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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Small super-optimizer results

From: Georg-Johann Lay
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Small super-optimizer results
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 22:00:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Paulo Marques schrieb:
Hi, all

Some time ago I toyed with trying to build a super-optimizer for the
avr. The project didn't went very far, but it produced a few small bits
of code that I think are worth sharing.

Basically I was trying to produce functions to multiply an 8 bit value
by 8 bit constants with a 16 bit result in avr families without a mul

Hi Paulo,

can your optimizer produce results for other arithmetic than multiplication?

For example to get a sequence for

   R >>>= 2

where R is an 8-bit register and >>> stands for "rotate right".
There is a 5-insn sequence

   LSL  R
   ADC  R,Z
   LSL  R
   ADC  R,Z

where Z means "a register containing 0", i.e. >>> 2 is performed as
   <<< 4
   <<< 1
   <<< 1

With MUL instruction there is

   LDI  U,64
   MUL  R,U
   OR   R0,R1
   MOV  R,R0

but that needs an upper register U and for avr-gcc the zero-register R1 must be cleared:

   CLR  Z

so that this sequence is not shorter but only slower. The question is if there exists a shorter sequence and maybe your tool knows some magic to give the answer?


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