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[avr-gcc-list] Upgraded and re-compiled a current project and a function

From: Ray Hurst
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Upgraded and re-compiled a current project and a function was converted to in-line and a function.
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:57:17 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

I just installed WinAvr-20080411 and re-compiled a recent project (lab4a).
I was surprised that the code increased by almost 400 bytes (lab4b).

Looking into the reason I see that the compiler generated my EEPROM_read function and then started generating the function in-line in all of the places I called it.

Any reason for this?
lab4a.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .text         000004b4  00000000  00000000  00000074  2**1
  1 .data         00000104  00800060  000004b4  00000528  2**0
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  2 .bss          00000086  00800164  000005b8  0000062c  2**0
  3 .stab         00000378  00000000  00000000  0000062c  2**2
  4 .stabstr      0000005f  00000000  00000000  000009a4  2**0
  5 .debug_aranges 00000020  00000000  00000000  00000a03  2**0
  6 .debug_pubnames 000001d6  00000000  00000000  00000a23  2**0
  7 .debug_info   00000613  00000000  00000000  00000bf9  2**0
  8 .debug_abbrev 0000023b  00000000  00000000  0000120c  2**0
  9 .debug_line   000005ec  00000000  00000000  00001447  2**0
 10 .debug_frame  00000160  00000000  00000000  00001a34  2**2
 11 .debug_str    00000265  00000000  00000000  00001b94  2**0
 12 .debug_loc    0000016d  00000000  00000000  00001df9  2**0
 13 .debug_ranges 00000090  00000000  00000000  00001f66  2**0

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
   0:   10 c0           rjmp    .+32            ; 0x22 <__ctors_end>
   2:   2a c0           rjmp    .+84            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   4:   29 c0           rjmp    .+82            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   6:   28 c0           rjmp    .+80            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   8:   27 c0           rjmp    .+78            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   a:   26 c0           rjmp    .+76            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   c:   35 c1           rjmp    .+618           ; 0x278 <__vector_6>
   e:   24 c0           rjmp    .+72            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  10:   23 c0           rjmp    .+70            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  12:   6d c1           rjmp    .+730           ; 0x2ee <__vector_9>
  14:   21 c0           rjmp    .+66            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  16:   20 c0           rjmp    .+64            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  18:   1f c0           rjmp    .+62            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  1a:   1e c0           rjmp    .+60            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  1c:   1d c0           rjmp    .+58            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  1e:   1c c0           rjmp    .+56            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  20:   1b c0           rjmp    .+54            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>

00000022 <__ctors_end>:
  22:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
  24:   1f be           out     0x3f, r1        ; 63
  26:   cf e5           ldi     r28, 0x5F       ; 95
  28:   d2 e0           ldi     r29, 0x02       ; 2
  2a:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
  2c:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61

0000002e <__do_copy_data>:
  2e:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1
  30:   a0 e6           ldi     r26, 0x60       ; 96
  32:   b0 e0           ldi     r27, 0x00       ; 0
  34:   e4 eb           ldi     r30, 0xB4       ; 180
  36:   f4 e0           ldi     r31, 0x04       ; 4
  38:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x3e <__SP_H__>

0000003a <.do_copy_data_loop>:
  3a:   05 90           lpm     r0, Z+
  3c:   0d 92           st      X+, r0

0000003e <.do_copy_data_start>:
  3e:   a4 36           cpi     r26, 0x64       ; 100
  40:   b1 07           cpc     r27, r17
  42:   d9 f7           brne    .-10            ; 0x3a <.do_copy_data_loop>

00000044 <__do_clear_bss>:
  44:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1
  46:   a4 e6           ldi     r26, 0x64       ; 100
  48:   b1 e0           ldi     r27, 0x01       ; 1
  4a:   01 c0           rjmp    .+2             ; 0x4e <.do_clear_bss_start>

0000004c <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  4c:   1d 92           st      X+, r1

0000004e <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  4e:   aa 3e           cpi     r26, 0xEA       ; 234
  50:   b1 07           cpc     r27, r17
  52:   e1 f7           brne    .-8             ; 0x4c <.do_clear_bss_loop>
  54:   83 d1           rcall   .+774           ; 0x35c <main>
  56:   2d c2           rjmp    .+1114          ; 0x4b2 <_exit>

00000058 <__bad_interrupt>:
  58:   d3 cf           rjmp    .-90            ; 0x0 <__heap_end>

0000005a <weAreDead>:
/* Abort routine */

weAreDead( void )
    cli();              /* disable global interrupts */
  5a:   f8 94           cli
    PORTD = ABORTED;    /* set PORTD bit 6 - ABORTED */
  5c:   8f eb           ldi     r24, 0xBF       ; 191
  5e:   82 bb           out     0x12, r24       ; 18
  60:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0x60 <weAreDead+0x6>

00000062 <EEPROM_read>:
EEPROM_read( uint16_t uiAddress )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
  62:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  64:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x62 <EEPROM_read>

    /* setup address register */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  66:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
  68:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  6a:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM read process */
    EECR |= _BV(EERE);
  6c:   e0 9a           sbi     0x1c, 0 ; 28
    /* return the data from the data register */
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  6e:   78 94           sei
    return EEDR;
  70:   8d b3           in      r24, 0x1d       ; 29
  72:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  74:   08 95           ret

00000076 <EEPROM_write>:
EEPROM_write( uint16_t uiAddress, uint8_t ucData )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
  76:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  78:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x76 <EEPROM_write>

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  7a:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
  7c:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30
    EEDR = ucData;
  7e:   6d bb           out     0x1d, r22       ; 29

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  80:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
  82:   e2 9a           sbi     0x1c, 2 ; 28
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
  84:   e1 9a           sbi     0x1c, 1 ; 28
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  86:   78 94           sei
  88:   08 95           ret

0000008a <EEPROM_verifyHeader>:
  Function    : EEPROM_verifyHeader
  Description : read and validate the EEPROM header
EEPROM_verifyHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
  8a:   0f 93           push    r16
  8c:   1f 93           push    r17
  8e:   8c 01           movw    r16, r24
    uint8_t dataValid = FALSE;  /* assume the EEPROM data is invalid */

    /* read signature bytes */
    pEEpromHeader->signature  = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_SIGNATURE );
  90:   80 e0           ldi     r24, 0x00       ; 0
  92:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  94:   e6 df           rcall   .-52            ; 0x62 <EEPROM_read>
  96:   f8 01           movw    r30, r16
  98:   80 83           st      Z, r24
    pEEpromHeader->count      = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT );
  9a:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  9c:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  9e:   e1 df           rcall   .-62            ; 0x62 <EEPROM_read>
  a0:   f8 01           movw    r30, r16
  a2:   81 83           std     Z+1, r24        ; 0x01
  a4:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  a6:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
  a8:   8a 35           cpi     r24, 0x5A       ; 90
  aa:   09 f4           brne    .+2             ; 0xae 
  ac:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1

    if( EEPROM_DATA_SIGNATURE == pEEpromHeader->signature ) 
        dataValid = TRUE;
    return dataValid;
  ae:   89 2f           mov     r24, r25
  b0:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  b2:   1f 91           pop     r17
  b4:   0f 91           pop     r16
  b6:   08 95           ret

000000b8 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>:
  Description : write EEPROM header
EEPROM_initializeHeader( void )
  b8:   6a e5           ldi     r22, 0x5A       ; 90
  ba:   80 e0           ldi     r24, 0x00       ; 0
  bc:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  be:   db df           rcall   .-74            ; 0x76 <EEPROM_write>
    EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT,     0 );
  c0:   60 e0           ldi     r22, 0x00       ; 0
  c2:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  c4:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  c6:   d7 df           rcall   .-82            ; 0x76 <EEPROM_write>
  c8:   08 95           ret

000000ca <crlf>:

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
  ca:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
  cc:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xca <crlf>
    UDR = c;
  ce:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
  d0:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
  d2:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
  d4:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xd2 <crlf+0x8>
    UDR = c;
  d6:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
  d8:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
  da:   08 95           ret

000000dc <bin2AsciiHex>:
        This function converts a the lower 4 bits of a binary byte into an 
ASCII hex character
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
  dc:   8f 70           andi    r24, 0x0F       ; 15
    if( byte > 9 )
  de:   8a 30           cpi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
  e0:   08 f0           brcs    .+2             ; 0xe4 <bin2AsciiHex+0x8>
        byte += 7;
  e2:   89 5f           subi    r24, 0xF9       ; 249
  e4:   80 5d           subi    r24, 0xD0       ; 208
    byte += '0';
    return byte;
  e6:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  e8:   08 95           ret

000000ea <usart_putchar>:

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
  ea:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
  ec:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xea <usart_putchar>
    UDR = c;
  ee:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
  f0:   08 95           ret

000000f2 <io_printString>:
        Output a string pointed to by s to the standard output device.
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
  f2:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
  f4:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0xfe <io_printString+0xc>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
  f6:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
  f8:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xf6 <io_printString+0x4>
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
  fa:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
  fc:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
  fe:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 100:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 102:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0xf6 <io_printString+0x4>
 104:   08 95           ret

00000106 <io_putchar>:

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 106:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 108:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x106 <io_putchar>
    UDR = c;
 10a:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 10c:   08 95           ret

0000010e <io_puts>:
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_puts ( const char *s )
        io_printString( s );
 10e:   f1 df           rcall   .-30            ; 0xf2 <io_printString>
 110:   dc df           rcall   .-72            ; 0xca <crlf>
 112:   08 95           ret

00000114 <io_putHex>:
                Convert a byte value into two ASCII hex characters and output 
them to the standard output device.
io_putHex( char c )
 114:   1f 93           push    r17
 116:   18 2f           mov     r17, r24
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c >> 4) );
 118:   82 95           swap    r24
 11a:   8f 70           andi    r24, 0x0F       ; 15

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 11c:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 11e:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x11c <io_putHex+0x8>
                Convert a byte value into two ASCII hex characters and output 
them to the standard output device.
io_putHex( char c )
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c >> 4) );
 120:   dd df           rcall   .-70            ; 0xdc <bin2AsciiHex>
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 122:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 124:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 126:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x124 <io_putHex+0x10>
io_putHex( char c )
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c >> 4) );
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c) );
 128:   81 2f           mov     r24, r17
 12a:   d8 df           rcall   .-80            ; 0xdc <bin2AsciiHex>
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 12c:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 12e:   1f 91           pop     r17
 130:   08 95           ret

00000132 <displayData_formatted>:
        Display data as ASCII hex, neatly formatted 16 bytes per line
displayData_formatted ( uint16_t index, uint8_t data )
 132:   1f 93           push    r17
 134:   cf 93           push    r28
 136:   df 93           push    r29
 138:   ec 01           movw    r28, r24
 13a:   16 2f           mov     r17, r22
    if ( 0 == (index % 16) ) 
 13c:   8f 70           andi    r24, 0x0F       ; 15
 13e:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 140:   89 2b           or      r24, r25
 142:   51 f4           brne    .+20            ; 0x158 
 144:   c2 df           rcall   .-124           ; 0xca <crlf>
        io_putHex( index >> 8 );
 146:   8d 2f           mov     r24, r29
 148:   99 27           eor     r25, r25
 14a:   e4 df           rcall   .-56            ; 0x114 <io_putHex>
        io_putHex( index );
 14c:   8c 2f           mov     r24, r28
 14e:   e2 df           rcall   .-60            ; 0x114 <io_putHex>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 150:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 152:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x150 
    UDR = c;
 154:   8a e3           ldi     r24, 0x3A       ; 58
 156:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 158:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 15a:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x158 
    UDR = c;
 15c:   80 e2           ldi     r24, 0x20       ; 32
 15e:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        io_putHex( index >> 8 );
        io_putHex( index );
        io_putchar( ':' );
    io_putchar( ' ' );
    io_putHex( data );
 160:   81 2f           mov     r24, r17
 162:   d8 df           rcall   .-80            ; 0x114 <io_putHex>
 164:   df 91           pop     r29
 166:   cf 91           pop     r28
 168:   1f 91           pop     r17
 16a:   08 95           ret

0000016c <dumpDataMemory>:
        Display the data memory (512 bytes)
dumpDataMemory( void )
 16c:   cf 93           push    r28
 16e:   df 93           push    r29
    uint16_t i;

    uint8_t *dataPtr = (uint8_t *)0x60;

 170:   ac df           rcall   .-168           ; 0xca <crlf>
    io_puts( "DM Dump:");
 172:   80 e6           ldi     r24, 0x60       ; 96
 174:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 176:   cb df           rcall   .-106           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
 178:   c0 e6           ldi     r28, 0x60       ; 96
 17a:   d0 e0           ldi     r29, 0x00       ; 0
 17c:   ce 01           movw    r24, r28
 17e:   80 56           subi    r24, 0x60       ; 96
 180:   90 40           sbci    r25, 0x00       ; 0
    for( i = 0; i < 512; i++ )
        displayData_formatted( i, *dataPtr++ );
 182:   69 91           ld      r22, Y+
 184:   d6 df           rcall   .-84            ; 0x132 <displayData_formatted>

    uint8_t *dataPtr = (uint8_t *)0x60;

    io_puts( "DM Dump:");
    for( i = 0; i < 512; i++ )
 186:   82 e0           ldi     r24, 0x02       ; 2
 188:   c0 36           cpi     r28, 0x60       ; 96
 18a:   d8 07           cpc     r29, r24
 18c:   b9 f7           brne    .-18            ; 0x17c <dumpDataMemory+0x10>
 18e:   df 91           pop     r29
 190:   cf 91           pop     r28
 192:   08 95           ret

00000194 <EEPROM_displayHeader>:
  Description : display the EEPROM header
EEPROM_displayHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
 194:   9a df           rcall   .-204           ; 0xca <crlf>
    io_printString( "Signature: 0x" );
 196:   89 e6           ldi     r24, 0x69       ; 105
 198:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 19a:   ab df           rcall   .-170           ; 0xf2 <io_printString>
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.signature );
 19c:   80 91 e7 01     lds     r24, 0x01E7
 1a0:   b9 df           rcall   .-142           ; 0x114 <io_putHex>
 1a2:   93 df           rcall   .-218           ; 0xca <crlf>
    io_printString( "Count: 0x" );
 1a4:   87 e7           ldi     r24, 0x77       ; 119
 1a6:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 1a8:   a4 df           rcall   .-184           ; 0xf2 <io_printString>
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.count );
 1aa:   80 91 e8 01     lds     r24, 0x01E8
 1ae:   b2 df           rcall   .-156           ; 0x114 <io_putHex>
 1b0:   8c df           rcall   .-232           ; 0xca <crlf>
 1b2:   08 95           ret

