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Re: [avr-gcc-list] gcc-avr/avr-libc wiki

From: Clemens Koller
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] gcc-avr/avr-libc wiki
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:48:53 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Hello, Community!

Graham Davies schrieb:
David McNab write (in part):

If everyone reading this message can stick up just one page ...
Let's get some really great and complete gcc-avr/avr-libc doco.

I'm just wondering:

Who hosts avrwiki? How do we know it won't suddenly go away? I've had a bad experience working on a Toyota Prius site that was hacked and then disappeared taking hundreds of hours of community work along with it. How can we be sure that work we put into avrwiki will be durable?

I am willing to offer some of my own private root-server space in
germany to the Open Source avr-gcc-development.
It's a pretty fast Athlon XP 2200+ machine with an extra 300GB Harddisk.
I use that with compile-tests and as a repository for my work.

Some restrictions apply:
- The project has to be fully Open Source/Open Documentation/Free
for everybody.
- Traffic max. 50GB/month.
Let me know, if you want to backup/mirror/publish something

Who will organize, scrub and correct minor errors? Who will set policy (for example, decide what is an error and what isn't? The AVR GCC page, for example, calls avr-gcc "gcc-avr", which will mess up searches. What exactly is "doco"? Is the spelling, capitalization and punctuation currently on this site acceptable?

I vote against these fancy new word creations in that context.

I suppose my concern is that since the documentation we're talking about does exist, is maintained and you can find it with reasonable effort, wouldn't putting up a second source of information oblige us to adhere to at least the same standard of quality as the originals? If we don't, we'll be doing the community a disservice by hiding the real documentation behind something of lower quality.


Best greets,
Clemens Koller
R&D Imaging Devices
Anagramm GmbH
Rupert-Mayer-Straße 45/1
Linhof Werksgelände
D-81379 München
Fax 089-741518-19

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