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Re: [avr-gcc-list] fdevopen() uses calloc?

From: Herb Peyerl
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] fdevopen() uses calloc?
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:21:02 -0700

"J.C. Wren" <address@hidden>  wrote:
 > >[Please do not followup to unrelated articles.  You've just made two
 > >articles into an entirely different thread -- see the `References'
 > >header.]
 > I have no idea what you're talking about, here.   I don't see any 
 > 'References' section.  Sometimes I create a new thread by replying to an 
 > old one and changing the subject.  I've also recently switch to Mozilla 

That's what's doing it.  The headers (which your email client might be
hiding) contains message ID(s) of messages that you are replying to
so that other peoples' mail clients can visually group the messages
together in a thread. For example:

        References: <address@hidden>
                <address@hidden> <address@hidden>

...was found in the message I just replied to.  When you hit 'reply' 
and change the subject, your message still contains these msgid's so
other mail readers group your new message in with an existing thread
and at best confuses or irritates people, and at worst, will restrict
the audience of people your message is intended to reach, to those who
are interested in the original thread.

 > I use printf() all the time, particularly in debugging, without ever 
 > using malloc() and free().  I've always avoided malloc() and friends in 
 > embedded systems, partly because the functions themselves consume a 
 > moderate amount of space, most requirements for them can be handled as 

The project I'm currently working on is with an 8515 (I outgrew the 
4433 and had to change to an 8515).  Because I'm fairly restricted
for space, I did my own puts() and puts_P()'s, I don't use fdevopen()
and just use my own uart_putchar().  So I can put relatively small
debug text in with only minimal extra effort.  If I had a larger
part, I'd probably stick with fdevopen and printf.

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