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[avr-gcc-list] Reading of large datatypes from RAM

From: Thilo Schulz
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Reading of large datatypes from RAM
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:05:22 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.9.5 (Linux/3.6.11-gentoo; KDE/4.9.5; x86_64; ; )


coming from an x86 C programming background, I've recently found myself 
working alot with atmel's microprocessors and the the avr-gcc toolchain.

I'm writing code for the attiny13 which is severely space-limited, and thus 
have a question/suggestion about how avr-gcc generates code in case of reading 
and writing large data types from/to memory.

Consider this piece of code:

// Global variable curacc: Current accumulated value
uint32_t curacc;

static void check_adc(void)
  if((ADCSRA & _BV(ADIF)))
    ADCSRA |= _BV(ADIF);
    curacc += ADC;

I've found that the compiler translates the line:
    curacc += ADC;

   0x0000025c <fh_timeout+52>:  in      r18, 0x04       ; 4
   0x0000025e <fh_timeout+54>:  in      r19, 0x05       ; 5
   0x00000260 <fh_timeout+56>:  lds     r24, 0x006E
   0x00000264 <fh_timeout+60>:  lds     r25, 0x006F
   0x00000268 <fh_timeout+64>:  lds     r26, 0x0070
   0x0000026c <fh_timeout+68>:  lds     r27, 0x0071
   0x00000270 <fh_timeout+72>:  add     r24, r18
   0x00000272 <fh_timeout+74>:  adc     r25, r19   
   0x00000274 <fh_timeout+76>:  adc     r26, r1
   0x00000276 <fh_timeout+78>:  adc     r27, r1
   0x00000278 <fh_timeout+80>:  sts     0x006E, r24
   0x0000027c <fh_timeout+84>:  sts     0x006F, r25
   0x00000280 <fh_timeout+88>:  sts     0x0070, r26
   0x00000284 <fh_timeout+92>:  sts     0x0071, r27

is there a reason why it has to use 4-byte long direct data space operations?
It might be more beneficial to set up a pointer and use indirect addressing:

in      r18, 0x04       ; 4
in      r19, 0x05       ; 5
clr r31
ldi r30, 0x6E
ld r24, Z+
ld r25, Z+
ld r26, Z+
ld r27, Z
add     r24, r18
adc     r25, r19   
adc     r26, r1
adc     r27, r1
st Z, r27
st -Z, r26
st -Z, r25
st -Z, r24

which would save us 6 words in program space. The benefit would even be greater 
for larger data types.
It comes with a 2-cycle performance penalty though, maybe higher if Z register 
needs to be saved first.

I'm not much into compiler building and have no idea how hard it would be to 
do. I'm just asking out of curiosity.

Best regards,
Thilo Schulz

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