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[Axiom-developer] typo in the guessing package pamphlet, was: Re: Algebr

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-developer] typo in the guessing package pamphlet, was: Re: Algebra and literate documentation
Date: 08 Aug 2007 00:08:34 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

address@hidden writes:

> Martin,
> Normally I wouldn't mention this as an on-list post but....

??? WHY ???

> I spent the last two weeks rearranging Axiom so people can add
> algebra code to the system.


> I started adding your algebra to the system. I ran into a problem.
> It appears that mantepse.spad.pamphlet will not format correctly.
> When I looked into the problem you define a chunk:
>   <<domain UFPS UnivariateFormalPowerSeries>>=

yes, all of these are typos, no idea why they weren't caught by wh-sandbox.
Just make them into <<dom: ...>>= and <<pkg: ...>>== etc. everywhere.  I will
fix this in the next version.

> Please post a working pamphlet file (English is preferred), 

I definitively do not have time to do that now.

> along with test cases. I cannot construct cases for things like GUESSINT.

there are plenty of test cases on MathAction (Guessingformulasforsequences).
You can also look at my article at, that explains some of the design
in detail.  In a nutshell, the syntax is

guessPRec [1,2,3,4]

and axiom is clever enough to call guessPRec$GUESSINT, since it figures that
[1,2,3,4] is a list of integers.  Similarly, 

guessPRec(q)([1,q,q^2,q^3], [])

will call guessPRec: Symbol -> Guesser from GUESSP, since axiom figures that
[1,q,q^2,q^3] is a list of polynomials.


PS: I have to prepare a one semester course within the next 10 days (and I am
starting only tomorrow), so I'll answer mail very selectively.  I.e.,, I'll
mainly answer things I can answer without much thinking.

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