000001b4 <EEPROM_record>:
  Description : store USART data received into EEPROM
EEPROM_record( void )
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
 1b4:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 1b6:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 1b8:   68 df           rcall   .-304           ; 0x8a <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 1ba:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 1bc:   89 f5           brne    .+98            ; 0x220 <EEPROM_record+0x6c>
        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );
 1be:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 1c0:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 1c2:   e8 df           rcall   .-48            ; 0x194 <EEPROM_displayHeader>
 1c4:   21 c0           rjmp    .+66            ; 0x208 <EEPROM_record+0x54>

        while( dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) 
            if ( EEPROM_DATA_COUNT_MAX == eePromHeader.count ) 
 1c6:   80 91 e8 01     lds     r24, 0x01E8
 1ca:   8e 3f           cpi     r24, 0xFE       ; 254
 1cc:   49 f4           brne    .+18            ; 0x1e0 <EEPROM_record+0x2c>
 1ce:   7d df           rcall   .-262           ; 0xca <crlf>
                io_puts( "EEPROM full!" );
 1d0:   81 e8           ldi     r24, 0x81       ; 129
 1d2:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 1d4:   9c df           rcall   .-200           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
                dataIndex_write = dataIndex_read;   /* discard remaining 
characters */
 1d6:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 1da:   80 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r24
 1de:   1a c0           rjmp    .+52            ; 0x214 <EEPROM_record+0x60>

                EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + eePromHeader.count, 
dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
 1e0:   f0 e0           ldi     r31, 0x00       ; 0
 1e2:   ea 59           subi    r30, 0x9A       ; 154
 1e4:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE       ; 254
 1e6:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 1e8:   60 81           ld      r22, Z
 1ea:   02 96           adiw    r24, 0x02       ; 2
 1ec:   44 df           rcall   .-376           ; 0x76 <EEPROM_write>
 1ee:   80 91 e8 01     lds     r24, 0x01E8
 1f2:   8f 5f           subi    r24, 0xFF       ; 255
 1f4:   80 93 e8 01     sts     0x01E8, r24
 1f8:   80 91 e9 01     lds     r24, 0x01E9
 1fc:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 1fe:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 200:   8f 77           andi    r24, 0x7F       ; 127
 202:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 204:   80 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r24
EEPROM_record( void )
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        while( dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) 
 208:   e0 91 e9 01     lds     r30, 0x01E9
 20c:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 210:   e8 17           cp      r30, r24
 212:   c9 f6           brne    .-78            ; 0x1c6 <EEPROM_record+0x12>
        /* update EEPROM data log counter */
        EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT, eePromHeader.count );
 214:   60 91 e8 01     lds     r22, 0x01E8
 218:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 21a:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 21c:   2c df           rcall   .-424           ; 0x76 <EEPROM_write>
 21e:   08 95           ret
 220:   54 df           rcall   .-344           ; 0xca <crlf>
        io_puts( "EEPROM invalid!" );
 222:   8e e8           ldi     r24, 0x8E       ; 142
 224:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 226:   73 df           rcall   .-282           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
 228:   08 95           ret

0000022a <EEPROM_playback>:
  Function    : EEPROM_playback
  Description : send each byte in the EEPROM to the USART transmitter
EEPROM_playback( void )
 22a:   0f 93           push    r16
 22c:   1f 93           push    r17
 22e:   cf 93           push    r28
 230:   df 93           push    r29
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
 232:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 234:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 236:   29 df           rcall   .-430           ; 0x8a <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 238:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 23a:   a9 f4           brne    .+42            ; 0x266 <__stack+0x7>
        uint8_t i, j, data;

        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );
 23c:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 23e:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 240:   a9 df           rcall   .-174           ; 0x194 <EEPROM_displayHeader>
 242:   c0 e0           ldi     r28, 0x00       ; 0
 244:   d0 e0           ldi     r29, 0x00       ; 0
 246:   07 c0           rjmp    .+14            ; 0x256 <EEPROM_playback+0x2c>

        for ( i = 0, j= 0; i < eePromHeader.count; i++ ) 
            data = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + i );
 248:   10 e0           ldi     r17, 0x00       ; 0
 24a:   c8 01           movw    r24, r16
 24c:   02 96           adiw    r24, 0x02       ; 2
 24e:   09 df           rcall   .-494           ; 0x62 <EEPROM_read>
            displayData_formatted( j, data );
 250:   68 2f           mov     r22, r24
 252:   c8 01           movw    r24, r16
 254:   6e df           rcall   .-292           ; 0x132 <displayData_formatted>
 256:   0c 2f           mov     r16, r28
 258:   21 96           adiw    r28, 0x01       ; 1
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        uint8_t i, j, data;

        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        for ( i = 0, j= 0; i < eePromHeader.count; i++ ) 
 25a:   80 91 e8 01     lds     r24, 0x01E8
 25e:   08 17           cp      r16, r24
 260:   98 f3           brcs    .-26            ; 0x248 <EEPROM_playback+0x1e>
            data = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + i );
            displayData_formatted( j, data );
 262:   33 df           rcall   .-410           ; 0xca <crlf>
 264:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x26e <__stack+0xf>
 266:   31 df           rcall   .-414           ; 0xca <crlf>
        io_puts( "EEPROM invalid!" );
 268:   8e e8           ldi     r24, 0x8E       ; 142
 26a:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 26c:   50 df           rcall   .-352           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
 26e:   df 91           pop     r29
 270:   cf 91           pop     r28
 272:   1f 91           pop     r17
 274:   0f 91           pop     r16
 276:   08 95           ret

00000278 <__vector_6>:
/* Interrupt Sevice Routines (ISRs) */

/* Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Interrupt handler - 20msec interrupt */
/* Configured as an interruptable ISR */
 278:   78 94           sei
 27a:   1f 92           push    r1
 27c:   0f 92           push    r0
 27e:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 280:   0f 92           push    r0
 282:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
 284:   2f 93           push    r18
 286:   3f 93           push    r19
 288:   8f 93           push    r24
 28a:   9f 93           push    r25

        PORTD = PIND ^ _BV(6);                          /* toggle PORTD pin 6 */

        if( 0 == --delayCount ) {
 28c:   80 91 63 01     lds     r24, 0x0163
 290:   81 50           subi    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 292:   80 93 63 01     sts     0x0163, r24
 296:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 298:   09 f5           brne    .+66            ; 0x2dc <__vector_6+0x64>
                delayCount   = DELAY_COUNT;
 29a:   84 e0           ldi     r24, 0x04       ; 4
 29c:   80 93 63 01     sts     0x0163, r24

        PORTB = ~_BV(i);
 2a0:   20 91 65 01     lds     r18, 0x0165
 2a4:   30 e0           ldi     r19, 0x00       ; 0
 2a6:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 2a8:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 2aa:   02 2e           mov     r0, r18
 2ac:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x2b2 <__vector_6+0x3a>
 2ae:   88 0f           add     r24, r24
 2b0:   99 1f           adc     r25, r25
 2b2:   0a 94           dec     r0
 2b4:   e2 f7           brpl    .-8             ; 0x2ae <__vector_6+0x36>
 2b6:   80 95           com     r24
 2b8:   88 bb           out     0x18, r24       ; 24
        i = (i + 1) % 8;                                /* cycle to the next 
LED */
 2ba:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 2bc:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 2be:   27 70           andi    r18, 0x07       ; 7
 2c0:   30 70           andi    r19, 0x00       ; 0
 2c2:   20 93 65 01     sts     0x0165, r18

                /* is the switch coresponding to the lit LED closed? */
        if( 0 == (PINA & _BV(i)) )
 2c6:   89 b3           in      r24, 0x19       ; 25
 2c8:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 2ca:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x2d0 <__vector_6+0x58>
 2cc:   95 95           asr     r25
 2ce:   87 95           ror     r24
 2d0:   2a 95           dec     r18
 2d2:   e2 f7           brpl    .-8             ; 0x2cc <__vector_6+0x54>
 2d4:   80 fd           sbrc    r24, 0
 2d6:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x2dc <__vector_6+0x64>
            i = 0;                                              /* here, the 
switch is closed */
 2d8:   10 92 65 01     sts     0x0165, r1
 2dc:   9f 91           pop     r25
 2de:   8f 91           pop     r24
 2e0:   3f 91           pop     r19
 2e2:   2f 91           pop     r18
 2e4:   0f 90           pop     r0
 2e6:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 2e8:   0f 90           pop     r0
 2ea:   1f 90           pop     r1
 2ec:   18 95           reti

000002ee <__vector_9>:

/* USART receiver full interrupt */
 2ee:   1f 92           push    r1
 2f0:   0f 92           push    r0
 2f2:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 2f4:   0f 92           push    r0
 2f6:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
 2f8:   2f 93           push    r18
 2fa:   8f 93           push    r24
 2fc:   9f 93           push    r25
 2fe:   ef 93           push    r30
 300:   ff 93           push    r31
    /* store the USART data and exit */
        dataBuffer[dataIndex_read] = UDR;
 302:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 306:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 308:   2c b1           in      r18, 0x0c       ; 12
 30a:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
 30c:   ea 59           subi    r30, 0x9A       ; 154
 30e:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE       ; 254
 310:   20 83           st      Z, r18
        INCREMENT_DATA_INDEX_READ;              /* note: no buffer overflow 
detection */
 312:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 314:   8f 77           andi    r24, 0x7F       ; 127
 316:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 318:   80 93 e6 01     sts     0x01E6, r24
 31c:   ff 91           pop     r31
 31e:   ef 91           pop     r30
 320:   9f 91           pop     r25
 322:   8f 91           pop     r24
 324:   2f 91           pop     r18
 326:   0f 90           pop     r0
 328:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 32a:   0f 90           pop     r0
 32c:   1f 90           pop     r1
 32e:   18 95           reti

00000330 <init_system>:

        /* initialize global data */
        dataIndex_read = dataIndex_write = 0;
 330:   10 92 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r1
 334:   10 92 e6 01     sts     0x01E6, r1
        DDRD  = INIT_DDRD_DIR;

        PORTB = ALL_LEDS_OFF;   /* initialize PORTB */
 338:   8f ef           ldi     r24, 0xFF       ; 255
 33a:   88 bb           out     0x18, r24       ; 24
        DDRB  = INIT_DDRB_DIR;  /* set PORTB direction register */
 33c:   87 bb           out     0x17, r24       ; 23

        DDRA  = INIT_DDRA_DIR;  /* set PORTA direction register */
 33e:   1a ba           out     0x1a, r1        ; 26

        /* initialize timer/counter 1 */        
 340:   1f bc           out     0x2f, r1        ; 47
 342:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 344:   8e bd           out     0x2e, r24       ; 46
    TIMSK = _BV (TOIE1);
 346:   80 e8           ldi     r24, 0x80       ; 128
 348:   89 bf           out     0x39, r24       ; 57

        /* initialize USART */
 34a:   87 e1           ldi     r24, 0x17       ; 23
 34c:   89 b9           out     0x09, r24       ; 9
 34e:   10 bc           out     0x20, r1        ; 32

        UCSRC = USART_REG_SELECT_UCSRC         | \
 350:   86 e8           ldi     r24, 0x86       ; 134
 352:   80 bd           out     0x20, r24       ; 32
                USART_PARITY_MODE_NONE         | \
            USART_STOP_BITS_1              | \

    UCSRB = _BV(RXCIE) | _BV(RXEN) | _BV(TXEN);  /* enable USART transmitter / 
receiver */
 354:   88 e9           ldi     r24, 0x98       ; 152
 356:   8a b9           out     0x0a, r24       ; 10

    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
 358:   78 94           sei
 35a:   08 95           ret

0000035c <main>:

/* main routine */
main( void )
 35c:   8f 92           push    r8
 35e:   9f 92           push    r9
 360:   af 92           push    r10
 362:   bf 92           push    r11
 364:   cf 92           push    r12
 366:   df 92           push    r13
 368:   ef 92           push    r14
 36a:   ff 92           push    r15
 36c:   0f 93           push    r16
 36e:   1f 93           push    r17
 370:   cf 93           push    r28
 372:   df 93           push    r29
 374:   cd b7           in      r28, 0x3d       ; 61
 376:   de b7           in      r29, 0x3e       ; 62
 378:   22 97           sbiw    r28, 0x02       ; 2
 37a:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 37c:   f8 94           cli
 37e:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
 380:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 382:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61
 384:   d5 df           rcall   .-86            ; 0x330 <init_system>

 386:   a1 de           rcall   .-702           ; 0xca <crlf>
    io_puts( "USART v0.30" );    /* if we see this, we did OK */
 388:   8e e9           ldi     r24, 0x9E       ; 158
 38a:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 38c:   c0 de           rcall   .-640           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
 38e:   9d de           rcall   .-710           ; 0xca <crlf>
    io_puts( "Ctrl-x - dump data memory" );
 390:   8a ea           ldi     r24, 0xAA       ; 170
 392:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 394:   bc de           rcall   .-648           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
    io_puts( "Ctrl-z - start/stop data recording" );
 396:   84 ec           ldi     r24, 0xC4       ; 196
 398:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 39a:   b9 de           rcall   .-654           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
    io_puts( "Ctrl-y - playback recorded data" );
 39c:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 39e:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 3a0:   b6 de           rcall   .-660           ; 0x10e <io_puts>

    /* check if EEPROM is initialized */
    if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
 3a2:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 3a4:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 3a6:   71 de           rcall   .-798           ; 0x8a <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 3a8:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 3aa:   89 f4           brne    .+34            ; 0x3ce <main+0x72>
        /* EEPROM not initialized here */
 3ac:   8e de           rcall   .-740           ; 0xca <crlf>
        io_printString( "EEPROM Init ... " );
 3ae:   87 e0           ldi     r24, 0x07       ; 7
 3b0:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 3b2:   9f de           rcall   .-706           ; 0xf2 <io_printString>
 3b4:   81 de           rcall   .-766           ; 0xb8 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>
        if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) )
 3b6:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 3b8:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 3ba:   67 de           rcall   .-818           ; 0x8a <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 3bc:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 3be:   19 f4           brne    .+6             ; 0x3c6 <main+0x6a>
            io_puts( "FAIL" );
 3c0:   88 e1           ldi     r24, 0x18       ; 24
 3c2:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 3c4:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x3ca <main+0x6e>
            io_puts( "OK" );
 3c6:   8d e1           ldi     r24, 0x1D       ; 29
 3c8:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 3ca:   a1 de           rcall   .-702           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
 3cc:   7e de           rcall   .-772           ; 0xca <crlf>
 3ce:   40 e2           ldi     r20, 0x20       ; 32
 3d0:   84 2e           mov     r8, r20
 3d2:   41 e0           ldi     r20, 0x01       ; 1
 3d4:   94 2e           mov     r9, r20
 3d6:   31 e3           ldi     r19, 0x31       ; 49
 3d8:   a3 2e           mov     r10, r19
 3da:   31 e0           ldi     r19, 0x01       ; 1
 3dc:   b3 2e           mov     r11, r19
 3de:   29 e3           ldi     r18, 0x39       ; 57
 3e0:   c2 2e           mov     r12, r18
 3e2:   21 e0           ldi     r18, 0x01       ; 1
 3e4:   d2 2e           mov     r13, r18
 3e6:   95 e5           ldi     r25, 0x55       ; 85
 3e8:   e9 2e           mov     r14, r25
 3ea:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 3ec:   f9 2e           mov     r15, r25
 3ee:   08 e4           ldi     r16, 0x48       ; 72
 3f0:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1

    while(1) {
        volatile uint16_t i = 0;
 3f2:   1a 82           std     Y+2, r1 ; 0x02
 3f4:   19 82           std     Y+1, r1 ; 0x01

