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Re: [avr-libc-dev] varargs for printf and printf_P

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] varargs for printf and printf_P
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:37:53 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

As Harald Kipp wrote:

> I'd like to have a special printf_P function,
> where the format string is a ROM constant.
> To avoid duplicating the code of printf, I
> was looking for a possibility to write vprintf,
> but couldn't find any vararg implementation.

Please have a look at the current state of CVS, it's all already there
(except floating point formatting, which i'm still implementing).

Ted is working on updating the Web pages with the current
documentation, until then, sorry, it's only in CVS by now.

Here's the part of the avr_stdio(3) man page that explains what is
currently already implemented:

       #define FILE   struct __file
       #define stdin   (__iob[0])
       #define stdout   (__iob[1])
       #define stderr   (__iob[2])
       #define EOF   (-1)
       #define putc(__c, __stream)   fputc(__c, __stream)
       #define putchar(__c)   fputc(__c, stdout)

       FILE * fdevopen (int(*__put)(char), int(*__get)(void), int
       int fclose (FILE *__stream)
       int vfprintf (FILE *__stream, const char *__fmt, va_list
       int fputc (int __c, FILE *__stream)
       int printf (const char *__fmt,...)
       int printf_P (const char *__fmt,...)
       int sprintf (char *__s, const char *__fmt,...)
       int sprintf_P (char *__s, const char *__fmt,...)
       int snprintf (char *__s, size_t __n, const char
       int snprintf_P (char *__s, size_t __n, const char
       int fprintf (FILE *__stream, const char *__fmt,...)
       int fprintf_P (FILE *__stream, const char *__fmt,...)

J"org Wunsch                                           Unix support engineer
address@hidden        http://www.interface-systems.de/~j/

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