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[avr-gcc-list] function prologues

From: Theodore A. Roth
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] function prologues
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 17:25:39 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,

I'm in the middle of a major overhaul of the avr port for gdb. Turns
out the prologue scanner was pretty badly broken. After studying the
asm generated by gcc-3.3, I've come up with this:

Some devices lack the sbiw instruction, so on those replace this:
     sbiw    r28, XX
with this:
     subi    r28,lo8(XX)
     sbci    r29,hi8(XX)

A typical AVR function prologue with a frame pointer might look like this:
     push    rXX        ; saved regs
     push    r28
     push    r29
     in      r28,__SP_L__
     in      r29,__SP_H__
     sbiw    r28,<LOCALS_SIZE>
     in      __tmp_reg__,__SREG__
     out     __SP_L__,r28
     out     __SREG__,__tmp_reg__
     out     __SP_H__,r29

A typical AVR function prologue without a frame pointer might look like
     push    rXX        ; saved regs

A main function prologue looks like this:
     ldi     r28,lo8(<RAM_ADDR> - <LOCALS_SIZE>)
     ldi     r29,hi8(<RAM_ADDR> - <LOCALS_SIZE>)
     out     __SP_H__,r29
     out     __SP_L__,r28

A signal or interrupt handler prologue looks like this:
     sei     ; interrupt only, not in signal function.
     push    __zero_reg__
     push    __tmp_reg__
     in      __tmp_reg__, __SREG__
     push    __tmp_reg__
     clr     __zero_reg__
     push    rXX             ; save registers except for r29/r28
     push    r28             ; save frame pointer
     push    r29
     in      r28, __SP_L__
     in      r29, __SP_H__
     sbiw    r28, <LOCALS_SIZE>
     out     __SP_H__, r29
     out     __SP_L__, r28

A `-mcall-prologues' prologue looks like this (Note that the megas use a
jmp instead of a rjmp, thus the prologue is one word larger since jmp is a
32 bit insn and rjmp is a 16 bit insn):
     ldi     r26,lo8(<LOCALS_SIZE>)
     ldi     r27,hi8(<LOCALS_SIZE>)
     ldi     r30,pm_lo8(.L_foo_body)
     ldi     r31,pm_hi8(.L_foo_body)
     rjmp    __prologue_saves__+RRR

I would appreciate if some kind souls could review this and send me


Ted Roth

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