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[Axiom-developer] Re: [Axiom-commit] SVN: axiom: [345] branches/w

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: [Axiom-commit] SVN: axiom: [345] branches/wh-sandbox
Date: 01 Dec 2006 01:09:31 +0100

address@hidden writes:


|  getBrowseDatabase(kind) ==
|    $includeUnexposed? : local := true
| -  not MEMBER(kind,'("o" "k" "c" "d" "p")) => nil
| -  grepConstruct('"*",INTERN kind)
| +  k1 := INTERN kind
| +  not member(k1,["o", "k", "c", "d", "p"]) => nil
| +  grepConstruct('"*", k1)

I don't understand the fine point of this modification:

The original code is tranlated as

   ; getBrowseDatabase(kind) ==
   ;    $includeUnexposed? : local := true
   ;    not MEMBER(kind,'("o" "k" "c" "d" "p")) => nil
   ;    grepConstruct('"*",INTERN kind)

   (DEFUN |getBrowseDatabase| (|kind|)
     (PROG (|$includeUnexposed?|)
       (DECLARE (SPECIAL |$includeUnexposed?|))
           (SETQ |$includeUnexposed?| T)
             ((NULL (MEMBER |kind| '("o" "k" "c" "d" "p"))) NIL)
             ('T (|grepConstruct| "*" (INTERN |kind|))))))))

using a list literal of strings.

The new code is translated as

   ; getBrowseDatabase(kind) ==
   ;    $includeUnexposed? : local := true
   ;    k1 := INTERN kind
   ;    not member(k1,["o", "k", "c", "d", "p"]) => nil
   ;    grepConstruct('"*", k1)

   (DEFUN |getBrowseDatabase| (|kind|)
     (PROG (|$includeUnexposed?| |k1|)
       (DECLARE (SPECIAL |$includeUnexposed?|))
           (SETQ |$includeUnexposed?| T)
           (SETQ |k1| (INTERN |kind|))
             ((NULL (MEMBER |k1| (LIST '|o| '|k| '|c| '|d| '|p|))) NIL)
             ('T (|grepConstruct| "*" |k1|)))))))

using more indirections and a list of symbols with different meaning.
Could you expand on what the root problems was? 

-- Gaby

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