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Re: [Axiom-developer] Can I define a function inside a function ?

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Can I define a function inside a function ?
Date: 20 Nov 2006 19:41:01 +0100

Francois Maltey <address@hidden> writes:

| Hello,
| Can I have in a package a function which define an other function 
| from its own parameters ? Why ?
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| I continue to search pretty expand, combine and rewrite functions over
| expressions.
| I have already defined a function expandONElevel for the main level
| of an expression. 
| It's possible to write a recursive map over Expressions 
| But how can I utilize it for a recursive map ?
| I want to compile, but I can't :
| expand (x, MainParameters) ==
|   fct1 y == expandONElevel (y, FromMainParameters)
|   expandONElevel (recursiveMap (x, fct1))

Did you try

   expand (x, MainParameters) ==
     expandONElevel(recursiveMap, x, ftc1) where
        fct1 y == expandONElevel(y, FromMainParameters)


-- Gaby

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