             if( 0 == i++ ) {
 3f6:   89 81           ldd     r24, Y+1        ; 0x01
 3f8:   9a 81           ldd     r25, Y+2        ; 0x02
 3fa:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 3fc:   9a 83           std     Y+2, r25        ; 0x02
 3fe:   89 83           std     Y+1, r24        ; 0x01
 400:   89 81           ldd     r24, Y+1        ; 0x01
 402:   9a 81           ldd     r25, Y+2        ; 0x02
 404:   01 97           sbiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 406:   61 f4           brne    .+24            ; 0x420 <main+0xc4>
 408:   60 de           rcall   .-832           ; 0xca <crlf>
                        io_printString( "Main loop: RI = ");
 40a:   c4 01           movw    r24, r8
 40c:   72 de           rcall   .-796           ; 0xf2 <io_printString>
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_read );
 40e:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 412:   80 de           rcall   .-768           ; 0x114 <io_putHex>
                        io_printString( "  WI = " );
 414:   c5 01           movw    r24, r10
 416:   6d de           rcall   .-806           ; 0xf2 <io_printString>
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_write );
 418:   80 91 e9 01     lds     r24, 0x01E9
 41c:   7b de           rcall   .-778           ; 0x114 <io_putHex>
 41e:   55 de           rcall   .-854           ; 0xca <crlf>
                /* process characters in the buffer */
                if(  dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) {
 420:   e0 91 e9 01     lds     r30, 0x01E9
 424:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 428:   e8 17           cp      r30, r24
 42a:   19 f3           breq    .-58            ; 0x3f2 <main+0x96>
            /* here, we have data from the USART in the buffer */
                        switch( dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] )
 42c:   2e 2f           mov     r18, r30
 42e:   30 e0           ldi     r19, 0x00       ; 0
 430:   f9 01           movw    r30, r18
 432:   ea 59           subi    r30, 0x9A       ; 154
 434:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE       ; 254
 436:   e0 81           ld      r30, Z
 438:   e9 31           cpi     r30, 0x19       ; 25
 43a:   61 f0           breq    .+24            ; 0x454 <main+0xf8>
 43c:   ea 31           cpi     r30, 0x1A       ; 26
 43e:   79 f0           breq    .+30            ; 0x45e <main+0x102>
 440:   e8 31           cpi     r30, 0x18       ; 24
 442:   39 f5           brne    .+78            ; 0x492 <main+0x136>
                          case CTRL_X:
 444:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 446:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 448:   2f 77           andi    r18, 0x7F       ; 127
 44a:   30 70           andi    r19, 0x00       ; 0
 44c:   20 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r18
 450:   8d de           rcall   .-742           ; 0x16c <dumpDataMemory>
 452:   cf cf           rjmp    .-98            ; 0x3f2 <main+0x96>

                          case CTRL_Y:
 454:   3a de           rcall   .-908           ; 0xca <crlf>
                                io_puts( "Playback data:");
 456:   c6 01           movw    r24, r12
 458:   5a de           rcall   .-844           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
                            EEPROM_playback();      /* diplay EEPROM contents */
 45a:   e7 de           rcall   .-562           ; 0x22a <EEPROM_playback>
 45c:   11 c0           rjmp    .+34            ; 0x480 <main+0x124>

              case CTRL_Z:
                if (  RECORD_OFF == recordMode ) 
 45e:   80 91 64 01     lds     r24, 0x0164
 462:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 464:   41 f4           brne    .+16            ; 0x476 <main+0x11a>
                    /* here, recording is disabled, enable recording */
                                        recordMode = RECORD_ON;
 466:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 468:   80 93 64 01     sts     0x0164, r24
 46c:   2e de           rcall   .-932           ; 0xca <crlf>
                                        io_puts( "RecMode : ON" );
 46e:   c8 01           movw    r24, r16
 470:   4e de           rcall   .-868           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
                    /* initialize the EEPROM */
 472:   22 de           rcall   .-956           ; 0xb8 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>
 474:   05 c0           rjmp    .+10            ; 0x480 <main+0x124>
                    // here, recording is enabled and we need to disable it */
                    recordMode = RECORD_OFF;
 476:   10 92 64 01     sts     0x0164, r1
 47a:   27 de           rcall   .-946           ; 0xca <crlf>
                                        io_puts( "RecMode : OFF" );
 47c:   c7 01           movw    r24, r14
 47e:   47 de           rcall   .-882           ; 0x10e <io_puts>
 480:   80 91 e9 01     lds     r24, 0x01E9
 484:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 486:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 488:   8f 77           andi    r24, 0x7F       ; 127
 48a:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 48c:   80 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r24
 490:   b0 cf           rjmp    .-160           ; 0x3f2 <main+0x96>

                if (  RECORD_ON == recordMode )
 492:   80 91 64 01     lds     r24, 0x0164
 496:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 498:   11 f4           brne    .+4             ; 0x49e <main+0x142>
 49a:   8c de           rcall   .-744           ; 0x1b4 <EEPROM_record>
 49c:   aa cf           rjmp    .-172           ; 0x3f2 <main+0x96>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 49e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 4a0:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x49e <main+0x142>
    UDR = c;
 4a2:   ec b9           out     0x0c, r30       ; 12
                    io_putchar( dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
 4a4:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 4a6:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 4a8:   2f 77           andi    r18, 0x7F       ; 127
 4aa:   30 70           andi    r19, 0x00       ; 0
 4ac:   20 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r18
 4b0:   a0 cf           rjmp    .-192           ; 0x3f2 <main+0x96>

000004b2 <_exit>:
 4b2:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0x4b2 <_exit>
 Writing Portable Device Drivers
   Filename:    main.c
   Filetype:    C source file
   Author:      Ray Hurst
   Created:     Mar 15, 2008
   Edited:      Apr 03, 2008


   LAB 4
   Part 1:
   Write a driver to cycle the LEDs from 0 to 7 with a delay beteen cycles.
   If LED 7 is lit then the next LED lit will be LED 0.
   If the corresponding switch (0 to 7) is closed then reset back to LED 0.
   Delay controlled by a timer/counter ISR.

   Activate the USART with the settings 9600-8-N-1.
   Accept input from the USART Receiver and echo each character (except ctlr-z 
and ctrl-y)
   to the USART transmitter.
   A ctrl-z character us used to control storing of data to the EEPROM.
   A ctrl-y character is used to playback the contents of the EEPROM.

   USART operation is as follows:

   Record   Character   Task
   Mode     Received

     X      not         Echo character to USART TXC
            ctrl-x or
            ctrl-z or

     0      ctrl-z      Clear EEPROM contents and set Recode Mode to 1.
                        Record mode = 1 starts recording USART data to EEPROM

     1      ctrl-z      Set Record Mode to 0. Stops recording USART data to 

     X      ctrl-y      playback EEPROM contents to the USART

     X      ctrl-x      display contents of the data SRAM

   STK500 Setup:
   PORT A - 8 switches used as input
   PORT B - 8 LEDs     used as output
            if LED6 is solid on - ABORTED
   Timer\Counter 1 used as delay generator
   USART set to Asych normal 9600-8-N-1.

#include "at_mega_8515.h"

#define DEBUG_EEPROM    1
#define DEBUG_TIMER             0
#define DEBUG_USART             1

/* Function decalarations */

void    crlf (void );
void    displayData_formatted( uint16_t index, uint8_t data );
uint8_t bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte );
void    io_printString( const char *s );
void    io_putchar ( char c );
void    io_putHex( char c );
void    io_puts ( const char *s );
void    usart_putchar ( char c );

/* Constants */

#define F_CPU           3686400UL   /* CPU frequency (Hz) */

#define DELAY_COUNT     4           /* delay count - 18 msec resolution */

#define FALSE           0
#define TRUE            1

#define BIT7            7
#define BIT6            6
#define BIT5            5
#define BIT4            4
#define BIT3            3
#define BIT2            2
#define BIT1            1
#define BIT0            0

#define MAX_LEDS        8
#define MAX_SWITCHES    8

/* LED definitions */
#define ALL_LEDS_OFF    0xFF
#define LED_0_ON        ~_BV(BIT0)
#define LED_2_ON        ~_BV(BIT2)
#define LED_4_ON        ~_BV(BIT4)
#define LED_6_ON        ~_BV(BIT6)
#define LED_7_ON        ~_BV(BIT7)

#define ABORTED         LED_6_ON    /* LED to light up when program aborts */

/* USART definitions */
#define USART_BAUDRATE              9600

#define USART_RXC_FULL              ( 0 != (UCSRA & _BV(RXC)) )
#define USART_TXC_EMPTY             ( 0 != (UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) )

/* ASCII control codes */
#define CTRL_X          0x18        /* used to display data SRAM */
#define CTRL_Y          0x19        /* used to playback stored data */
#define CTRL_Z          0x1A        /* used to enable/disable record mode */

/* EEPROM data constants */

#define EEPROM_DATA_SIGNATURE       0x5A

#define EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT        1
#define EEPROM_DATA_COUNT_MAX       254

#define EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA         2

typedef struct 
    uint8_t    signature;   /* EEPROM data valid signature */
    uint8_t    count;       /* number of bytes recorded */

/* Hardware Initialization constants  */

#define INIT_TCCR1A         0x00
#define INIT_TCCR1B         TC1_CS_DIV_1

#define INIT_DDRA_DIR       0x00        /* port A programmed as input  port */
#define INIT_DDRB_DIR       0xFF        /* port B programmed as output port */

  #define INIT_DDRD_DIR     (_BV(DDD2) | _BV(DDD4) | _BV(DDD6))

#define INIT_PORTD          0x00

/* Global data */

#define DATA_MEMORY_SIZE    512

#define BUFFER_SIZE     128
uint8_t dataBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t dataIndex_read;
uint8_t dataIndex_write;

#define INCREMENT_DATA_INDEX_READ   dataIndex_read  = (dataIndex_read + 1)  % 
#define INCREMENT_DATA_INDEX_WRITE  dataIndex_write = (dataIndex_write + 1) % 

#define RECORD_OFF  0
#define RECORD_ON   1
uint8_t recordMode = RECORD_OFF;


/* Abort routine */

weAreDead( void )
    cli();              /* disable global interrupts */
    PORTD = ABORTED;    /* set PORTD bit 6 - ABORTED */
    while(1);           /* loop forever */

/* EEPROM read/write routines */

  Function    : EEPROM_read
  Description : read a byte from address in EEPROM
EEPROM_read( uint16_t uiAddress )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address register */
    EEAR = uiAddress;

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
    /* start the EEPROM read process */
    EECR |= _BV(EERE);
    /* return the data from the data register */
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
    return EEDR;

  Function    : EEPROM_write
  Description : write a byte to address in EEPROM (8.5msec program time)
EEPROM_write( uint16_t uiAddress, uint8_t ucData )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
    EEDR = ucData;

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */

  Function    : EEPROM_displayHeader
  Description : display the EEPROM header
EEPROM_displayHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
    io_printString( "Signature: 0x" );
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.signature );
    io_printString( "Count: 0x" );
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.count );

  Function    : EEPROM_verifyHeader
  Description : read and validate the EEPROM header
EEPROM_verifyHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
    uint8_t dataValid = FALSE;  /* assume the EEPROM data is invalid */

    /* read signature bytes */
    pEEpromHeader->signature  = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_SIGNATURE );
    pEEpromHeader->count      = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT );

    if( EEPROM_DATA_SIGNATURE == pEEpromHeader->signature ) 
        dataValid = TRUE;
    return dataValid;

  Function    : EEPROM_initialize
  Description : write EEPROM header
EEPROM_initializeHeader( void )
    EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT,     0 );

  Function    : EEPROM_playback
  Description : send each byte in the EEPROM to the USART transmitter
EEPROM_playback( void )
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        uint8_t i, j, data;

        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        for ( i = 0, j= 0; i < eePromHeader.count; i++ ) 
            data = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + i );
            displayData_formatted( j, data );
        io_puts( "EEPROM invalid!" );

  Function    : EEPROM_record
  Description : store USART data received into EEPROM
EEPROM_record( void )
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        while( dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) 
            if ( EEPROM_DATA_COUNT_MAX == eePromHeader.count ) 
                io_puts( "EEPROM full!" );
                dataIndex_write = dataIndex_read;   /* discard remaining 
characters */

                EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + eePromHeader.count, 
dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
        /* update EEPROM data log counter */
        EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT, eePromHeader.count );
        io_puts( "EEPROM invalid!" );

/* Utility routines */

    Function:   crlf
        Output CR, LF characters to standard output
crlf (void )
    io_putchar( '\r' );
    io_putchar( '\n' );

    Function:   displayData_formatted
        Display data as ASCII hex, neatly formatted 16 bytes per line
displayData_formatted ( uint16_t index, uint8_t data )
    if ( 0 == (index % 16) ) 
        io_putHex( index >> 8 );
        io_putHex( index );
        io_putchar( ':' );
    io_putchar( ' ' );
    io_putHex( data );

    Function:   dumpDataMemory
        Display the data memory (512 bytes)
dumpDataMemory( void )
    uint16_t i;

    uint8_t *dataPtr = (uint8_t *)0x60;

    io_puts( "DM Dump:");
    for( i = 0; i < 512; i++ )
        displayData_formatted( i, *dataPtr++ );

    Function:   bin2AsciiHex
        This function converts a the lower 4 bits of a binary byte into an 
ASCII hex character
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
    if( byte > 9 )
        byte += 7;
    byte += '0';
    return byte;

/* USART I/O routines */

    Function:   usart_putchar()
        This function writes a single byte to the USART tranmit data register.

