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RE: [avr-gcc-list] New GCC warning - how to silence?

From: larry barello
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] New GCC warning - how to silence?
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 09:01:44 -0700

One thing that still bothers me, maybe I just missed it: Why is char !=
int8_t at this point?   I sort of see why, but that is just an artifact of
libc written with non-portable "char".  The compiler is letting me know that
I can't make any assumptions about the signedness of char.  

It seems wrong to have to use "char" due to libc then have to explicitly
type cast before using anywhere else...  Or, the inverse, having to typecast
everything going into libc.  Maybe libc needs an overhaul...  Boy, wouldn't
that cause a lot of grief!

Well, at least I know what I need to do when dusting off old (greater than
two weeks ago) projects and using the new compiler.


P.S. quite the list of names here:  Thanks for the great compiler, even if
it causes me tons of grief every so often.  Now, about running gcc under

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