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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Bit-wise structure and unions

From: Ned Konz
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Bit-wise structure and unions
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:31:35 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061025)

Keith Gudger wrote:
Below is a program which illustrates the following issue:

When using AVR ports, I would like to define them with bit-wise
structures.  This way I can easily access individual bits (or groups of
bits).  e.g.:

typedef struct port_reg {
        unsigned bit0:1   ;
        unsigned bit1:1   ;
        unsigned unused:6 ;

However, I cannot assign the 8 bit port value directly to a structure
defined this way.  Here is the code and the gcc error:

    PORT_REG *pLED_DIR = (PORT_REG *)0x37 ; ///< LED Port DIR REG PORT B
    *pLED_DIR = (PORT_REG) 0x03 ;

main.c:27: error: conversion to non-scalar type requested

I can fix this problem by introducing a union:

typedef union {
    PORT_REG port_bits ;
    uint8_t  byte ;

   PORT_UNION *pLED_OUT = (PORT_UNION *)0x38 ; ///< LED Port Output PORT B
   pLED_DIR->byte = 0x3 ;

But I would rather not have the union.  Is there any other way around
this?  Thanks.

I made a script that took a chunk of text copied from the Atmel PDFs (before they stupidly made it impossible to copy text from them!) and wrote such definitions.

[ BTW: PLEASE email Atmel and complain about the non-copyability of text in recent datasheet PDFs. This makes their datasheets (and hence processors) less usable. ]

I tried to support both the old-style (bit numbers and shifts) as well as bitfield-style.

That is, you can do these kinds of things (see header code below):

UDR1 = 0xCC;    // assign whole byte register
UDR10 = 1;      // assign a single bit
UBRR1 = 0xFC;   // assign 12 bits at once
UDR1 = _BV(bitUDR10) | _BV(bitUDR11);   // use shifted bit numbers
UDR1 = (1 << bitUDR10) | (1 << bitUDR11); // use shifted bit numbers

Perhaps some of the ideas I used might be useful for you.

I started with a text file that looked something like this (copied from the SFR definitions in the AT90CAN128 PDF file):

(0xCE) UDR1 UDR17 UDR16 UDR15 UDR14 UDR13 UDR12 UDR11 UDR10 page 189
(0xCD) UBRR1H - - - - UBRR111 UBRR110 UBRR19 UBRR18 page 193
(0xCC) UBRR1L UBRR17 UBRR16 UBRR15 UBRR14 UBRR13 UBRR12 UBRR11 UBRR10 page 193
(0xCB) Reserved
(0xCA) UCSR1C - UMSEL1 UPM11 UPM10 USBS1 UCSZ11 UCSZ10 UCPOL1 page 192
(0xC8) UCSR1A RXC1 TXC1 UDRE1 FE1 DOR1 UPE1 U2X1 MPCM1 page 189

Here's a chunk of such a header, showing both 8-bit (UDR1) and 16-bit (UBRR1H/L) usage:

/* UDR1 ($CE) (page 189) */
typedef union UDR1_t {
  uint8_t asByte;
  struct {
    uint8_t bUDR10 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR11 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR12 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR13 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR14 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR15 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR16 :1;
    uint8_t bUDR17 :1;
  } b;
} UDR1_t;
#define UDR1_sfr (*(volatile UDR1_t *) (0xCE))
#define UDR1 UDR1_sfr.asByte /* entire register */
/* single bits */
#define UDR10 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR10
#define UDR11 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR11
#define UDR12 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR12
#define UDR13 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR13
#define UDR14 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR14
#define UDR15 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR15
#define UDR16 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR16
#define UDR17 UDR1_sfr.b.bUDR17
/* bit numbers */
#define bitUDR10 0
#define bitUDR11 1
#define bitUDR12 2
#define bitUDR13 3
#define bitUDR14 4
#define bitUDR15 5
#define bitUDR16 6
#define bitUDR17 7

/* UBRR1L ($CC) (page 193) */
typedef union UBRR1L_t {
  uint8_t asByte;
  struct {
    uint8_t bUBRR10 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR11 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR12 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR13 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR14 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR15 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR16 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR17 :1;
  } b;
} UBRR1L_t;
#define UBRR1L_sfr (*(volatile UBRR1L_t *) (0xCC))
#define UBRR1L UBRR1L_sfr.asByte /* entire register */
/* single bits */
#define UBRR10 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR10
#define UBRR11 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR11
#define UBRR12 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR12
#define UBRR13 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR13
#define UBRR14 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR14
#define UBRR15 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR15
#define UBRR16 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR16
#define UBRR17 UBRR1L_sfr.b.bUBRR17
/* bit numbers */
#define bitUBRR10 0
#define bitUBRR11 1
#define bitUBRR12 2
#define bitUBRR13 3
#define bitUBRR14 4
#define bitUBRR15 5
#define bitUBRR16 6
#define bitUBRR17 7

/* UBRR1H ($CD) (page 193) */
typedef union UBRR1H_t {
  uint8_t asByte;
  struct {
    uint8_t bUBRR18 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR19 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR110 :1;
    uint8_t bUBRR111 :1;
    uint8_t bReserved4 :1;
    uint8_t bReserved5 :1;
    uint8_t bReserved6 :1;
    uint8_t bReserved7 :1;
  } b;
  struct {
    uint8_t fUBRR1H :4;
    uint8_t :1; /* Reserved4 */
    uint8_t :1; /* Reserved5 */
    uint8_t :1; /* Reserved6 */
    uint8_t :1; /* Reserved7 */
  } f;
} UBRR1H_t;
#define UBRR1H_sfr (*(volatile UBRR1H_t *) (0xCD))
#define UBRR1H UBRR1H_sfr.asByte /* entire register */
/* single bits */
#define UBRR18 UBRR1H_sfr.b.bUBRR18
#define UBRR19 UBRR1H_sfr.b.bUBRR19
#define UBRR110 UBRR1H_sfr.b.bUBRR110
#define UBRR111 UBRR1H_sfr.b.bUBRR111
/* bit numbers */
#define bitUBRR18 0
#define bitUBRR19 1
#define bitUBRR110 2
#define bitUBRR111 3
/* multi-bit fields */

/* UBRR1 ($CC) (page 193) -- / */
typedef union UBRR1_t {
  uint16_t asWord;
  struct {
    uint16_t bUBRR10 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR11 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR12 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR13 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR14 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR15 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR16 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR17 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR18 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR19 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR110 :1;
    uint16_t bUBRR111 :1;
    uint16_t bReserved4 :1;
    uint16_t bReserved5 :1;
    uint16_t bReserved6 :1;
    uint16_t bReserved7 :1;
  } b;
  struct {
    uint16_t fUBRR1 :12;
    uint16_t :1; /* Reserved4 */
    uint16_t :1; /* Reserved5 */
    uint16_t :1; /* Reserved6 */
    uint16_t :1; /* Reserved7 */
  } f;
} UBRR1_t;
#define UBRR1_sfr (*(volatile UBRR1_t *) (0xCC))
/* single bits */
/* bit numbers */
/* multi-bit fields */
#define UBRR1 UBRR1_sfr.f.fUBRR1

Ned Konz

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