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;

/* I/O routines */

    Function:   io_printString()
        Output a string pointed to by s to the standard output device.
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );

    Function:   io_putchar()
        Output a single character to the standard output device.

io_putchar ( char c )
    usart_putchar( c );

    Function:   io_puts()
        Output a string pointed to by s followed by a newline to the standard 
output device.
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_puts ( const char *s )
        io_printString( s );

        Function:       io_putHex()
                Convert a byte value into two ASCII hex characters and output 
them to the standard output device.
io_putHex( char c )
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c >> 4) );
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c) );

/* Interrupt Sevice Routines (ISRs) */

/* Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Interrupt handler - 20msec interrupt */
/* Configured as an interruptable ISR */
        static uint8_t i = 0;
        static uint8_t delayCount = DELAY_COUNT;

        PORTD = PIND ^ _BV(6);                          /* toggle PORTD pin 6 */

        if( 0 == --delayCount ) {
                delayCount   = DELAY_COUNT;

        PORTB = ~_BV(i);
        i = (i + 1) % 8;                                /* cycle to the next 
LED */

                /* is the switch coresponding to the lit LED closed? */
        if( 0 == (PINA & _BV(i)) )
            i = 0;                                              /* here, the 
switch is closed */

/* USART receiver full interrupt */
    /* store the USART data and exit */
        dataBuffer[dataIndex_read] = UDR;
        INCREMENT_DATA_INDEX_READ;              /* note: no buffer overflow 
detection */

/* main initialization routine */

        /* initialize global data */
        dataIndex_read = dataIndex_write = 0;

        /* initialize hardware */
        DDRD  = INIT_DDRD_DIR;

        PORTB = ALL_LEDS_OFF;   /* initialize PORTB */
        DDRB  = INIT_DDRB_DIR;  /* set PORTB direction register */

        DDRA  = INIT_DDRA_DIR;  /* set PORTA direction register */

        /* initialize timer/counter 1 */        
    TIMSK = _BV (TOIE1);

        /* initialize USART */

        UCSRC = USART_REG_SELECT_UCSRC         | \
                USART_PARITY_MODE_NONE         | \
            USART_STOP_BITS_1              | \

    UCSRB = _BV(RXCIE) | _BV(RXEN) | _BV(TXEN);  /* enable USART transmitter / 
receiver */

    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */

/* main routine */
main( void )

    io_puts( "USART v0.30" );    /* if we see this, we did OK */
    io_puts( "Ctrl-x - dump data memory" );
    io_puts( "Ctrl-z - start/stop data recording" );
    io_puts( "Ctrl-y - playback recorded data" );

    /* check if EEPROM is initialized */
    if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        /* EEPROM not initialized here */
        io_printString( "EEPROM Init ... " );
        if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) )
            io_puts( "FAIL" );
            io_puts( "OK" );

    while(1) {
        volatile uint16_t i = 0;

             if( 0 == i++ ) {
                        io_printString( "Main loop: RI = ");
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_read );
                        io_printString( "  WI = " );
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_write );
                /* process characters in the buffer */
                if(  dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) {
            /* here, we have data from the USART in the buffer */
                        switch( dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] )
                          case CTRL_X:

                          case CTRL_Y:
                                io_puts( "Playback data:");
                            EEPROM_playback();      /* diplay EEPROM contents */

              case CTRL_Z:
                if (  RECORD_OFF == recordMode ) 
                    /* here, recording is disabled, enable recording */
                                        recordMode = RECORD_ON;
                                        io_puts( "RecMode : ON" );
                    /* initialize the EEPROM */
                    // here, recording is enabled and we need to disable it */
                    recordMode = RECORD_OFF;
                                        io_puts( "RecMode : OFF" );

                if (  RECORD_ON == recordMode )
                    io_putchar( dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
    return 0;

/* End of file main.c */
Filename:   at_mega_8515.h
Filetype:   C header file
Author:     Ray Hurst
Created:    3/10/2008
Edited:     3/14/2008

Description:    C header file for the Atmel AVR ATmega8515 Microcontroller

#ifndef _AVR_ATMEGA8515_H_
#define _AVR_ATMEGA8515_H_ 1

#define _EMBEDDED_CLASS_    1

#define cli()  __asm__ __volatile__ ("cli" ::)
#define sei()  __asm__ __volatile__ ("sei" ::)

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int  uint16_t;

#define _MMIO_BYTE(mem_addr)    (*(volatile uint8_t *)(mem_addr))   /* macro 
for  8 bit general memory access */
#define _MMIO_WORD(mem_addr)    (*(volatile uint16_t *)(mem_addr))  /* macro 
for 16 bit general memory access */

#define _SFR_IO8(io_addr)       _MMIO_BYTE((io_addr) + 0x20)        /* macro 
for  8 bit register access */
#define _SFR_IO16(io_addr)      _MMIO_WORD((io_addr) + 0x20)        /* macro 
for 16 bit register access */

#define _BV(bit)                (1 << (bit))
#define _VECTOR(N)              __vector_ ## N                      /* macro 
for interrupt vectors */

#if __GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1
#  define __INTR_ATTRS used, externally_visible
#else /* GCC < 4.1 */
#  define __INTR_ATTRS used

#define ISR(vector, ...)            \
    void vector (void) __attribute__ ((signal,__INTR_ATTRS)) __VA_ARGS__; \
    void vector (void)

#  define ISR_NOBLOCK    __attribute__((interrupt))

#else   /* !_EMBEDDED_CLASS_ */

/* This file should only be included from <avr/io.h>, never directly. */

  #ifndef _AVR_IO_H_
    #  error "Include <avr/io.h> instead of this file."

  #ifndef _AVR_IOXXX_H_
    #  define _AVR_IOXXX_H_ "at_mega_8515.h"
    #  error "Attempt to include more than one <avr/ioXXX.h> file."
#endif   /* _EMBEDDED_CLASS_ */

/* Oscillator Calibration Register */
#define OSCCAL  _SFR_IO8(0x04)

/* Analog Comparator Control and Status Register */
#define ACSR    _SFR_IO8(0x08)

#define    ACD          7       /* Analog Comparator Disable, 1 = disable */
#define    ACBG         6       /* Analog Comparator Bandgap Select, 1 = 
internal, 0 = external */
#define    ACO          5       /* Analog Comparator Output */
#define    ACI          4       /* Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag */
#define    ACIE         3       /* Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable, 1 = 
enable */
#define    ACIC         2       /* Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable, 1 = 
enable */
#define    ACIS1        1       /* Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 
1 */
#define    ACIS0        0       /* Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bit 
0 */

#define ACSR_MODE_TOGGLE    (0)                         /* analog comparator 
interrupt on output toggle */
#define ACSR_MODE_FE        _BV(ACIS1)                  /* analog comparator 
interrupt on output falling edge */
#define ACSR_MODE_RE        (_BV(ACIS1) | _BV(ACIS0))   /* analog comparator 
interrupt on output rising edge */

/* USART - Universal Synchronous and Acychronous serial Receiver and 
Transmitter Registers */

#define UBRRL   _SFR_IO8(0x09)  /* UART Baud Rate Register (LSB) */
#define UCSRB   _SFR_IO8(0x0A)  /* USART Control and Status Register B */
#define    RXCIE        7       /* RX Complete Interrupt Enable */
#define    TXCIE        6       /* TX Complete Interrupt Enable */
#define    UDRIE        5       /* Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable */
#define    RXEN         4       /* Receiver Enable */
#define    TXEN         3       /* Transmitter Enable */
#define    UCSZ2        2       /* UCSZ bit 2 - set for 9 bit character */
#define    RXB8         1       /* Receive  Data Bit 8 */
#define    TXB8         0       /* Transmit Data Bit 8 */

#define UCSRA   _SFR_IO8(0x0B)  /* USART Control and Status Register A */
#define    RXC          7       /* Receive Complete  */
#define    TXC          6       /* Transmit Complete */
#define    UDRE         5       /* Data Register Empty */
#define    FE           4       /* Frame Error */
#define    DOR          3       /* Data OverRun */
#define    PE           2       /* Parity Error */
#define    U2X          1       /* Double the Transmission Speed */
#define    MCPM         0       /* Multi-processor Communication mode */

#define UDR         _SFR_IO8(0x0C)  /* USART I/O Data Register */

#define UBRRH   _SFR_IO8(0x20)  /* USART Baud Rate Register HI         */
#define UCSRC   UBRRH           /* USART Control and Status Register C */

/* USART Control and Status Register C */
#define    URSEL        7       /* USART Register Select, 0 = select UBRRH, 1 = 
select UCSRC regsiter */
#define    UMSEL        6       /* USART Mode Select, 0 = asynchronous, 1 = 
synchronous */
#define    UPM1         5       /* USART Parity Mode bit 1 */
#define    UPM0         4       /* USART Parity Mode bit 0 */
#define    USBS         3       /* USART Stop Bit Select */
#define    UCSZ1        2       /* USART Character Size bit 1 */
#define    UCSZ0        1       /* USART Character Size bit 0 */
#define    UCPOL        0       /* USART Clock Polarity, 0 for asychronous mode 
                                /*   Synchronous Mode
                                    UCPOL   Transmitted Data Changed  Receive 
Data Sampled
                                      0      rising  XCK edge           falling 
XCK edge
                                      1      falling XCK edge           rising  
XCK edge */

#define USART_REG_SELECT_UBBRH          (0)


#define USART_PARITY_MODE_NONE         (0)
#define USART_PARITY_MODE_EVEN          _BV(UPM1)
#define USART_PARITY_MODE_ODD           (_BV(UPM1) | _BV(UPM0))

#define USART_STOP_BITS_1               (0)
#define USART_STOP_BITS_2               _BV(USBS)

#define USART_CHAR_SIZE_BITS_5          (0)
#define USART_CHAR_SIZE_BITS_6          _BV(UCSZ0)
#define USART_CHAR_SIZE_BITS_7          _BV(UCSZ1)
#define USART_CHAR_SIZE_BITS_7          _BV(UCSZ1)
#define USART_CHAR_SIZE_BITS_8_OR_9     (_BV(UCSZ1) | _BV(UCSZ0))   /* 9 bit 
character - must set CHR9 in UCR register */

/* Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Registers */
#define SPCR    _SFR_IO8(0x0D)  /* SPI Control Register */

#define    SPIE         7   /* SPI Interrupt Enable, 1 = enable */
#define    SPE          6   /* SPI Enable, 1 = enable */
#define    DORD         5   /* SPI Data Order, 1 = MSbit first, 0 = LSBit first 
#define    MSTR         4   /* SPI Master/Slave Select, 1 = master, 0 = slave */
#define    CPOL         3   /* SPI Clock Polarity */
                            /*   1 = SCK high when idle, 0 = SCK low when idle
                                 CPOL     Leading Edge    Trailing Edge
                                  0         Rising          Falling
                                  1         Falling         Rising */
#define    CPHA         2   /* SPI Clock Phase */
                            /*   CPHA     Leading Edge    Trailing Edge
                                  0         Sample          Setup
                                  1         Setup           Sample */
#define    SPR1         1   /* SPI Clock Rate Select bit 1 */
#define    SPR0         0   /* SPI Clock Rate Select bit 0 */

/* SCK frequency select */
/* Following defines for SPSR register - SPI2X bit must be 0 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_4          (0)                         /* Fosc divided by 
4 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_16         _BV(SPR0)                   /* Fosc divided by 
16 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_64         _BV(SPR1)                   /* Fosc divided by 
64 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_128        (_BV(SPR1) | _BV(SPR0))     /* Fosc divided by 
64 */
/* Following defines for SPSR register - SPI2X bit must be 1 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_2          (0)                         /* Fosc divided by 
2 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_8          _BV(SPR0)                   /* Fosc divided by 
8 */
#define SPCR_SPR_DIV_32         _BV(SPR1)                   /* Fosc divided by 
32 */

#define SPSR    _SFR_IO8(0x0E)  /* SPI Status Register */

#define    SPIF         7       /*   SPI Interrupt Flag */
#define    WCOL         6       /*   Write Collision Flag, 1 = collision 
occured */
#define    SPI2X        0       /*  Double SPI Speed, 1 = double SCK frequency 

#define SPDR    _SFR_IO8(0x0F)  /* SPI I/O Data Register */

/* PORT A - E Registers */

/* PORT E register */
#define PINE    _SFR_IO8(0x05)  /* Input Pins, Port E */
#define DDRE    _SFR_IO8(0x06)  /* Data Direction Register, Port E */
#define PORTE   _SFR_IO8(0x07)  /* Data Register, Port E */

#define    PE2          2       /* Data Register, Port E pin 2 */
#define    PE1          1       /* Data Register, Port E pin 1 */
#define    PE0          0       /* Data Register, Port E pin 0 */

#define    DDE2         2       /* Data Direction Register, Port E pin 2, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDE1         1       /* Data Direction Register, Port E pin 1, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDE0         0       /* Data Direction Register, Port E pin 0, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */

/* PORT D register */
#define PIND    _SFR_IO8(0x10)  /* Input Pins, Port D */
#define DDRD    _SFR_IO8(0x11)  /* Data Direction Register, Port D */
#define PORTD   _SFR_IO8(0x12)  /* Data Register, Port D */

#define    PD7          7   /* Data Register - Port D bit 7 */
#define    PD6          6   /* Data Register - Port D bit 6 */
#define    PD5          5   /* Data Register - Port D bit 5 */
#define    PD4          4   /* Data Register - Port D bit 4 */
#define    PD3          3   /* Data Register - Port D bit 3 */
#define    PD2          2   /* Data Register - Port D bit 2 */
#define    PD1          1   /* Data Register - Port D bit 1 */
#define    PD0          0   /* Data Register - Port D bit 0 */

#define    DDD7         7   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 7, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD6         6   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 6, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD5         5   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 5, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD4         4   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 4, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD3         3   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 3, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD2         2   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 2, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD1         1   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 1, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDD0         0   /* Data Direction Register, Port D bit 0, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */

/* PORT C register */
#define PINC    _SFR_IO8(0x13)  /* Input Pins, Port C */
#define DDRC    _SFR_IO8(0x14)  /* Data Direction Register, Port C */
#define PORTC   _SFR_IO8(0x15)  /* Data Register, Port C */

#define    PC7          7   /* Data Register - Port C bit 7 */
#define    PC6          6   /* Data Register - Port C bit 6 */
#define    PC5          5   /* Data Register - Port C bit 5 */
#define    PC4          4   /* Data Register - Port C bit 4 */
#define    PC3          3   /* Data Register - Port C bit 3 */
#define    PC2          2   /* Data Register - Port C bit 2 */
#define    PC1          1   /* Data Register - Port C bit 1 */
#define    PC0          0   /* Data Register - Port C bit 0 */

#define    DDC7         7   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 7, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC6         6   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 6, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC5         5   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 5, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC4         4   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 4, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC3         3   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 3, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC2         2   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 2, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC1         1   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 1, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDC0         0   /* Data Direction Register, Port C bit 0, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */

/* PORT B register */
#define PINB    _SFR_IO8(0x16)  /* Input Pins, Port B */
#define DDRB    _SFR_IO8(0x17)  /* Data Direction Register, Port B */
#define PORTB   _SFR_IO8(0x18)  /* Data Register, Port B */

#define    PB7          7   /* Data Register - Port B bit 7 */
#define    PB6          6   /* Data Register - Port B bit 6 */
#define    PB5          5   /* Data Register - Port B bit 5 */
#define    PB4          4   /* Data Register - Port B bit 4 */
#define    PB3          3   /* Data Register - Port B bit 3 */
#define    PB2          2   /* Data Register - Port B bit 2 */
#define    PB1          1   /* Data Register - Port B bit 1 */
#define    PB0          0   /* Data Register - Port B bit 0 */

#define    DDB7         7   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 7, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB6         6   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 6, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB5         5   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 5, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB4         4   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 4, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB3         3   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 3, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB2         2   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 2, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB1         1   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 1, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDB0         0   /* Data Direction Register, Port B bit 0, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */

/* PORT A register */
#define PINA    _SFR_IO8(0x19)  /* Input Pins, Port A */
#define DDRA    _SFR_IO8(0x1A)  /* Data Direction Register, Port A */
#define PORTA   _SFR_IO8(0x1B)  /* Data Register, Port A */

#define    PA7          7   /* Data Register - Port A bit 7 */
#define    PA6          6   /* Data Register - Port A bit 6 */
#define    PA5          5   /* Data Register - Port A bit 5 */
#define    PA4          4   /* Data Register - Port A bit 4 */
#define    PA3          3   /* Data Register - Port A bit 3 */
#define    PA2          2   /* Data Register - Port A bit 2 */
#define    PA1          1   /* Data Register - Port A bit 1 */
#define    PA0          0   /* Data Register - Port A bit 0 */

#define    DDA7         7   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 7, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA6         6   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 6, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA5         5   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 5, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA4         4   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 4, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA3         3   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 3, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA2         2   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 2, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA1         1   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 1, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */
#define    DDA0         0   /* Data Direction Register, Port A bit 0, 0 = 
input, 1 = output */

