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Re: [avr-gcc-list] USART problem on m88

From: Erik Christiansen
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] USART problem on m88
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 20:46:17 +1100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On 16.01.17 19:28, georg chambert wrote:
> However the data coming out on the UART is random characters, though
> with the same count (I  think) as the number of  characters sent. 
> Any clues would be good.

Based on available info, it's only possible to guess. In my experience,
random characters have usually been due to a baudrate mismatch between
sender and receiver. If you have an oscilloscope, then looking at a
bunch of 0x55 or 0xAA characters on TXD will check that. If not, then an
m88 timer could measure the interval between successive tx-buffer-empty
interrupts, perhaps.

First, however, triple checking the baudrate prescaler config at both
ends, preferably after a good night's sleep - and a strong coffee, could
be beneficial. The thing with such small porting edits is that they are
as unforgiving as they are trivial in scope. (Remember; the silicon
works. ;-)

Silly question - there isn't a forgotten data stream inversion in the
serial link, is there?


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