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[Axiom-developer] ANSI and Axiom

From: C Y
Subject: [Axiom-developer] ANSI and Axiom
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 14:22:48 -0700 (PDT)

Given the Axiom CMU port that was done, I think we can probably do this
in a reasonable amount of time as long as we just patch it enough to
get it working.  Re-factoring it to make it into clean, sensible ANSI
code is probably another story... however, we can do it incrementally
once we can run on an ANSI lisp in the first place.  As appealing as a
from the ground up re-write is, I think a gradual re-factor is more
realistic and a lot less up front work, for some significant gains.

I took a stab at SBCL once, and I have a feeling it will be the most
challenging of the ANSI lisps (it has a reputation as a stickler). 
However, since SBCL is also being (gradually) ported to Windows it
becomes a more attractive target.  A couple of hard things like threads
aren't there yet, IIRC, but I doubt Axiom would immediately need those

The CMU work doesn't seem to quite work on current cmucl versions, so
there is probably some more cleanup to do even starting from those
changes as a foundation, but if we get serious about it I think it is
quite doable.

Should we draw the line in the sand and focus on that?  


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