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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Structs in program memory.

From: Douglas Dotson
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Re: Structs in program memory.
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 15:12:34 -0700 (PDT)

I guess my concern is how do I declare a pointer to
something in program memory. Is there any special
consideration? I have an array of structs but I am
accessing the individual elements via a pointer
rather than a subscript.


--- Christian Ludlam <address@hidden> wrote:
&gt; On 11 May Douglas Dotson wrote:
&gt; &gt; Thanks to all for your suggestions. I'm not
&gt; &gt; clear on how to access an array of structs
&gt; &gt; using a pointer. Is there a way to define a
&gt; pointer
&gt; &gt; that point to program memory rahter than
&gt; &gt; memory?
&gt; To read an array in program space you have to
&gt; the address of the element
&gt; to one of the read program space functions.
&gt; of
&gt;   a = array[1];
&gt; you need
&gt;   a = pgm_read_word(&amp;array[1]);
&gt; -- 
&gt; Christian Ludlam
&gt; address@hidden
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