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Re: [Axiom-developer] --patch-50

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] --patch-50
Date: 29 Aug 2006 17:12:47 -0500

root <address@hidden> writes:

| Patch 50 is up in arch.
| There are three major things of note.
| There is the Fedora Core 5 issue. There is a new branch of
| the configure script that will tell you to put 'fedora5' as the
| last directory on the AXIOM command thus:
|   export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/fedora5
| The issue is two-fold. First, there is an X library issue which
| seems to require a special case for fedora 5. Renaud brought this
| to my attention at ISSAC. I've tried to resolve this issue across
| all of the platforms without success.

Is this issue related to missing libXpm?  Or is it a different one?

| Second, there is the GCL issue.
| GCL-2.6.8PRE VS GCL-2.6.8PRE
| There is an upgrade of the system to run on the latest GCL
| but the patches are not compatible with the current axiom version
| of GCL. Axiom's policy has been to use a 'stepping stone' approach.
| That is, we keep the last version of GCL and the previous version
| of GCL in the distribution in case the new version cannot be built
| on some platforms.
| In this case there is a bit of an issue because the latest GCL (2.6.8pre)
| requires changes that are incompatible with the prior version of
| GCL (2.6.8pre). As you can see there is no way to distinguish these
| versions by name. They also cannot be distinguished at runtime.
| So Axiom now has gcl-2.6.8pre and gcl-2.6.8pre2.

Maybe we should talk to Camm to either make public numbered 
pre-releases or include the date of official preleases in the tarball

|    (Gaby, how will automake handle this?)

I'm afraid I have lost the distinctive features of old 2.6.8pre
vs. new 2.6.8pre.  If we need to run the system before knowing it is
bad then we're almost out of luck. 


| It appears that GCL-2.6.8pre (latest version, which we call gcl-2.6.8pre2)
| will not build on Fedora Core 5. Thus the Fedora 5 version will 
| automatically build using the GCL-2.6.8pre version.

OK, if you decide in advance that Axiom won't use GCL-2.6.8pre2 then,
we can handle this based on the output of config.guess -- or
approximate it as you currently do on the golden branch.  But, again
I'm unclear about what the build failure is.  Could you elaborate?

| I have not yet had time to resolve this issue. It has been delayed
| by a motherboard failure on my fedora 5 system which should be
| resolved today.
|   *) update the CVS on savannah
|   *) update the CVS on sourceforge

Can we have only one master CVS with the othe one rsync-ing? 

|   *) create a diif list for SVN on sourceforge
|   *) work with Gaby to apply patches to SVN Silver
|   *) work with Camm to resolve Fedora 5 compile issues


-- Gaby

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