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Re: [avr-libc-dev] avr-libc-1.2.1 and atmega8

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] avr-libc-1.2.1 and atmega8
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 23:39:43 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Erik Walthinsen wrote:

On that subject, I noticed that at least one of the binutils or gcc source trees I was looking at at some point had one or more of the atmega48/88/168 chips listed as the wrong architecture. I don't remember where that was atm, but I'll see if I can find that again and see if it's still a problem in current releases/CVS.

Remember, that support for those devices are technically only in binutils HEAD and GCC HEAD of CVS. There are patches available for binutils 2.15 and GCC 3.4.x that add support for those devices.

Running ./configure from the toplevel directory is not supported.  You
need to create a separate build directory, and run configure and make
from there.  That's basically what the ./doconf and ./domake scripts
are doing for you.

I've used the script from rod.info to build a toolchain, and it seems to compile/link for the atmega8/atmega48 properly.

Does the script patch the source (to build for the m48)?
Does the script create a seperate build directory.

Now the challenge is to program the chip, which I'm finding I'll have to dive into the just released (literally a day *before* I sent Atmel a note indicating apparently lack of any documentation, which is true as far as their own site goes so far) AVR068 appnote, and update avrdude to support the "STK500 V2" protocol, so a) I can use my recently flashed and thus useless in Linux AVR-ISP, and b) program the q.25 atmega48's I just bought for a bazillion projects.

Please note that there is also a method for going back to the previous version of the firmware for your AVRISP. It was described in a thread on the AVR Freaks website (www.avrfreaks.net). I'm sorry I don't have the link right now. But you can easily search for it on the forums there.


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