013 16:47:23 -0700

I'm trying to build one of the ASF examples (the A3BU XPLAINED demo 
application). But I can't find instructions on using GCC. I checked the AVR 
Freaks forum, but search is failing me miserably (basic search turns up crappy 
results, advanced search, server keeps resetting the connection), and what few 
results I did find show another person with a similar question, and an 
unhelpful "check the forums" answer.

I try CDing to the gcc directory and typing make, but that fails miserably. 
Clearly the makefile is not properly set up:

 warning: #warning "device type not defined"

I looked quickly through the ASF docs, but it just says it supports GCC, 
doesn't say how to actually build with GCC.

<rant>FUCK. Every time I go to use some embedded development stuff like this, 
it's the same story. No comprehensive, straightforward, introductory recipe for 
how to get started. You have to comb through reams of docs, search and search 
against shitty search engines (google included), and post to forums and mailing 
lists and wait hours or days for a response. It took me forever to get up and 
running with the BlueGiga BLE112 modules.

I must be incredibly inept at this, but these things never come easily to me. 
I've been developing for decades, at all levels of architecture, and 
embedded-related seems to be the worst. I'm very glad for resources like 
avr-chat and AVR Freaks, but Atmel should get their shit together better. A 
single paragraph could fill the gap.</rant>


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