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Re: [Axiom-developer] Do we need to install spad files?

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Do we need to install spad files?
Date: 08 Aug 2006 22:52:40 +0200

"Page, Bill" <address@hidden> writes:

[explanation and answers]

| I may have to take back what I said ealier about noweb not
| being a required part of the run-time environment if we decide
| that we want to maintain this "edit source" feature.

I'm going to assume that, for the moment, noweb is just a build
utility, not intended to be installed with Axiom.

We can revise that decision later. 
I'm trying to simplify/rationalize the Makefiles and the build machinery.

-- Gaby

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