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[avr-gcc-list] Help with interupt

From: Michael Hadianto
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Help with interupt
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 17:05:50 +0700 (JAVT)

Hi all,

I have problem using interupt, i using avrgcc function SIGNAL
but i have problem using it. I'am trying to use the function as time.
this is my program :

SIGNAL (SIG_OVERFLOW0)                  
  if (0x0000 == --time.t_count)         
    if ( 60 == ++time.sec )             
      if ( 60 == ++time.min )           
        if ( 24 == ++time.hour )        
         time.hour = 0x00;              
        time.min = 0x00;                
      time.sec = 0x00;                  
    time.t_count = 27;                  
    // Testing                          
    if (time.sec % 2)                 

this program works perfectly, and my led is blinking !
but in my main program won't start at all !, it keeps looping
in the first line. Here my init and i'm using AT90S8535 and
using clock 7.372 Mhz :

void Setup(void)
// definition of PWM, Ports, UART and Real-Time-Clock
  TCCR1A  = 0xA1;         // define timer1 as 8-bit PWM  
  TIFR    = 0x04;         // clear counter1 overflow flag  
  TIMSK   = 0x04;         // enable counter1 overflow interrupt
  TCNT1   = 0x00;         // set counter1 to zero      
  TCCR1B  = 0x00;         // PWM disabLED       
  TCCR0 = 0x05;           // Timer0 enabled, divide by 1024
  sbi(TIMSK, 0);          // Enable TCNT0 TOF interrupt

  PORTA  = 0x00;                //prepare port A as analog input
  DDRA   = 0x00;                // no pull ups
  PORTC   = 0x1F;         // Prepare Port C0-C4 as input and C5-C7
  DDRC    = 0xE0;         // as output (LED)
  PORTB   = 0x03;       // prepare port B0-B1 as ouput (LED) 
  DDRB    = 0x03;      
  PORTD   = 0xFF;         // Turn on internal pull-ups for PORTD 
  ADCSR=0x86;         // Single A/D conversion, fCK/64 

  time.sec = 0x00;
  time.min = 0x00;
  time.hour = 0x00;
  time.t_count = 27;
  UBRR = 0x03;
  sei();               // global interrupt enable 

and this in my main program (not all) 

int main(void)
         putstr("SMART BATTERY CHARGER NiMh");   
    for (;;)
        TERMINATION = 0x00;   
       SETBIT(PORTB,(LED0+LED1+LED2));// Turn all LEDs off    
        while ((PINC & (1<<PC4)));          // Wait until start pushed          
        while (!(CHKBIT(CHARGE_STATUS,ERROR)))
            if ((CHKBIT(CHARGE_STATUS,FAST)) &&
                TERMINATION = 0x00;
                CHARGE_STATUS = 0x00;            

when i activated the SEI(); my program won't start at all ? when i pressed
the start button (PORTC4) the program is looping up again so it give me
SMART BATTERY CHARGER NiMh massage again and again as long i pressed
the start button ?

but when i disabled the SEI(); my program work just fine, it works normal
only the time is not shown/work ? is my mistake at init ? I'm using
AVRGCC 3.2, or anyone can give me small function counting time using timer
overflow only, without using any interupt ?

Can anyone help me ?           


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