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Re: [avrdude-dev] JTAGICEII on CAN128

From: Colin O'Flynn
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] JTAGICEII on CAN128
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 11:26:45 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.8.2


> A good idea, but I don't think so. All I did to transfer the program to
> mega128 was to change prescaler bits, switch counters 0 and 2.

Scratch that then!

> I intstalled AVR studio 4, and was urged to download a
> new firmware version, task ended without success. So my ISP-programmer went
> into coma.

Ah - yeah as you found out if you have anything connected to the MOSI/MISO/SCK 
lines it will kill your AVRISP, and maybe screw up the connected processor.

> The newer AVRStudio obviously use a modified protocol with the

Yup - it's "v2" protocol. avrdude supports this, with "stk500v2" or "avrispv2"

> Now, I remember that AVRStudio also downloaded a firmware update to my
> JTAG-programmer. Can the origin of my problem be some small protocol change
> that avrdude has not adopted to yet?

I would say that's quite possible. What build / version of avrdude do you 
have? I was going to try causing the same failure you saw....



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