/* EEPROM Registers */

#define EECR    _SFR_IO8(0x1C)  /* EEPROM Control Register */

#define    EERIE        3       /* EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable, 1 = enable */
#define    EEMWE        2       /* EEPROM Master Write Enable, 1 - enable EEWE 
bit */
#define    EEWE         1       /* EEPROM Write Enable, 1 = write EEPROM */
                                /*   must be done within 4 clocks of writing 
EEMWE bit */
#define    EERE         0       /* EEPROM Read Enable, 1 = read EEPROM */

#define EEDR    _SFR_IO8(0x1D)  /* EEPROM Data Register */
#define EEAR    _SFR_IO16(0x1E) /* EEPROM Address Register - 16 bit access */
#define EEARL   _SFR_IO8(0x1E)  /* EEPROM Address Register -  8 bit access 
(LSB) */
#define EEARH   _SFR_IO8(0x1F)  /* EEPROM Address Register -  8 bit access 
(MSB) */

/* Watchdog Register */

#define WDTCR   _SFR_IO8(0x21)  /* Watchdog Timer Control Register */

#define    WDCE         4       /* Watchdog Change Enable */
#define    WDE          3       /* Watchdog Enable */
#define    WDP2         2       /* Watchdog Timer Prescalar bit 2 */
#define    WDP1         1       /* Watchdog Timer Prescalar bit 1 */
#define    WDP0         0       /* Watchdog Timer Prescalar bit 0 */

#define WD_CHANGE_ENABLE        (_BV(WDCE) | _BV(WDE))
#define WD_TIMER_PRESCALE_16K   (0)
#define WD_TIMER_PRESCALE_128K  (_BV(WDP1) | _BV(WDP0))
#define WD_TIMER_PRESCALE_512K  (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDP0))
#define WD_TIMER_PRESCALE_1024K (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDP1))
#define WD_TIMER_PRESCALE_2048K (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDP1) | _BV(WDP0))

#define SFIOR   _SFR_IO8(0x30)  /* Special Function IO Register */

#define    XMBK         6       /* External Memory Bus Keeper Enable, 1 = 
enable */
#define    XMM2         5       /* External Memory High Mask - bit 2 */
#define    XMM1         4       /* External Memory High Mask - bit 1 */
#define    XMM0         3       /* External Memory High Mask - bit 0 */
#define    PUD          2       /* Pull-up Disable, 1 = disable */
#define    PSR10        0       /* Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter 1 and 
Timer/COunter 0, 1 = reset */

/* Timer/Counter 0 & 1 Registers */

#define ICR1    _SFR_IO16(0x24) /* Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture Register - 16 
bit access */
#define ICR1L   _SFR_IO8(0x24)  /* Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture Register -  8 
bit access (LSB) */
#define ICR1H   _SFR_IO8(0x25)  /* Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture Register -  8 
bit access (MSB) */

#define OCR1B   _SFR_IO16(0x28) /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register B - 
16 bit access */
#define OCR1BL  _SFR_IO8(0x28)  /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register B -  
8 bit access (LSB) */
#define OCR1BH  _SFR_IO8(0x29)  /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register B -  
8 bit access (MSB) */

#define OCR1A   _SFR_IO16(0x2A) /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register A - 
16 bit access */
#define OCR1AL  _SFR_IO8(0x2A)  /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register A -  
8 bit access (LSB) */
#define OCR1AH  _SFR_IO8(0x2B)  /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register A -  
8 bit access (MSB) */

#define TCNT1   _SFR_IO16(0x2C) /* Timer/Counter 1 - 16 bit access */
#define TCNT1L  _SFR_IO8(0x2C)  /* Timer/Counter 1 -  8 bit access (LSB) */
#define TCNT1H  _SFR_IO8(0x2D)  /* Timer/Counter 1 -  8 bit access (MSB) */

#define TCCR1B  _SFR_IO8(0x2E)  /* Timer/Counter 1 Control and Status Register 

#define    ICNC1        7       /* Input capture Noise Canceler, 1 = activate */
#define    ICES1        6       /* Input capture Edge Select, 0 = falling edge, 
1 = positive edge */
#define    WGM13        4       /* Waveform Generation Mode bit 3 */
#define    WGM12        3       /* Waveform Generation Mode bit 2 */
#define    CS12         2       /* Clock Select bit 2 */
#define    CS11         1       /* Clock Select bit 1 */
#define    CS10         0       /* Clock Select bit 0 */

#define TC1_CS_STOPPED  (0)                                     /* timer 
stopped */
#define TC1_CS_DIV_1    _BV(CS10)                               /* prescalar - 
divide by 1 */
#define TC1_CS_DIV_8    _BV(CS11)                               /* prescalar - 
divide by 8 */
#define TC1_CS_DIV_64   (_BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10))                 /* prescalar - 
divide by 64 */
#define TC1_CS_DIV_256  _BV(CS12)                               /* prescalar - 
divide by 256 */
#define TC1_CS_DIV_1024 (_BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10))                 /* prescalar - 
divide by 1024 */
#define TC1_CS_EXT_FE   (_BV(CS12) | _BV(CS11))                 /* external 
clock on T1 pin, falling edge */
#define TC1_CS_EXT_RE   (_BV(CS12) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10))     /* external 
clock on T1 pin, rising  edge */

#define TCCR1A  _SFR_IO8(0x2F)  /* Timer/Counter 1 Control Register */

#define    COM1A1       7       /* Compare Ouput Mode for Channel A - bit 1 */
#define    COM1A0       6       /* Compare Ouput Mode for Channel A - bit 0 */
#define    COM1B1       5       /* Compare Ouput Mode for Channel B - bit 1 */
#define    COM1B0       4       /* Compare Ouput Mode for Channel B - bit 0 */
#define    FOC1A        3       /* Force Output Compare for Channel A */
#define    FOC1B        2       /* Force Output Compare for Channel B */
#define    WGM11        1       /* Waveform Generation Mode bit 1 */
#define    WGM10        0       /* Waveform Generation Mode bit 0 */

#define OCR0    _SFR_IO8(0x31)  /* Timer/Counter 0 Output Compare Register */

#define TCNT0   _SFR_IO8(0x32)  /* Timer/Counter 0 */

#define TCCR0   _SFR_IO8(0x33)  /* Timer/Counter 0 Control Register */

#define    FOC0         7       /* Force Output Compare, 1 = force */
#define    WGM00        6       /* Waveform Generation Mode - bit 0 */
#define    COM01        5       /* Compare Match Output Mode - bit 1 */
#define    COM00        4       /* Compare Match Output Mode - bit 0 */
#define    WGM01        3       /* Waveform Generation Mode - bit 1 */
#define    CS02         2       /* Clock Select - bit 2 */
#define    CS01         1       /* Clock Select - bit 1 */
#define    CS00         0       /* Clock Select - bit 0 */

#define TIFR    _SFR_IO8(0x38)  /* Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register */

#define    TOV1         7       /* Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Flag, 1 = overflow 
#define    OCF1A        6       /* Timer/COunter 1 Output Compare A Match Flag, 
1 = match */
#define    OCF1B        5       /* Timer/COunter 1 Output Compare B Match Flag, 
1 = match */
#define    ICF1         3       /* Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture Flag, 1 = 
input captured */
#define    TOV0         1       /* Timer/Counter 0 Overflow Flag, 1 = overflow 
#define    OCF0         0       /* Output Compare Flag 0, 1 = match */

#define TIMSK   _SFR_IO8(0x39)  /* Timer/Counter Interrupt MaSK register */

#define    TOIE1        7       /* Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable */
#define    OCIE1A       6       /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare A Match 
Interrupt Enable */
#define    OCIE1B       5       /* Timer/Counter1 Output Compare B Match 
Interrupt Enable */
#define    TICIE1       3       /* Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt 
Enable */
#define    TOIE0        1       /* Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable */
#define    OCIE0        0       /* Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match 
Interrupt Enable */

#define TC1_WG_MODE_NORMAL      0   /* count up, cycle 0x0000 to 0xFFFF */
#define TC1_WG_MODE_CTC_OCR1A   4   /* count up, cycle 0x0000 to OCR1A */

#define TC1_SET_WG_MODE         
/* MCU Registers */

#define MCUCSR  _SFR_IO8(0x34)  /* MCU Control and Status Register */

#define    SM2          5       /* Sleep Mode Select - bit 2 */
#define    WDRF         3       /* Watchdog Reset Flag,  1 = watchdog reset 
occurred */
#define    BORF         2       /* Brown-out Reset Flag, 1 = brown-out reset 
occurred */
#define    EXTRF        1       /* External Reset Flag,  1 = external reset 
occurred */
#define    PORF         0       /* Power-on Reset Flag,  1 = power-on reset 
occurred */

#define MCUCR   _SFR_IO8(0x35)  /* MCU Control Register */

#define    SRE          7       /* External SRAM/XMEM Enable, 1 = enable */
#define    SRW10        6       /* Upper Sector Wait State Select - bit 0 */ 
#define    SE           5       /* Sleep Enable, 1 = enable */
#define    SM1          4       /* Sleep Mode Select - bit 1 */
#define    ISC11        3       /* Interrupt Sense Control 1 - bit 1 */
#define    ISC10        2       /* Interrupt Sense Control 1 - bit 0 */
#define    ISC01        1       /* Interrupt Sense Control 0 - bit 1 */
#define    ISC00        0       /* Interrupt Sense Control 0 - bit 0 */

#define EMCUCR  _SFR_IO8(0x36)  /* Extended MCU Control Register */

#define    SM0          7       /* Sleep Mode Select - bit 0 */
#define    SRL2         6       /* Wait State Sector Limit - bit 2 */
#define    SRL1         5       /* Wait State Sector Limit - bit 1 */
#define    SRL0         4       /* Wait State Sector Limit - bit 0 */
#define    SRW01        3       /* Lower Sector Wait State Select - bit 1 */
#define    SRW00        2       /* Lower Sector Wait State Select - bit 0 */
#define    SRW11        1       /* Upper Sector Wait State Select - bit 1 */
#define    ISC2         0       /* Interrupt Sense Control 2 */

#define SLEEP_MODE_IDLE         0
#define SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY      6

#define GIFR    _SFR_IO8(0x3A)  /* General Interrupt Flag Register */

#define    INTF1        7       /* External Interrupt Flag 1, 1 = INT1 pin 
interrupt occurred */
#define    INTF0        6       /* External Interrupt Flag 0, 1 = INT0 pin 
interrupt occurred */
#define    INTF2        5       /* External Interrupt Flag 2, 1 = INT2 pin 
interrupt occurred */

#define GICR    _SFR_IO8(0x3B)  /* General Interrupt Control Register */

#define    INT1         7       /* External Interrupt Request 1 Enable, 1 = 
enable INT1 pin */
#define    INT0         6       /* External Interrupt Request 0 Enable, 1 = 
enable INT0 pin */
#define    INT2         5       /* External Interrupt Request 2 Enable, 1 = 
enable INT2 pin */
#define    IVSEL        1       /* Interrupt Vector Select, 1 = relocate 
vectors to FLASH boot loader section */
#define    IVCE         0       /* Interrupt Vector Change Enable, 1 = enable 
IVSEL bit */

/* 0x3D..0x3E SP */

/* 0x3F SREG */

/* FLASH Read/Write Control Registers */

#define SPMCR   _SFR_IO8(0x37)  /* Store Program Memory Control Register */

#define    SPMIE        7       /* SPM Interrupt Enable, 1 = enable */
#define    RWWSB        6       /* Read While Write Section Busy, 1 = busy */
#define    RWWSRE       4       /* Read While Write Section Read Enable, 1 = 
enable */
#define    BLBSET       3       /* Boot Lock Bit Set, 1 = set boot lock bits */
#define    PGWRT        2       /* Page Write, 1 = execute page write */
#define    PGERS        1       /* Page Erase, 1 = execute page erase */
#define    SPMEN        0       /* Store Program Memory Enable, 1 = enable */

/* Interrupt vectors */

/* External Interrupt Request 0 */
#define INT0_vect                           _VECTOR(1)
#define SIG_INTERRUPT0                  _VECTOR(1)

/* External Interrupt Request 1 */
#define INT1_vect                           _VECTOR(2)
#define SIG_INTERRUPT1                  _VECTOR(2)

/* Timer/Counter1 Capture Event */
#define TIMER1_CAPT_vect                _VECTOR(3)
#define SIG_INPUT_CAPTURE1              _VECTOR(3)

/* Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A */
#define TIMER1_COMPA_vect               _VECTOR(4)

/* Timer/Counter1 Compare MatchB */
#define TIMER1_COMPB_vect               _VECTOR(5)

/* Timer/Counter1 Overflow */
#define TIMER1_OVF_vect                 _VECTOR(6)
#define SIG_OVERFLOW1                   _VECTOR(6)

/* Timer/Counter0 Overflow */
#define TIMER0_OVF_vect                 _VECTOR(7)
#define SIG_OVERFLOW0                   _VECTOR(7)

/* Serial Transfer Complete */
#define SPI_STC_vect                    _VECTOR(8)
#define SIG_SPI                             _VECTOR(8)

/* UART, Rx Complete */
#define USART_RX_vect           _VECTOR(9)
#define UART_RX_vect            _VECTOR(9) /* For compatability only */
#define SIG_UART_RECV           _VECTOR(9) /* For compatability only */

/* UART Data Register Empty */
#define USART_UDRE_vect         _VECTOR(10)
#define UART_UDRE_vect          _VECTOR(10) /* For compatability only */
#define SIG_UART_DATA           _VECTOR(10) /* For compatability only */

/* UART, Tx Complete */
#define USART_TX_vect           _VECTOR(11)
#define UART_TX_vect            _VECTOR(11) /* For compatability only */
#define SIG_UART_TRANS          _VECTOR(11) /* For compatability only */

/* Analog Comparator */
#define ANA_COMP_vect                   _VECTOR(12)
#define SIG_COMPARATOR                  _VECTOR(12)

/* External Interrupt Request 2 */
#define INT2_vect                           _VECTOR(13)
#define SIG_INTERRUPT2                  _VECTOR(13)

/* Timer 0 Compare Match */
#define TIMER0_COMP_vect                _VECTOR(14)
#define SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE0             _VECTOR(14)

/* EEPROM Ready */
#define EE_RDY_vect                         _VECTOR(15)
#define SIG_EEPROM_READY                _VECTOR(15)

/* Store Program Memory Ready */
#define SPM_RDY_vect                    _VECTOR(16)
#define SIG_SPM_READY                   _VECTOR(16)

#define _VECTORS_SIZE 34

/* Constants */
#define    SPM_PAGESIZE 64
#define    RAMEND       0x25F    /* Last On-Chip SRAM Location */
#define    XRAMEND      0xFFFF
#define    E2END        0x1FF
#define    FLASHEND     0x1FFF

/* Fuses */


/* Low Fuse Byte */
#define CKSEL0      ~_BV(0)
#define CKSEL1      ~_BV(1)
#define CKSEL2      ~_BV(2)
#define CKSEL3      ~_BV(3)
#define SUT0        ~_BV(4)
#define SUT1        ~_BV(5)
#define BODEN       ~_BV(6)
#define BODLEVEL    ~_BV(7)

/* High Fuse Byte */
#define BOOTRST     ~_BV(0)
#define BOOTSZ0     ~_BV(1)
#define BOOTSZ1     ~_BV(2)
#define EESAVE      ~_BV(3)
#define CKOPT       ~_BV(4)
#define SPIEN       ~_BV(5)
#define WDTON       ~_BV(6)
#define S8515C      ~_BV(7)

