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[avr-gcc-list] AVRDUDE 4.3.0 Released

From: Brian Dean
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] AVRDUDE 4.3.0 Released
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 10:04:24 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


We are pleased to announce AVRDUDE Version 4.3.0.  AVRDUDE is open
source Atmel AVR FLASH programming software which runs on FreeBSD
Unix, Linux, and Windows.  This release includes several significant
enhancements including:

  * STK500 optimization where empty blocks of flash are skipped during
    programming which can significantly improve write times especially
    for programs that use boot blocks.

  * Dramatic PPI (parallel port interface) programmer speed
    improvements. In many cases, PPI programming is up to 3 times!
    faster than it was previously, and is now on par with the
    programming speed of the STK500, even slightly faster.

  * The Atmel Butterfly module is now supported as its own programmer

  * New part definitions and fixes such as the addition of the
    ATmega64 and corrections to the AT90S8535.

Other improvements which will be less noticable were code
reorganization and cleanup. However, these changes will help to make
AVRDUDE easier to maintain and extend in the future.

For more information and downloads, please see the AVRDUDE project


Thanks to all those who contributed by reporting bugs, submitting new
part definitions, programmer definitions, and code improvements.

Brian Dean, address@hidden
BDMICRO - Maker of the MAVRIC ATmega128 Dev Board

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