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[Axiom-developer] Variables in traceComp

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Variables in traceComp
Date: 10 Aug 2007 10:31:51 -0500

Tim --

Consider the function traceComp from spad.lisp 

(defun |traceComp| ()
  (SETQ |$compCount| 0)
  (EMBED '|comp|
     '(LAMBDA (X Y Z)
         (PROG (U)
               (SETQ |$compCount| (1+ |$compCount|))
               (SETQ |yesOrNo| (if (SETQ U (|comp| X Y Z))
                                   (if (EQUAL (SECOND U) Y) '|yes| (SECOND U))
                                 ('T '|no|)))
               (|sayBrightly| (CONS (MAKE-FULL-CVEC |$compCount| " ")
                                    (LIST X " --> " Y '|%b| |yesOrNo| '|%d|)))
               (SETQ |$compCount| (1- |$compCount|))
               (RETURN U)  )))
  (|comp| $x $m $f)
  (UNEMBED '|comp|))

I cannot find a relevant definition of the variables $x, $m, and $f.
Neither can the SBCL compiler.  Is it likely that when you translated
the original Boot code to Lisp you mistyped $x for |$x|, etc?

-- Gaby

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