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Re: [avr-chat] Using a custom ISP programming tool

From: Ing. Daniel Rozsnyó
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Using a custom ISP programming tool
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:50:48 +0200
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One of the simpler approaches would be to emulate some simple serial line programmer - with a proxy program, which presents itself on a socket (which will be used by avrdude) and translate the high level commands to your bit toggling in actual hardware.

And later updates might move your software translation piece into the hardware side.


On 08/19/2014 05:14 PM, Sterling Peet wrote:

      I think that I need to write/modify a programmer definition in avrdude to 
write the firmware into an AVR project that I am working on.  I would like to 
avoid re-inventing the wheel where I can, and I am interested in suggestions 
regarding where to start and how to approach this problem.

      I have inherited a project that contains virgin ATmega328 behind an FPGA 
that needs to be programmed.  I do not easily have direct access the to pcb 
hardware.  I do know how the FPGA is connected to the ATmega328, and the FPGA 
has access to the SPI and Reset lines for the ATmega328.  I also know how to 
communicate with the FPGA over a UDP socket.  Currently, the FPGA can 
communicate with the ATmega328 using either SPI or UART, but the communication 
between the computer and the FPGA uses 32-bit words.

     It is likely that I can convince the FPGA engineer to make small firmware 
changes, if that makes programming the ATmega328 firmware significantly easier. 
 Unfortunately, I do not have the full control of the hardware design that I am 
used to having, so my normal method of using a standard AVRISP header and 
programmer tool is not an option.

    The FPGA engineer has provided me a script that toggles the reset line and 
demonstrates FPGA interaction described in the firmware programming section of 
the ATmega328 data sheet, so I believe I should be able to write some 
relatively basic plumbing code to connect between avrdude and the FPGA to 
program the ATmega328.

    How should I proceed?  Are there any recommendations for this type of setup?


Sterling Peet

Embedded Developer
Gamma-Ray Camera Group
CTA Gamma-Ray Observatory Development
School of Physics & Center for Relativistic Astrophysics
Georgia Institute of Technology
837 State Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30332-0430
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