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[avr-gcc-list] Bug in avr-libc or?

From: Per Arnold Blåsmo
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Bug in avr-libc or?
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 09:41:59 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (X11/20040502)


I have been doing a program  and got into a problem with a while loop.

Basically what I wanted to do was to do a while loop that waited until a variable changed and so go out of the while loop.
The variable was altered by a interrupt routine.

What happen was that the variable in the while loop was copied into a register and the while loop did test the register instead of the variable. Thereby never detecting any change of the variable done in the interrupt routine.

I made a test program to show the result:

avrtest.c :

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>

uint8_t var;

var = 0;

int main(void){

var = 1;

// do nothing but wait

//Now do sometning
var = 2;

I compiled the code with the following command:

avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega16 -I. -g -O1 -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=avrtest.lst -std=gnu99 avrtest.c -o avrtest.o

And the resulting .lst file was like this:

  1                       .file    "avrtest.c"
  2                       .arch atmega16
  3                   __SREG__ = 0x3f
  4                   __SP_H__ = 0x3e
  5                   __SP_L__ = 0x3d
  6                   __tmp_reg__ = 0
  7                   __zero_reg__ = 1
  8                       .global __do_copy_data
  9                       .global __do_clear_bss
 12                       .text
 13                   .Ltext0:
 59                   .global    __vector_1
 61                   __vector_1:
  1:avrtest.c     **** #include <avr/io.h>
  2:avrtest.c     **** #include <avr/signal.h>
  3:avrtest.c     ****
  4:avrtest.c     **** uint8_t var;
  5:avrtest.c     ****
  6:avrtest.c     **** SIGNAL(SIG_INTERRUPT0){
 63                   .LM1:
 64                   /* prologue: frame size=0 */
 65 0000 1F92              push __zero_reg__
 66 0002 0F92              push __tmp_reg__
 67 0004 0FB6              in __tmp_reg__,__SREG__
 68 0006 0F92              push __tmp_reg__
 69 0008 1124              clr __zero_reg__
 70                   /* prologue end (size=5) */
  7:avrtest.c     **** var = 0;
 72                   .LM2:
 73 000a 1092 0000         sts var,__zero_reg__
  8:avrtest.c     **** }
 75                   .LM3:
 76                   /* epilogue: frame size=0 */
 77 000e 0F90              pop __tmp_reg__
 78 0010 0FBE              out __SREG__,__tmp_reg__
 79 0012 0F90              pop __tmp_reg__
 80 0014 1F90              pop __zero_reg__
 81 0016 1895              reti
 82                   /* epilogue end (size=5) */
 83                   /* function __vector_1 size 12 (2) */
 85                   .Lscope0:
 88                   .global    main
 90                   main:
  9:avrtest.c     ****
 10:avrtest.c     **** int main(void){
 92                   .LM4:
 93                   /* prologue: frame size=0 */
 94 0018 C0E0              ldi r28,lo8(__stack - 0)
 95 001a D0E0              ldi r29,hi8(__stack - 0)
 96 001c DEBF              out __SP_H__,r29
 97 001e CDBF              out __SP_L__,r28
 98                   /* prologue end (size=4) */
 11:avrtest.c     ****
 12:avrtest.c     **** var = 1;
100                   .LM5:
101 0020 81E0              ldi r24,lo8(1)
102 0022 8093 0000         sts var,r24
 13:avrtest.c     ****
 14:avrtest.c     **** while(var==1){
104                   .LM6:
105                   .L3:
106 0026 8130              cpi r24,lo8(1)
107 0028 F1F3              breq .L3
 15:avrtest.c     **** // do nothing but wait
 16:avrtest.c     **** }
 17:avrtest.c     ****
 18:avrtest.c     **** //Now do sometning
 19:avrtest.c     ****
 20:avrtest.c     **** var = 2;
109                   .LM7:
110 002a 82E0              ldi r24,lo8(2)
111 002c 8093 0000         sts var,r24
 21:avrtest.c     ****
 22:avrtest.c     ****
 23:avrtest.c     **** }
113                   .LM8:
114 0030 80E0              ldi r24,lo8(0)
115 0032 90E0              ldi r25,hi8(0)
116                   /* epilogue: frame size=0 */
117 0034 0C94 0000         jmp exit
118                   /* epilogue end (size=2) */
119                   /* function main size 16 (10) */
121                   .Lscope1:
123                       .comm var,1,1
125                       .text
127                   Letext:
128 /* File "avrtest.c": code 28 = 0x001c ( 12), prologues 9, epilogues 7 */
                           *ABS*:00000000 avrtest.c
                           *ABS*:0000003f __SREG__
                           *ABS*:0000003e __SP_H__
                           *ABS*:0000003d __SP_L__
                           *ABS*:00000000 __tmp_reg__
                           *ABS*:00000001 __zero_reg__
    /tmp/ccolD0rF.s:61     .text:00000000 __vector_1
                           *COM*:00000001 var
    /tmp/ccolD0rF.s:90     .text:00000018 main
    /tmp/ccolD0rF.s:127    .text:00000038 Letext


If you look at line 104-107 of the .lst file, you see that the variable is in the register. I know this is a very simple example program and may not be the best example, but in my real program the the variable is in a struct and the overall program is more complex. Still the same happen. It loads the variable from its address into the register and compares with the register.

I believed that this while loop is allowed in 'C', or am I wrong?

I tried the same with a Linux 'C' program and it seems to generate correct(?) assembler code.

Is it because the variable is within the same object file or what?

Per A.

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