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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Using PORTB with variables, PORTB = var

From: Ned Konz
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Using PORTB with variables, PORTB = var
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 09:47:12 -0700

On Apr 22, 2006, at 2:29 AM, address@hidden wrote:

On Sat, 22 Apr 2006 08:30:33 +0200
Lars Noschinski <address@hidden> wrote:

* address@hidden <address@hidden> [2006-04-22 08:09]:
 How can I use the PORTB constant with variables? eg:

while (1) {
 var <<= 1;
 PORTB = var

This will work. But after seven iterations (if var is (u)int8_t), var
will be 0.

That is what I'm trying to acheive. I'd like to be able to do it with variables like I do above, but it doesn't seem to work. Once I replace "var" with an
actual number, it works as expected.

The problem lies probably elsewhere.

OK.  This is some brief code...  This works as expected.

int main() {
  DDRB = 255;
  while (1) {
    int var=1;
    while (var != 0) {
      PORTB = var;
      var <<= 1;
  return 0;

This example doesn't, and I don't know why... I know it's specific to C, so that's why I'm asking here...

int var 1;

// the problem is that "int" is both signed and 16-bits wide; you want
// an unsigned 8-bit value. And I assume you meant to have an = sign in there.
// Better to use:
unsigned short var = 1;
void blink()
 PORTB ^= var; // LED on
// assuming you have an LED per pin and the low 8 bits of var are not zero, that'd work.
 PORTB = 255; // LEDs off

void change() {
  var <<= 1;
// the way you have it written, this would toggle each of the pins of PORTB once.
// is that what you're getting?
// The problem is that when var gets to 128, it next becomes 256, which is all // 0s in the low 8 bits, so it won't affect your LEDs. The sequence would be:
// 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,    as intended
// 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, -32768, // which won't work
// 0, 0, 0, ...   // which clearly won't work
// better to do this (assuming var is 8 bits):
        var <<= 1;
        if (var == 0) var = 1;

int main() {
  DDRB = 255;
  while (1) {
  return 0;

This doesn't work as expected...  not sure why.

It's always better to say *what it does do*, and *what you expected*, rather than "doesn't work as expected" if you want people to help you.

I would like to keep the functions if possible, I'm thinking it has something to do with scope perhaps?

It's hard to tell why you would like to keep the functions.
You're probably in a better position to say why <g>.
Ned Konz
MetaMagix embedded consulting

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