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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Extremly confusing behaviour... (Suspect compiler?, o

From: Mike Panetta
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Extremly confusing behaviour... (Suspect compiler?, optimization error?)
Date: 14 May 2003 12:32:16 -0400

Ok I have gone through the debugging process a bit more on this by
putting printfs, and IO bit twiddles in various places, namely the end
of srf08_read right before it returns (prints out the return value of
the function), and in the do {} while; loop itself (right after the call
to srf08_read).  And I get even more confusing results...  If I put a
printf in the do {} while(); loop to check the return value of
srf08_read(), the loop executes as expected!  If the printf is not
there, it does not work.  The printfs I added to the end of srf08_read
print messages that tell me the srf08_read is indeed returning what I
expect (the value 2) but for some reason the while (retval != 2) ALWAYS
thinks the retval is not equal to 2 UNLESS I put a printf in there. 
What could be causing this problem?  I think its a compiler error, I
have checked and rechecked, and I know that the function is working
correctly (everything checks out on my scope). I also know that I have
all my volatiles in the right places (I am not even using interrupts
yet, so why would I need them, esp if its only to check the return value
of a function!).  Needless to say this problem has got me stumped!  I
even tried upgrading the compiler to the latest snapshot to no avail.

If someone could help me understand my error, I would be greatly


PS: Not only will putting a printf in the do {} while(retval !=2); loop
make it work, but assigning ANY variable to be equal to retval will make
it work.  I think its a compiler optimization error.

On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 16:08, Mike Panetta wrote:
> I am trying to get some code to work that interfaces with some sonar
> modules, and I have run into a real odd problem.  If I write the code
> that accesses the sensors in a streight line (IE not in a for loop)
> the code just above it that polls one of the sensors to see if they are
> ready works.  If I write the sensor reading code in a for loop, it does
> not work at all.  The code that fails is not being changed by me in any
> way (I have no clue what the compiler may or may not be doing to it
> however) so I do not understand why in one case its failing, and in
> another it works fine.  I do not know if its a compiler bug, or maybe I
> am just stupidly overlooking something in my own code...  The code is
> attached, the exact bit of code I am referring to is between the #if 1,
> #else, and #endif compiler directives.  To sum it up, if I change the
> #if 1 to an #if 0 (to enable the inline code and disable the looped
> code) the code works fine.  If I leave it as #if 1 (to use the looped
> code) I never get to the 'printf("Gathering ping data from sensors.\n")'
> line.
> Thanks for any help,
> Mike
> ----

