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Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: Axiom next release

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: Axiom next release
Date: 07 Mar 2003 20:20:06 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

root <address@hidden> writes:

> You can't yet use the latest version of GCL. You have to use the
> version that is in the CVS archive.

Yes, I would have prefered use the version provided in your CVS. However
this version does not support the Linux/PowerPc platform. Thus my use of
the 2.5.1.

> The Common Lisp definition has changed since Axiom was written. In
> particular, use-package used to create the package if it did not exist
> and now it does not.

But my error seems to be on a (in-package ...) S-expr. More
specifically, the first error occurs while compiling boothdr.lisp which
contains :
-- boothdr.lisp --
(make-package 'BOOTTRAN)
(in-package 'BOOTTRAN :use '(LISP USER SYSTEM))
-- --

If I do:
-- --
gcl> (compile-file "/path-to/boothdr.lisp" :output-file "/tmp/boothdr.o")
-- --
it fails on (in-package ...) S-expr.

However, if I do:
-- --
gcl> (make-package 'BOOTTRAN)
gcl> (compile-file "/path-to/boothdr.lisp" :output-file "/tmp/boothdr.o")
-- --
it works!

I do not understand why. (sorry if it seems a dumb question, but I'm new
to (common) lisp)

Using a trick like above in the Makefile (an echo '(progn (make-package
"boottran") ('provide "boottran") (compile-file ...) ... |
${LISPSYS}...')), I've succeeded in compiling boothdr.lisp but it then
fails on the next .lisp file, even with the same kludge.

It seems to me that the issue is related to a non visibility of BOOTTRAN
package in the compilation environment.

> You could add another file that did nothing but a make-package for
> each of the packages you find are missing. If you pre-load that
> file you can proceed. 

Could you show me an example pattern of the lisp commands to use?

I admit my questions are newbie ones. But once again, I'm new to common

Best regards,

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