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Re: [avrdude-dev] suggest a "programmer"?

From: Nicholas Flowers
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] suggest a "programmer"?
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 07:28:14 -0500

Thanks, Joerg:

On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 3:36 AM, Joerg Wunsch <address@hidden> wrote:

> As Nicholas Flowers wrote:
> > - I'd like it to be a "usb" interface, not a serial (I want to keep
> > my data bridge clearly separate from the programming interface)
> So a CDC device is nothing you could live with?

I'm also using the chip as a USB-UART bridge (I'm cloning myself as an FTDI
device, but would be happy to switch to CDC if you have reason to think it
is better?), but that is for serial data.  I'd rather keep my programming
interface separate, ie, not go the Arduino route where the same USB
endpoints are used for UART bridge and programming.

Unless there is a way for one device to present two /dev links, with
different endpoints?

Adding ser# support: I'm confident I could change it to work for me, less
confident that it wouldn't screw someone else up.  Another consideration:
it'd be nice if this "just worked" on any reasonably-recent ubuntu machine
I apt-get from.

It looks like I can get bus #/device # given a ser# from /sys/bus/usb.  And
that I could use those to give a name to "usbtiny" type.  Maybe I'll give
that a go -- unless anyone has reason to think the tiny interface is
problematic?  (I kind of like the fact it only looks like it uses the
control endpoint, since as I mentioned some of my endpoints are bespoken by
the UART bridge.)

Thanks again,

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