> #include <inttypes.h>
> #include <avr/io.h>
> #include <avr/twi.h>
> #include <avr/interrupt.h>
> #include <avr/signal.h>
> #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
> #include <avr/eeprom.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <usart.h>
> #include <i2c.h>
> #include <srf08.h>
> #include <delay.h>
> #define FOSC 14745600L // Crystal frequency in Hz.
> #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega16)
> #     define PORTSPI          PORTB
> #     define DDRSPI           DDRB
> #     define PMISO            PB6
> #     define PMOSI            PB5
> #     define PSCK                     PB7
> #     define PSS                      PB4
> #     define SIG_SS_INT       SIG_INTERRUPT2
> #     define SS_INT_PIN       INT0
> #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
> #     define PORTSPI          PORTB
> #     define DDRSPI           DDRB
> #     define PMISO            PB4
> #     define PMOSI            PB3
> #     define PSCK                     PB5
> #     define PSS                      PB2
> #     define SIG_SS_INT       SIG_INTERRUPT0
> #     define SS_INT_PIN       INT0
> #endif
> #define MAX_SENSORS 8
> #define MAX_BYTES     MAX_SENSORS * 2
> static uint8_t pingVals[MAX_BYTES];  // 16 bytes to store up to 8 sensor 
> values.
> static uint8_t SPIByteCounter;
> // Handle the SS line seperatly.  
> // This ISR is used to initialize the SPI state machine when we are selected,
> // and cleanup when we are deselected (if there is any cleanup)
> {
>       SPIByteCounter = 0;
> }
> // Handle the SPI communications here.  
> {
>       SPDR = pingVals[SPIByteCounter++];
>       if (SPIByteCounter >= MAX_BYTES)
>               SPIByteCounter = 0;
> }
> void
> SPIInit(void)
> {
>       // Configure the interrupt line connected to the SS pin.
>       MCUCR &= ~(_BV (ISC00) | _BV (ISC01)); // Clear config
>       MCUCR |= _BV (ISC01); // Make edge sensitive, falling edge
>       GIFR |= _BV(INTF0);   // Clear flag (just in case)
>       GICR |= _BV(INT0);        // Enable interrupt 0
>       // Configure the SPI as slave
>       DDRSPI |= _BV(PMISO); // Make MISO an ouput.
>       SPCR = _BV (SPIE) | _BV (SPE); //Enable SPI
> }
> int
> main (void)
> {
>       int32_t retval;
>       int32_t delay;
>       uint8_t pingdata[2];
>       int8_t sensor;
>       DDRA = _BV(DDA0);
>       //USART_Init(191); // 9600
>       USART_Init(15); // 115200
>       i2c_init();
>       SPIInit();
>       sei();
>       USART_PrintS("Testing\n");
>       fdevopen(USART_Transmit, USART_Receive, 0);
>       printf("Test2\n");
>       printf(""); // Clear screen
>       retval = 1000000;
>       while (retval--);
>       //retval = srf08_change_address(1, 3);
>       printf("retval: %ld\n", retval);
> #ifdef DELAY_TEST
>       while (1)
>       {
>               PORTA |= _BV (PA0);
>               delay = 5;
>               while (delay--);
>               PORTA &= ~(_BV(PA0));
>       }
> #endif
>       printf("Entering forever.\n");  
>       while (1)
>       {
>               printf("Sending global ping.\n");
>               srf08_ping(0);
>               printf("Polling for ready.\n");
>               do
>               {
>                       //delay = 10;
>                       //while (delay--);
>                       retval = srf08_read(1, 0, pingdata, 2);
>                       //printf("%d ", retval);
>               } while (retval != 2);
>               printf("Gathering ping data from sensors.\n");  
>               printf(""); // Home cursor
> #if 1 
>               // Scan the sensors, from 0 (1) up to MAX_SENSORS
>               for(sensor = 0; sensor < MAX_SENSORS; sensor++)
>               {
>                       printf("Retriving ping data for sensor %d:\n", sensor);
>                       pingdata[0] = pingVals[(sensor * 2)];
>                       pingdata[1] = pingVals[(sensor * 2) + 1];
>                       srf08_read((sensor + 1), 2, pingdata, 2);
>                       cli();
>                       pingVals[(sensor * 2)]     = pingdata[0];
>                       pingVals[(sensor * 2) + 1] = pingdata[1];
>                       sei();
>                       delay = 10;
>                       while(delay--); 
>                       printf("Ping %d: %d\n", sensor, 
> (uint16_t)(pingdata[0] << 8 | pingdata[1]));
>               }
> #else 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[0];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[1];
>               srf08_read(1, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[0] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[1] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[2];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[3];
>               srf08_read(2, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[2] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[3] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[4];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[5];
>               srf08_read(3, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[4] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[5] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[6];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[7];
>               srf08_read(4, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[6] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[7] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[8];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[9];
>               srf08_read(5, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[8] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[9] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[10];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[11];
>               srf08_read(6, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[10] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[11] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[12];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[13];
>               srf08_read(7, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[12] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[13] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
>               delay = 10;
>               while(delay--); 
>               pingdata[0] = pingVals[14];
>               pingdata[1] = pingVals[15];
>               srf08_read(8, 2, pingdata, 2);
>               cli();
>               pingVals[14] = pingdata[0];
>               pingVals[15] = pingdata[1];
>               sei();
> #endif
>               printf("Ping1: %d\n", (uint16_t)(pingVals[0] << 8 | 
> pingVals[1]));
>               printf("Ping2: %d\n", (uint16_t)(pingVals[2] << 8 | 
> pingVals[3]));
>               printf("Ping3: %d\n", (uint16_t)(pingVals[4] << 8 | 
> pingVals[5]));
>       }
>     return (0);
> }
> // vim: ts=4
> // vim: sw=4
> ----

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