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RE: [avr-libc-dev] XMEGA hardware CRC calculation

From: Stu Bell
Subject: RE: [avr-libc-dev] XMEGA hardware CRC calculation
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 14:32:49 -0600

Sorry for the slow response on this - I'm just now catching up with this
mail list.  I use the canned CRC-16 Xmodem routines on my mega2560 code
and its pretty fast; certainly faster than a couple of seconds over the
190 Kbytes of code I have at this point.

Check out
for how I both compute it and add it and the length of the app to the
hex file (secret sauce: srec_cat).  I guess I could have used one of the
other CRC mechanisms in srec, but this one seemed okay.

I have no idea why the Xmega should be so slow other than your choice of
the checksum/CRC algorithm.  If it *is* the speed of reading flash, I
would be, well, surprised.  After all, you *run* from that flash, right?

Best regards,


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