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[Axiom-developer] Re: other diff-Naur changesets

From: C Y
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: other diff-Naur changesets
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 07:40:53 -0700 (PDT)

Well, I proposed that but the order was more from a "what needs what"
kind of thinking than anything.  If Autoconf is simpler to put in than
ANSI as a changeset, I would suggest the Autoconf version be 3.1.0.

I would like the first fully ANSI version to be 4.0 because I think
this will be a turning point for a variety of development directions,
but the particular numbering around that should be what makes sense,
and if we can plug in autoconf we should do it and not wait for the
ANSI changeset just to keep the version numbers in my (more or less
arbitrary) order.

Waldek, does the hyperdoc fix require the ANSI modifications as well? 
(or changes that can't be easily untangled from the ANSI work?)  I was
assuming yes, but that was just an assumption.


--- address@hidden wrote:

> So you're proposing:
> 4.0 ANSI lisp
> 4.1 Autoconf
> 4.2 Hyperdoc
> Frankly, I'm happy to merge changesets that add any SINGLE facility.
> Or changesets that fix any SINGLE bug. We can increment any number 
> in any field you like. Perhaps we need a "schedule" of changesets?
> I invite anyone who has a changeset to post a diff-Naur of the
> changeset.
> Tim

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