/* Lock Bits */

#endif  /* _AVR_ATMEGA8515_H_ */
lab4b.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .text         00000622  00000000  00000000  00000074  2**1
  1 .data         00000104  00800060  00000622  00000696  2**0
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  2 .bss          00000086  00800164  00000726  0000079a  2**0
  3 .debug_aranges 00000020  00000000  00000000  0000079a  2**0
  4 .debug_pubnames 000001d6  00000000  00000000  000007ba  2**0
  5 .debug_info   00001033  00000000  00000000  00000990  2**0
  6 .debug_abbrev 000002b4  00000000  00000000  000019c3  2**0
  7 .debug_line   00000aa7  00000000  00000000  00001c77  2**0
  8 .debug_frame  00000160  00000000  00000000  00002720  2**2
  9 .debug_str    00000253  00000000  00000000  00002880  2**0
 10 .debug_loc    000001fb  00000000  00000000  00002ad3  2**0
 11 .debug_ranges 00000288  00000000  00000000  00002cce  2**0
Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
   0:   10 c0           rjmp    .+32            ; 0x22 <__ctors_end>
   2:   2a c0           rjmp    .+84            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   4:   29 c0           rjmp    .+82            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   6:   28 c0           rjmp    .+80            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   8:   27 c0           rjmp    .+78            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   a:   26 c0           rjmp    .+76            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
   c:   b9 c1           rjmp    .+882           ; 0x380 <__vector_6>
   e:   24 c0           rjmp    .+72            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  10:   23 c0           rjmp    .+70            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  12:   f1 c1           rjmp    .+994           ; 0x3f6 <__vector_9>
  14:   21 c0           rjmp    .+66            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  16:   20 c0           rjmp    .+64            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  18:   1f c0           rjmp    .+62            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  1a:   1e c0           rjmp    .+60            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  1c:   1d c0           rjmp    .+58            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  1e:   1c c0           rjmp    .+56            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>
  20:   1b c0           rjmp    .+54            ; 0x58 <__bad_interrupt>

00000022 <__ctors_end>:
  22:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
  24:   1f be           out     0x3f, r1        ; 63
  26:   cf e5           ldi     r28, 0x5F       ; 95
  28:   d2 e0           ldi     r29, 0x02       ; 2
  2a:   de bf           out     0x3e, r29       ; 62
  2c:   cd bf           out     0x3d, r28       ; 61

0000002e <__do_copy_data>:
  2e:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1
  30:   a0 e6           ldi     r26, 0x60       ; 96
  32:   b0 e0           ldi     r27, 0x00       ; 0
  34:   e2 e2           ldi     r30, 0x22       ; 34
  36:   f6 e0           ldi     r31, 0x06       ; 6
  38:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x3e <.do_copy_data_start>

0000003a <.do_copy_data_loop>:
  3a:   05 90           lpm     r0, Z+
  3c:   0d 92           st      X+, r0

0000003e <.do_copy_data_start>:
  3e:   a4 36           cpi     r26, 0x64       ; 100
  40:   b1 07           cpc     r27, r17
  42:   d9 f7           brne    .-10            ; 0x3a <.do_copy_data_loop>

00000044 <__do_clear_bss>:
  44:   11 e0           ldi     r17, 0x01       ; 1
  46:   a4 e6           ldi     r26, 0x64       ; 100
  48:   b1 e0           ldi     r27, 0x01       ; 1
  4a:   01 c0           rjmp    .+2             ; 0x4e <.do_clear_bss_start>

0000004c <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  4c:   1d 92           st      X+, r1

0000004e <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  4e:   aa 3e           cpi     r26, 0xEA       ; 234
  50:   b1 07           cpc     r27, r17
  52:   e1 f7           brne    .-8             ; 0x4c <.do_clear_bss_loop>
  54:   07 d2           rcall   .+1038          ; 0x464 <main>
  56:   e3 c2           rjmp    .+1478          ; 0x61e <_exit>

00000058 <__bad_interrupt>:
  58:   d3 cf           rjmp    .-90            ; 0x0 <__vectors>

0000005a <weAreDead>:
/* Abort routine */

weAreDead( void )
  5a:   f8 94           cli
    cli();              /* disable global interrupts */
    PORTD = ABORTED;    /* set PORTD bit 6 - ABORTED */
  5c:   8f eb           ldi     r24, 0xBF       ; 191
  5e:   82 bb           out     0x12, r24       ; 18
  60:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0x60 <weAreDead+0x6>

00000062 <EEPROM_read>:
  Function    : EEPROM_read
  Description : read a byte from address in EEPROM
EEPROM_read( uint16_t uiAddress )
  62:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  64:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x62 <EEPROM_read>
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address register */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  66:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
  68:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  6a:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM read process */
    EECR |= _BV(EERE);
  6c:   e0 9a           sbi     0x1c, 0 ; 28
    /* return the data from the data register */
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  6e:   78 94           sei
    return EEDR;
  70:   8d b3           in      r24, 0x1d       ; 29
  72:   08 95           ret

00000074 <EEPROM_write>:
  Function    : EEPROM_write
  Description : write a byte to address in EEPROM (8.5msec program time)
EEPROM_write( uint16_t uiAddress, uint8_t ucData )
  74:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  76:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x74 <EEPROM_write>
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  78:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
  7a:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30
    EEDR = ucData;
  7c:   6d bb           out     0x1d, r22       ; 29

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  7e:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
  80:   e2 9a           sbi     0x1c, 2 ; 28
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
  82:   e1 9a           sbi     0x1c, 1 ; 28
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  84:   78 94           sei
  86:   08 95           ret

00000088 <EEPROM_verifyHeader>:
  Function    : EEPROM_verifyHeader
  Description : read and validate the EEPROM header
EEPROM_verifyHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
  88:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
EEPROM_read( uint16_t uiAddress )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
  8a:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  8c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x8a <EEPROM_verifyHeader+0x2>

    /* setup address register */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  8e:   1f ba           out     0x1f, r1        ; 31
  90:   1e ba           out     0x1e, r1        ; 30

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  92:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM read process */
    EECR |= _BV(EERE);
  94:   e0 9a           sbi     0x1c, 0 ; 28
    /* return the data from the data register */
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  96:   78 94           sei
    return EEDR;
  98:   8d b3           in      r24, 0x1d       ; 29
EEPROM_verifyHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
    uint8_t dataValid = FALSE;  /* assume the EEPROM data is invalid */

    /* read signature bytes */
    pEEpromHeader->signature  = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_SIGNATURE );
  9a:   80 83           st      Z, r24
EEPROM_read( uint16_t uiAddress )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
  9c:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  9e:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x9c 

    /* setup address register */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  a0:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  a2:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  a4:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
  a6:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  a8:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM read process */
    EECR |= _BV(EERE);
  aa:   e0 9a           sbi     0x1c, 0 ; 28
    /* return the data from the data register */
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  ac:   78 94           sei
    return EEDR;
  ae:   8d b3           in      r24, 0x1d       ; 29
    uint8_t dataValid = FALSE;  /* assume the EEPROM data is invalid */

    /* read signature bytes */
    pEEpromHeader->signature  = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_SIGNATURE );
    pEEpromHeader->count      = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT );
  b0:   81 83           std     Z+1, r24        ; 0x01
  b2:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  b4:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
  b6:   8a 35           cpi     r24, 0x5A       ; 90
  b8:   09 f4           brne    .+2             ; 0xbc 
  ba:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1

    if( EEPROM_DATA_SIGNATURE == pEEpromHeader->signature ) 
        dataValid = TRUE;
    return dataValid;
  bc:   89 2f           mov     r24, r25
  be:   08 95           ret

000000c0 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>:
  Function    : EEPROM_initialize
  Description : write EEPROM header
EEPROM_initializeHeader( void )
  c0:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  c2:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xc0 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  c4:   1f ba           out     0x1f, r1        ; 31
  c6:   1e ba           out     0x1e, r1        ; 30
    EEDR = ucData;
  c8:   8a e5           ldi     r24, 0x5A       ; 90
  ca:   8d bb           out     0x1d, r24       ; 29

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  cc:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
  ce:   e2 9a           sbi     0x1c, 2 ; 28
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
  d0:   e1 9a           sbi     0x1c, 1 ; 28
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  d2:   78 94           sei
EEPROM_write( uint16_t uiAddress, uint8_t ucData )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
  d4:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
  d6:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xd4 

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
  d8:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
  da:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
  dc:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
  de:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30
    EEDR = ucData;
  e0:   1d ba           out     0x1d, r1        ; 29

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
  e2:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
  e4:   e2 9a           sbi     0x1c, 2 ; 28
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
  e6:   e1 9a           sbi     0x1c, 1 ; 28
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
  e8:   78 94           sei
EEPROM_initializeHeader( void )
    EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT,     0 );
  ea:   08 95           ret

000000ec <crlf>:
        Output CR, LF characters to standard output
crlf (void )
  ec:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
  ee:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xec <crlf>
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
  f0:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
  f2:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
  f4:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
  f6:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0xf4 <crlf+0x8>
    UDR = c;
  f8:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
  fa:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
crlf (void )
    io_putchar( '\r' );
    io_putchar( '\n' );
  fc:   08 95           ret

000000fe <bin2AsciiHex>:
        This function converts a the lower 4 bits of a binary byte into an 
ASCII hex character
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
  fe:   8f 70           andi    r24, 0x0F       ; 15
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
    if( byte > 9 )
 100:   8a 30           cpi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 102:   08 f0           brcs    .+2             ; 0x106 <bin2AsciiHex+0x8>
        byte += 7;
 104:   89 5f           subi    r24, 0xF9       ; 249
    byte += '0';
    return byte;
 106:   80 5d           subi    r24, 0xD0       ; 208
 108:   08 95           ret

0000010a <usart_putchar>:
        This function writes a single byte to the USART tranmit data register.

usart_putchar ( char c )
 10a:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 10c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x10a <usart_putchar>
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 10e:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 110:   08 95           ret

00000112 <io_printString>:
        Output a string pointed to by s to the standard output device.
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
 112:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
 114:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x11e <io_printString+0xc>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 116:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 118:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x116 <io_printString+0x4>
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 11a:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 11c:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 11e:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 120:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 122:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x116 <io_printString+0x4>
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 124:   08 95           ret

00000126 <io_putchar>:
        Output a single character to the standard output device.

io_putchar ( char c )
 126:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 128:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x126 <io_putchar>
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 12a:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

io_putchar ( char c )
    usart_putchar( c );
 12c:   08 95           ret

0000012e <io_puts>:
        Output a string pointed to by s followed by a newline to the standard 
output device.
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_puts ( const char *s )
 12e:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
 130:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x13a <io_puts+0xc>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 132:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 134:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x132 <io_puts+0x4>
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 136:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 138:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 13a:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 13c:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 13e:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x132 <io_puts+0x4>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 140:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 142:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x140 <io_puts+0x12>
    UDR = c;
 144:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 146:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 148:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 14a:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x148 <io_puts+0x1a>
    UDR = c;
 14c:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 14e:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
io_puts ( const char *s )
        io_printString( s );
 150:   08 95           ret

00000152 <io_putHex>:
                Convert a byte value into two ASCII hex characters and output 
them to the standard output device.
io_putHex( char c )
 152:   98 2f           mov     r25, r24
 154:   92 95           swap    r25
 156:   9f 70           andi    r25, 0x0F       ; 15
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
    if( byte > 9 )
 158:   9a 30           cpi     r25, 0x0A       ; 10
 15a:   08 f0           brcs    .+2             ; 0x15e <io_putHex+0xc>
        byte += 7;
 15c:   99 5f           subi    r25, 0xF9       ; 249

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 15e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 160:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x15e <io_putHex+0xc>
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
    if( byte > 9 )
        byte += 7;
    byte += '0';
 162:   90 5d           subi    r25, 0xD0       ; 208
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 164:   9c b9           out     0x0c, r25       ; 12
        This function converts a the lower 4 bits of a binary byte into an 
ASCII hex character
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
 166:   8f 70           andi    r24, 0x0F       ; 15
    if( byte > 9 )
 168:   8a 30           cpi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 16a:   08 f0           brcs    .+2             ; 0x16e <io_putHex+0x1c>
        byte += 7;
 16c:   89 5f           subi    r24, 0xF9       ; 249

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 16e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 170:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x16e <io_putHex+0x1c>
bin2AsciiHex( uint8_t byte )
    byte = byte & 0x0F;
    if( byte > 9 )
        byte += 7;
    byte += '0';
 172:   80 5d           subi    r24, 0xD0       ; 208
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 174:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
io_putHex( char c )
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c >> 4) );
        io_putchar( bin2AsciiHex(c) );
 176:   08 95           ret

00000178 <displayData_formatted>:
        Display data as ASCII hex, neatly formatted 16 bytes per line
displayData_formatted ( uint16_t index, uint8_t data )
 178:   1f 93           push    r17
 17a:   cf 93           push    r28
 17c:   df 93           push    r29
 17e:   ec 01           movw    r28, r24
 180:   16 2f           mov     r17, r22
    if ( 0 == (index % 16) ) 
 182:   8f 70           andi    r24, 0x0F       ; 15
 184:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 186:   89 2b           or      r24, r25
 188:   81 f4           brne    .+32            ; 0x1aa 

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 18a:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 18c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x18a 
    UDR = c;
 18e:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 190:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 192:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 194:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x192 
    UDR = c;
 196:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 198:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
displayData_formatted ( uint16_t index, uint8_t data )
    if ( 0 == (index % 16) ) 
        io_putHex( index >> 8 );
 19a:   8d 2f           mov     r24, r29
 19c:   da df           rcall   .-76            ; 0x152 <io_putHex>
        io_putHex( index );
 19e:   8c 2f           mov     r24, r28
 1a0:   d8 df           rcall   .-80            ; 0x152 <io_putHex>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 1a2:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 1a4:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x1a2 
    UDR = c;
 1a6:   8a e3           ldi     r24, 0x3A       ; 58
 1a8:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 1aa:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 1ac:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x1aa 
    UDR = c;
 1ae:   80 e2           ldi     r24, 0x20       ; 32
 1b0:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        io_putHex( index >> 8 );
        io_putHex( index );
        io_putchar( ':' );
    io_putchar( ' ' );
    io_putHex( data );
 1b2:   81 2f           mov     r24, r17
 1b4:   ce df           rcall   .-100           ; 0x152 <io_putHex>
 1b6:   df 91           pop     r29
 1b8:   cf 91           pop     r28
 1ba:   1f 91           pop     r17
 1bc:   08 95           ret

000001be <dumpDataMemory>:
        Display the data memory (512 bytes)
dumpDataMemory( void )
 1be:   cf 93           push    r28
 1c0:   df 93           push    r29

