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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Feature request - compiler warning for "if" stmtsthat

From: Dave Hansen
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Feature request - compiler warning for "if" stmtsthat do nothing
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 09:51:36 -0500

From: Douglas Dotson <address@hidden>

--- Dave Hansen <address@hidden> wrote:
> My preference is something like
>    while (*dst++ = *src++)
>       continue;

Won't this generate extra code (an extra jump)? Or
does the optimizer take it out? My concern is that


I wrote a small test file to check it out:

---begin include file ---
C:\Dave>type continue.c
void copy1(char *dst, const char *src)
   while (*dst++ = *src++)
       /*do nothing*/;

void copy2(char *dst, const char *src)
   while (*dst++ = *src++)

---end included file---

Compiling with "avr-gcc -S" I get two identical functions 45 instructions long.

Compiling with "avr-gcc -S -Os", each function is reduced to 9 instructions, but they're still identical.

using the "continue" kind of obscures the meaning
of the code. One has to think about the intent rather
than the ; which is immedeately obvious.

I disagree. The lone semicolon is small, easily missed, and more likely to be the result of a typo. The continue says "This iteration of the loop is complete: continue with the next one." And as a skeptic, I trust code over comments, which is why I prefer it to the "do nothing" comment

It's just about the only place the "continue" statement appears in my code.


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