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[Axiom-developer] axiom build

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] axiom build
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 16:13:15 -0500


I've created a new branch (axiom--MACOSX--1) and downloaded it to
mac0895 so we can work on the MAC port.

This mac system lacks diff and make, both of which I've built in
my home directory.

This system also lacks latex. I've been looking around at the mac
websites for a package to install but the mac conventions are 
wildly different from the linux conventions and I cannot figure
out how to get tetex installed. Everything seems to want to interact
with the screen and I'm half-way around the world.

Please put a version of Latex on this box. Without that the axiom
build can't proceed.


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