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 1c2:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 1c4:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x1c2 <dumpDataMemory+0x4>
    UDR = c;
 1c6:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 1c8:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 1ca:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 1cc:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x1ca <dumpDataMemory+0xc>
    UDR = c;
 1ce:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 1d0:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
    uint16_t i;

    uint8_t *dataPtr = (uint8_t *)0x60;

    io_puts( "DM Dump:");
 1d2:   80 e6           ldi     r24, 0x60       ; 96
 1d4:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 1d6:   ab df           rcall   .-170           ; 0x12e <io_puts>
 1d8:   c0 e0           ldi     r28, 0x00       ; 0
 1da:   d0 e0           ldi     r29, 0x00       ; 0
    for( i = 0; i < 512; i++ )
        displayData_formatted( i, *dataPtr++ );
 1dc:   fe 01           movw    r30, r28
 1de:   e0 5a           subi    r30, 0xA0       ; 160
 1e0:   ff 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFF       ; 255
 1e2:   60 81           ld      r22, Z
 1e4:   ce 01           movw    r24, r28
 1e6:   c8 df           rcall   .-112           ; 0x178 <displayData_formatted>

    uint8_t *dataPtr = (uint8_t *)0x60;

    io_puts( "DM Dump:");
    for( i = 0; i < 512; i++ )
 1e8:   21 96           adiw    r28, 0x01       ; 1
 1ea:   82 e0           ldi     r24, 0x02       ; 2
 1ec:   c0 30           cpi     r28, 0x00       ; 0
 1ee:   d8 07           cpc     r29, r24
 1f0:   a9 f7           brne    .-22            ; 0x1dc <dumpDataMemory+0x1e>
        displayData_formatted( i, *dataPtr++ );
 1f2:   df 91           pop     r29
 1f4:   cf 91           pop     r28
 1f6:   08 95           ret

000001f8 <EEPROM_displayHeader>:
  Function    : EEPROM_displayHeader
  Description : display the EEPROM header
EEPROM_displayHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
 1f8:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 1fa:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x1f8 <EEPROM_displayHeader>
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 1fc:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 1fe:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 200:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 202:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x200 
    UDR = c;
 204:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 206:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 208:   e9 e6           ldi     r30, 0x69       ; 105
 20a:   f0 e0           ldi     r31, 0x00       ; 0
 20c:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x216 

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 20e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 210:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x20e 
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 212:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 214:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 216:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 218:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 21a:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x20e 
EEPROM_displayHeader( P_EEPROM_HEADER pEEpromHeader )
    io_printString( "Signature: 0x" );
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.signature );
 21c:   80 91 e7 01     lds     r24, 0x01E7
 220:   98 df           rcall   .-208           ; 0x152 <io_putHex>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 222:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 224:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x222 
    UDR = c;
 226:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 228:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 22a:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 22c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x22a 
    UDR = c;
 22e:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 230:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 232:   e7 e7           ldi     r30, 0x77       ; 119
 234:   f0 e0           ldi     r31, 0x00       ; 0
 236:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x240 

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 238:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 23a:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x238 
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 23c:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 23e:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 240:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 242:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 244:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x238 
    io_printString( "Signature: 0x" );
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.signature );
    io_printString( "Count: 0x" );
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.count );
 246:   80 91 e8 01     lds     r24, 0x01E8
 24a:   83 df           rcall   .-250           ; 0x152 <io_putHex>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 24c:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 24e:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x24c 
    UDR = c;
 250:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 252:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 254:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 256:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x254 
    UDR = c;
 258:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 25a:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.signature );
    io_printString( "Count: 0x" );
    io_putHex( eePromHeader.count );
 25c:   08 95           ret

0000025e <EEPROM_record>:
  Function    : EEPROM_record
  Description : store USART data received into EEPROM
EEPROM_record( void )
 25e:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 260:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 262:   12 df           rcall   .-476           ; 0x88 <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 264:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 266:   09 f0           breq    .+2             ; 0x26a <__stack+0xb>
 268:   4b c0           rjmp    .+150           ; 0x300 <__stack+0xa1>
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );
 26a:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 26c:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 26e:   c4 df           rcall   .-120           ; 0x1f8 <EEPROM_displayHeader>

        while( dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) 
 270:   50 91 e6 01     lds     r21, 0x01E6
 274:   40 91 e8 01     lds     r20, 0x01E8
 278:   e0 91 e9 01     lds     r30, 0x01E9
 27c:   2d c0           rjmp    .+90            ; 0x2d8 <__stack+0x79>
            if ( EEPROM_DATA_COUNT_MAX == eePromHeader.count ) 
 27e:   4e 3f           cpi     r20, 0xFE       ; 254
 280:   a1 f4           brne    .+40            ; 0x2aa <__stack+0x4b>
 282:   40 93 e8 01     sts     0x01E8, r20
 286:   e0 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r30

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 28a:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 28c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x28a <__stack+0x2b>
    UDR = c;
 28e:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 290:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 292:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 294:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x292 <__stack+0x33>
    UDR = c;
 296:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 298:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        while( dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) 
            if ( EEPROM_DATA_COUNT_MAX == eePromHeader.count ) 
                io_puts( "EEPROM full!" );
 29a:   81 e8           ldi     r24, 0x81       ; 129
 29c:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 29e:   47 df           rcall   .-370           ; 0x12e <io_puts>
                dataIndex_write = dataIndex_read;   /* discard remaining 
characters */
 2a0:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 2a4:   80 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r24
 2a8:   1d c0           rjmp    .+58            ; 0x2e4 <__stack+0x85>

                EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + eePromHeader.count, 
dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
 2aa:   2e 2f           mov     r18, r30
 2ac:   30 e0           ldi     r19, 0x00       ; 0
 2ae:   f9 01           movw    r30, r18
 2b0:   ea 59           subi    r30, 0x9A       ; 154
 2b2:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE       ; 254
 2b4:   e0 81           ld      r30, Z
EEPROM_write( uint16_t uiAddress, uint8_t ucData )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
 2b6:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
 2b8:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x2b6 <__stack+0x57>

                EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + eePromHeader.count, 
dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
 2ba:   84 2f           mov     r24, r20
 2bc:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 2be:   02 96           adiw    r24, 0x02       ; 2
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
 2c0:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
 2c2:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30
    EEDR = ucData;
 2c4:   ed bb           out     0x1d, r30       ; 29

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
 2c6:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
 2c8:   e2 9a           sbi     0x1c, 2 ; 28
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
 2ca:   e1 9a           sbi     0x1c, 1 ; 28
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
 2cc:   78 94           sei

                EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + eePromHeader.count, 
dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
 2ce:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 2d0:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 2d2:   e2 2f           mov     r30, r18
 2d4:   ef 77           andi    r30, 0x7F       ; 127
 2d6:   4f 5f           subi    r20, 0xFF       ; 255
EEPROM_record( void )
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        while( dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) 
 2d8:   e5 17           cp      r30, r21
 2da:   89 f6           brne    .-94            ; 0x27e <__stack+0x1f>
 2dc:   40 93 e8 01     sts     0x01E8, r20
 2e0:   e0 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r30
        /* update EEPROM data log counter */
        EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT, eePromHeader.count );
 2e4:   20 91 e8 01     lds     r18, 0x01E8
EEPROM_write( uint16_t uiAddress, uint8_t ucData )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
 2e8:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
 2ea:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x2e8 <__stack+0x89>

    /* setup address and data registers */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
 2ec:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 2ee:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 2f0:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
 2f2:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30
    EEDR = ucData;
 2f4:   2d bb           out     0x1d, r18       ; 29

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
 2f6:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM write process */
    EECR |= _BV(EEMWE);
 2f8:   e2 9a           sbi     0x1c, 2 ; 28
    /* write the data to EEPROM */
    EECR |= _BV(EEWE);
 2fa:   e1 9a           sbi     0x1c, 1 ; 28
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
 2fc:   78 94           sei
 2fe:   08 95           ret

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 300:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 302:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x300 <__stack+0xa1>
    UDR = c;
 304:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 306:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 308:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 30a:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x308 <__stack+0xa9>
    UDR = c;
 30c:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 30e:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        EEPROM_write( EEPROM_ADDRESS_COUNT, eePromHeader.count );
        io_puts( "EEPROM invalid!" );
 310:   8e e8           ldi     r24, 0x8E       ; 142
 312:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 314:   0c df           rcall   .-488           ; 0x12e <io_puts>
 316:   08 95           ret

00000318 <EEPROM_playback>:
  Function    : EEPROM_playback
  Description : send each byte in the EEPROM to the USART transmitter
EEPROM_playback( void )
 318:   1f 93           push    r17
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
 31a:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 31c:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 31e:   b4 de           rcall   .-664           ; 0x88 <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 320:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 322:   09 f5           brne    .+66            ; 0x366 <EEPROM_playback+0x4e>
        uint8_t i, j, data;

        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );
 324:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 326:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 328:   67 df           rcall   .-306           ; 0x1f8 <EEPROM_displayHeader>
 32a:   10 e0           ldi     r17, 0x00       ; 0
 32c:   0f c0           rjmp    .+30            ; 0x34c <EEPROM_playback+0x34>
EEPROM_read( uint16_t uiAddress )
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )
 32e:   e1 99           sbic    0x1c, 1 ; 28
 330:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x32e <EEPROM_playback+0x16>

        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        for ( i = 0, j= 0; i < eePromHeader.count; i++ ) 
            data = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + i );
 332:   81 2f           mov     r24, r17
 334:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 336:   02 96           adiw    r24, 0x02       ; 2
    /* wait for completion from previous write */
    while( EECR & _BV(EEWE) )

    /* setup address register */
    EEAR = uiAddress;
 338:   9f bb           out     0x1f, r25       ; 31
 33a:   8e bb           out     0x1e, r24       ; 30

    cli();      /* disable global interrupts */
 33c:   f8 94           cli
    /* start the EEPROM read process */
    EECR |= _BV(EERE);
 33e:   e0 9a           sbi     0x1c, 0 ; 28
    /* return the data from the data register */
    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
 340:   78 94           sei
    return EEDR;
 342:   6d b3           in      r22, 0x1d       ; 29
        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        for ( i = 0, j= 0; i < eePromHeader.count; i++ ) 
            data = EEPROM_read( EEPROM_ADDRESS_DATA + i );
            displayData_formatted( j, data );
 344:   81 2f           mov     r24, r17
 346:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 348:   17 df           rcall   .-466           ; 0x178 <displayData_formatted>
    if( TRUE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        uint8_t i, j, data;

        EEPROM_displayHeader( &eePromHeader );

        for ( i = 0, j= 0; i < eePromHeader.count; i++ ) 
 34a:   1f 5f           subi    r17, 0xFF       ; 255
 34c:   80 91 e8 01     lds     r24, 0x01E8
 350:   18 17           cp      r17, r24
 352:   68 f3           brcs    .-38            ; 0x32e <EEPROM_playback+0x16>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 354:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 356:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x354 <EEPROM_playback+0x3c>
    UDR = c;
 358:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 35a:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 35c:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 35e:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x35c <EEPROM_playback+0x44>
    UDR = c;
 360:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 362:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 364:   0b c0           rjmp    .+22            ; 0x37c <EEPROM_playback+0x64>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 366:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 368:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x366 <EEPROM_playback+0x4e>
    UDR = c;
 36a:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 36c:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 36e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 370:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x36e <EEPROM_playback+0x56>
    UDR = c;
 372:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 374:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        io_puts( "EEPROM invalid!" );
 376:   8e e8           ldi     r24, 0x8E       ; 142
 378:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 37a:   d9 de           rcall   .-590           ; 0x12e <io_puts>
 37c:   1f 91           pop     r17
 37e:   08 95           ret

00000380 <__vector_6>:
/* Interrupt Sevice Routines (ISRs) */

/* Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Interrupt handler - 20msec interrupt */
/* Configured as an interruptable ISR */
 380:   78 94           sei
 382:   1f 92           push    r1
 384:   0f 92           push    r0
 386:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 388:   0f 92           push    r0
 38a:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
 38c:   2f 93           push    r18
 38e:   3f 93           push    r19
 390:   8f 93           push    r24
 392:   9f 93           push    r25

        PORTD = PIND ^ _BV(6);                          /* toggle PORTD pin 6 */

        if( 0 == --delayCount ) {
 394:   80 91 63 01     lds     r24, 0x0163
 398:   81 50           subi    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 39a:   80 93 63 01     sts     0x0163, r24
 39e:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 3a0:   09 f5           brne    .+66            ; 0x3e4 <__vector_6+0x64>
                delayCount   = DELAY_COUNT;
 3a2:   84 e0           ldi     r24, 0x04       ; 4
 3a4:   80 93 63 01     sts     0x0163, r24

        PORTB = ~_BV(i);
 3a8:   20 91 65 01     lds     r18, 0x0165
 3ac:   30 e0           ldi     r19, 0x00       ; 0
 3ae:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 3b0:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 3b2:   02 2e           mov     r0, r18
 3b4:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x3ba <__vector_6+0x3a>
 3b6:   88 0f           add     r24, r24
 3b8:   99 1f           adc     r25, r25
 3ba:   0a 94           dec     r0
 3bc:   e2 f7           brpl    .-8             ; 0x3b6 <__vector_6+0x36>
 3be:   80 95           com     r24
 3c0:   88 bb           out     0x18, r24       ; 24
        i = (i + 1) % 8;                                /* cycle to the next 
LED */
 3c2:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 3c4:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 3c6:   27 70           andi    r18, 0x07       ; 7
 3c8:   30 70           andi    r19, 0x00       ; 0
 3ca:   20 93 65 01     sts     0x0165, r18

                /* is the switch coresponding to the lit LED closed? */
        if( 0 == (PINA & _BV(i)) )
 3ce:   89 b3           in      r24, 0x19       ; 25
 3d0:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 3d2:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x3d8 <__vector_6+0x58>
 3d4:   95 95           asr     r25
 3d6:   87 95           ror     r24
 3d8:   2a 95           dec     r18
 3da:   e2 f7           brpl    .-8             ; 0x3d4 <__vector_6+0x54>
 3dc:   80 fd           sbrc    r24, 0
 3de:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x3e4 <__vector_6+0x64>
            i = 0;                                              /* here, the 
switch is closed */
 3e0:   10 92 65 01     sts     0x0165, r1
 3e4:   9f 91           pop     r25
 3e6:   8f 91           pop     r24
 3e8:   3f 91           pop     r19
 3ea:   2f 91           pop     r18
 3ec:   0f 90           pop     r0
 3ee:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 3f0:   0f 90           pop     r0
 3f2:   1f 90           pop     r1
 3f4:   18 95           reti

000003f6 <__vector_9>:

/* USART receiver full interrupt */
 3f6:   1f 92           push    r1
 3f8:   0f 92           push    r0
 3fa:   0f b6           in      r0, 0x3f        ; 63
 3fc:   0f 92           push    r0
 3fe:   11 24           eor     r1, r1
 400:   2f 93           push    r18
 402:   8f 93           push    r24
 404:   9f 93           push    r25
 406:   ef 93           push    r30
 408:   ff 93           push    r31
    /* store the USART data and exit */
        dataBuffer[dataIndex_read] = UDR;
 40a:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 40e:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 410:   2c b1           in      r18, 0x0c       ; 12
 412:   fc 01           movw    r30, r24
 414:   ea 59           subi    r30, 0x9A       ; 154
 416:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE       ; 254
 418:   20 83           st      Z, r18
        INCREMENT_DATA_INDEX_READ;              /* note: no buffer overflow 
detection */
 41a:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 41c:   8f 77           andi    r24, 0x7F       ; 127
 41e:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 420:   80 93 e6 01     sts     0x01E6, r24
 424:   ff 91           pop     r31
 426:   ef 91           pop     r30
 428:   9f 91           pop     r25
 42a:   8f 91           pop     r24
 42c:   2f 91           pop     r18
 42e:   0f 90           pop     r0
 430:   0f be           out     0x3f, r0        ; 63
 432:   0f 90           pop     r0
 434:   1f 90           pop     r1
 436:   18 95           reti

00000438 <init_system>:
/* main initialization routine */

 438:   10 92 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r1
 43c:   10 92 e6 01     sts     0x01E6, r1
        DDRD  = INIT_DDRD_DIR;

        PORTB = ALL_LEDS_OFF;   /* initialize PORTB */
 440:   8f ef           ldi     r24, 0xFF       ; 255
 442:   88 bb           out     0x18, r24       ; 24
        DDRB  = INIT_DDRB_DIR;  /* set PORTB direction register */
 444:   87 bb           out     0x17, r24       ; 23

        DDRA  = INIT_DDRA_DIR;  /* set PORTA direction register */
 446:   1a ba           out     0x1a, r1        ; 26

        /* initialize timer/counter 1 */        
 448:   1f bc           out     0x2f, r1        ; 47
 44a:   81 e0           ldi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 44c:   8e bd           out     0x2e, r24       ; 46
    TIMSK = _BV (TOIE1);
 44e:   80 e8           ldi     r24, 0x80       ; 128
 450:   89 bf           out     0x39, r24       ; 57

        /* initialize USART */
 452:   87 e1           ldi     r24, 0x17       ; 23
 454:   89 b9           out     0x09, r24       ; 9
 456:   10 bc           out     0x20, r1        ; 32

        UCSRC = USART_REG_SELECT_UCSRC         | \
 458:   86 e8           ldi     r24, 0x86       ; 134
 45a:   80 bd           out     0x20, r24       ; 32
                USART_PARITY_MODE_NONE         | \
            USART_STOP_BITS_1              | \

    UCSRB = _BV(RXCIE) | _BV(RXEN) | _BV(TXEN);  /* enable USART transmitter / 
receiver */
 45c:   88 e9           ldi     r24, 0x98       ; 152
 45e:   8a b9           out     0x0a, r24       ; 10

    sei();      /* enable global interrupts */
 460:   78 94           sei
 462:   08 95           ret

00000464 <main>:

/* main routine */
main( void )
 464:   ff 92           push    r15
 466:   0f 93           push    r16
 468:   1f 93           push    r17
 46a:   df 93           push    r29
 46c:   cf 93           push    r28
 46e:   00 d0           rcall   .+0             ; 0x470 <main+0xc>
 470:   cd b7           in      r28, 0x3d       ; 61
 472:   de b7           in      r29, 0x3e       ; 62
 474:   e1 df           rcall   .-62            ; 0x438 <init_system>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 476:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 478:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x476 <main+0x12>
    UDR = c;
 47a:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 47c:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 47e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 480:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x47e <main+0x1a>
    UDR = c;
 482:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 484:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
main( void )

    io_puts( "USART v0.30" );    /* if we see this, we did OK */
 486:   8e e9           ldi     r24, 0x9E       ; 158
 488:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 48a:   51 de           rcall   .-862           ; 0x12e <io_puts>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 48c:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 48e:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x48c <main+0x28>
    UDR = c;
 490:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 492:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 494:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 496:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x494 <main+0x30>
    UDR = c;
 498:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 49a:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

    io_puts( "USART v0.30" );    /* if we see this, we did OK */
    io_puts( "Ctrl-x - dump data memory" );
 49c:   8a ea           ldi     r24, 0xAA       ; 170
 49e:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 4a0:   46 de           rcall   .-884           ; 0x12e <io_puts>
    io_puts( "Ctrl-z - start/stop data recording" );
 4a2:   84 ec           ldi     r24, 0xC4       ; 196
 4a4:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 4a6:   43 de           rcall   .-890           ; 0x12e <io_puts>
    io_puts( "Ctrl-y - playback recorded data" );
 4a8:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 4aa:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 4ac:   40 de           rcall   .-896           ; 0x12e <io_puts>

    /* check if EEPROM is initialized */
    if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
 4ae:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 4b0:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 4b2:   ea dd           rcall   .-1068          ; 0x88 <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 4b4:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 4b6:   31 f5           brne    .+76            ; 0x504 <main+0xa0>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 4b8:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 4ba:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x4b8 <main+0x54>
    UDR = c;
 4bc:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 4be:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 4c0:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 4c2:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x4c0 <main+0x5c>
    UDR = c;
 4c4:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 4c6:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
 4c8:   e7 e0           ldi     r30, 0x07       ; 7
 4ca:   f1 e0           ldi     r31, 0x01       ; 1
 4cc:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x4d6 <main+0x72>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 4ce:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 4d0:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x4ce <main+0x6a>
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 4d2:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 4d4:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 4d6:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 4d8:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 4da:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x4ce <main+0x6a>
    /* check if EEPROM is initialized */
    if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) ) {
        /* EEPROM not initialized here */
        io_printString( "EEPROM Init ... " );
 4dc:   f1 dd           rcall   .-1054          ; 0xc0 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>
        if( FALSE == EEPROM_verifyHeader(&eePromHeader) )
 4de:   87 ee           ldi     r24, 0xE7       ; 231
 4e0:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 4e2:   d2 dd           rcall   .-1116          ; 0x88 <EEPROM_verifyHeader>
 4e4:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 4e6:   19 f4           brne    .+6             ; 0x4ee <main+0x8a>
            io_puts( "FAIL" );
 4e8:   88 e1           ldi     r24, 0x18       ; 24
 4ea:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 4ec:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4             ; 0x4f2 <main+0x8e>
            io_puts( "OK" );
 4ee:   8d e1           ldi     r24, 0x1D       ; 29
 4f0:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 4f2:   1d de           rcall   .-966           ; 0x12e <io_puts>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 4f4:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 4f6:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x4f4 <main+0x90>
    UDR = c;
 4f8:   8d e0           ldi     r24, 0x0D       ; 13
 4fa:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 4fc:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 4fe:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x4fc <main+0x98>
    UDR = c;
 500:   8a e0           ldi     r24, 0x0A       ; 10
 502:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12

              case CTRL_Z:
                if (  RECORD_OFF == recordMode ) 
                    /* here, recording is disabled, enable recording */
                                        recordMode = RECORD_ON;
 504:   0d e0           ldi     r16, 0x0D       ; 13
 506:   1a e0           ldi     r17, 0x0A       ; 10
 508:   ff 24           eor     r15, r15
 50a:   f3 94           inc     r15

    while(1) {
        volatile uint16_t i = 0;
 50c:   1a 82           std     Y+2, r1 ; 0x02
 50e:   19 82           std     Y+1, r1 ; 0x01

             if( 0 == i++ ) {
 510:   89 81           ldd     r24, Y+1        ; 0x01
 512:   9a 81           ldd     r25, Y+2        ; 0x02
 514:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 516:   9a 83           std     Y+2, r25        ; 0x02
 518:   89 83           std     Y+1, r24        ; 0x01
 51a:   01 97           sbiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 51c:   31 f5           brne    .+76            ; 0x56a <main+0x106>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 51e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 520:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x51e <main+0xba>
    UDR = c;
 522:   0c b9           out     0x0c, r16       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 524:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 526:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x524 <main+0xc0>
    UDR = c;
 528:   1c b9           out     0x0c, r17       ; 12
 52a:   e0 e2           ldi     r30, 0x20       ; 32
 52c:   f1 e0           ldi     r31, 0x01       ; 1
 52e:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x538 <main+0xd4>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 530:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 532:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x530 <main+0xcc>
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 534:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 536:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 538:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 53a:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 53c:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x530 <main+0xcc>
        volatile uint16_t i = 0;

             if( 0 == i++ ) {
                        io_printString( "Main loop: RI = ");
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_read );
 53e:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 542:   07 de           rcall   .-1010          ; 0x152 <io_putHex>
 544:   e1 e3           ldi     r30, 0x31       ; 49
 546:   f1 e0           ldi     r31, 0x01       ; 1
 548:   04 c0           rjmp    .+8             ; 0x552 <main+0xee>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 54a:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 54c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x54a <main+0xe6>
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
        io_putchar( *s++ );
 54e:   31 96           adiw    r30, 0x01       ; 1
usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
    UDR = c;
 550:   8c b9           out     0x0c, r24       ; 12
        The terminating null byte is not written.
io_printString( const char *s )
    while( '\0' != *s )
 552:   80 81           ld      r24, Z
 554:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 556:   c9 f7           brne    .-14            ; 0x54a <main+0xe6>
             if( 0 == i++ ) {
                        io_printString( "Main loop: RI = ");
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_read );
                        io_printString( "  WI = " );
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_write );
 558:   80 91 e9 01     lds     r24, 0x01E9
 55c:   fa dd           rcall   .-1036          ; 0x152 <io_putHex>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 55e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 560:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x55e <main+0xfa>
    UDR = c;
 562:   0c b9           out     0x0c, r16       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 564:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 566:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x564 <main+0x100>
    UDR = c;
 568:   1c b9           out     0x0c, r17       ; 12
                        io_putHex( dataIndex_write );
                /* process characters in the buffer */
                if(  dataIndex_write != dataIndex_read ) {
 56a:   e0 91 e9 01     lds     r30, 0x01E9
 56e:   80 91 e6 01     lds     r24, 0x01E6
 572:   e8 17           cp      r30, r24
 574:   59 f2           breq    .-106           ; 0x50c <main+0xa8>
            /* here, we have data from the USART in the buffer */
                        switch( dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] )
 576:   2e 2f           mov     r18, r30
 578:   30 e0           ldi     r19, 0x00       ; 0
 57a:   f9 01           movw    r30, r18
 57c:   ea 59           subi    r30, 0x9A       ; 154
 57e:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE       ; 254
 580:   e0 81           ld      r30, Z
 582:   e9 31           cpi     r30, 0x19       ; 25
 584:   61 f0           breq    .+24            ; 0x59e <main+0x13a>
 586:   ea 31           cpi     r30, 0x1A       ; 26
 588:   a9 f0           breq    .+42            ; 0x5b4 <main+0x150>
 58a:   e8 31           cpi     r30, 0x18       ; 24
 58c:   c1 f5           brne    .+112           ; 0x5fe <main+0x19a>
                          case CTRL_X:
 58e:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 590:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 592:   2f 77           andi    r18, 0x7F       ; 127
 594:   30 70           andi    r19, 0x00       ; 0
 596:   20 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r18
 59a:   11 de           rcall   .-990           ; 0x1be <dumpDataMemory>
 59c:   b7 cf           rjmp    .-146           ; 0x50c <main+0xa8>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 59e:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 5a0:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x59e <main+0x13a>
    UDR = c;
 5a2:   0c b9           out     0x0c, r16       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 5a4:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 5a6:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x5a4 <main+0x140>
    UDR = c;
 5a8:   1c b9           out     0x0c, r17       ; 12

                          case CTRL_Y:
                                io_puts( "Playback data:");
 5aa:   89 e3           ldi     r24, 0x39       ; 57
 5ac:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 5ae:   bf dd           rcall   .-1154          ; 0x12e <io_puts>
                            EEPROM_playback();      /* diplay EEPROM contents */
 5b0:   b3 de           rcall   .-666           ; 0x318 <EEPROM_playback>
 5b2:   1c c0           rjmp    .+56            ; 0x5ec <main+0x188>

              case CTRL_Z:
                if (  RECORD_OFF == recordMode ) 
 5b4:   80 91 64 01     lds     r24, 0x0164
 5b8:   88 23           and     r24, r24
 5ba:   69 f4           brne    .+26            ; 0x5d6 <main+0x172>
                    /* here, recording is disabled, enable recording */
                                        recordMode = RECORD_ON;
 5bc:   f0 92 64 01     sts     0x0164, r15

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 5c0:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 5c2:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x5c0 <main+0x15c>
    UDR = c;
 5c4:   0c b9           out     0x0c, r16       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 5c6:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 5c8:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x5c6 <main+0x162>
    UDR = c;
 5ca:   1c b9           out     0x0c, r17       ; 12
                if (  RECORD_OFF == recordMode ) 
                    /* here, recording is disabled, enable recording */
                                        recordMode = RECORD_ON;
                                        io_puts( "RecMode : ON" );
 5cc:   88 e4           ldi     r24, 0x48       ; 72
 5ce:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 5d0:   ae dd           rcall   .-1188          ; 0x12e <io_puts>
                    /* initialize the EEPROM */
 5d2:   76 dd           rcall   .-1300          ; 0xc0 <EEPROM_initializeHeader>
 5d4:   0b c0           rjmp    .+22            ; 0x5ec <main+0x188>
                    // here, recording is enabled and we need to disable it */
                    recordMode = RECORD_OFF;
 5d6:   10 92 64 01     sts     0x0164, r1

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 5da:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 5dc:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x5da <main+0x176>
    UDR = c;
 5de:   0c b9           out     0x0c, r16       ; 12

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 5e0:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 5e2:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x5e0 <main+0x17c>
    UDR = c;
 5e4:   1c b9           out     0x0c, r17       ; 12
                    // here, recording is enabled and we need to disable it */
                    recordMode = RECORD_OFF;
                                        io_puts( "RecMode : OFF" );
 5e6:   85 e5           ldi     r24, 0x55       ; 85
 5e8:   91 e0           ldi     r25, 0x01       ; 1
 5ea:   a1 dd           rcall   .-1214          ; 0x12e <io_puts>
 5ec:   80 91 e9 01     lds     r24, 0x01E9
 5f0:   90 e0           ldi     r25, 0x00       ; 0
 5f2:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01       ; 1
 5f4:   8f 77           andi    r24, 0x7F       ; 127
 5f6:   90 70           andi    r25, 0x00       ; 0
 5f8:   80 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r24
 5fc:   87 cf           rjmp    .-242           ; 0x50c <main+0xa8>

                if (  RECORD_ON == recordMode )
 5fe:   80 91 64 01     lds     r24, 0x0164
 602:   81 30           cpi     r24, 0x01       ; 1
 604:   11 f4           brne    .+4             ; 0x60a <main+0x1a6>
 606:   2b de           rcall   .-938           ; 0x25e <EEPROM_record>
 608:   81 cf           rjmp    .-254           ; 0x50c <main+0xa8>

usart_putchar ( char c )
    /* wait for empty transmit buffer */
    while( !( UCSRA & _BV(UDRE)) ) ;
 60a:   5d 9b           sbis    0x0b, 5 ; 11
 60c:   fe cf           rjmp    .-4             ; 0x60a <main+0x1a6>
    UDR = c;
 60e:   ec b9           out     0x0c, r30       ; 12
                    io_putchar( dataBuffer[dataIndex_write] );
 610:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF       ; 255
 612:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF       ; 255
 614:   2f 77           andi    r18, 0x7F       ; 127
 616:   30 70           andi    r19, 0x00       ; 0
 618:   20 93 e9 01     sts     0x01E9, r18
 61c:   77 cf           rjmp    .-274           ; 0x50c <main+0xa8>

0000061e <_exit>:
 61e:   f8 94           cli

00000620 <__stop_program>:
 620:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2             ; 0x620 <__stop_program>

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