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[Axiom-developer] 20090308.02.tpd.patch (bookvol5 add clear root)

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090308.02.tpd.patch (bookvol5 add clear root)
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 14:28:36 -0600

Move the )clear code from i-syscmd.boot to bookvol5

diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index ba91b7b..8f4470a 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -1623,6 +1623,360 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 \fnref{frame}, and
+\subsection{defun clear}
+<<defun clear>>=
+(defun |clear| (l)
+ (|clearSpad2Cmd| l)) 
+\subsection{defun clearSpad2Cmd}
+;clearSpad2Cmd l ==
+;  -- new version which changes the environment and updates history
+;  $clearExcept: local := nil
+;  if $options then $clearExcept :=
+;    "and"/[selectOptionLC(opt,'(except),'optionError) =
+;             'except for [opt,:.] in $options]
+;  null l =>
+;    optList:= "append"/[ ['%l,'"       ",x] for x in $clearOptions]
+;    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0010",[optList])
+;  arg := selectOptionLC(first l,'(all completely scaches),NIL)
+;  arg = 'all          => clearCmdAll()
+;  arg = 'completely   => clearCmdCompletely()
+;  arg = 'scaches      => clearCmdSortedCaches()
+;  $clearExcept => clearCmdExcept(l)
+;  clearCmdParts(l)
+;  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+<<defun clearSpad2Cmd>>=
+(defun |clearSpad2Cmd| (|l|)
+ (prog (|$clearExcept| |opt| |optList| |arg|)
+  (declare (special |$clearExcept|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |$clearExcept| nil)
+     (cond 
+      (|$options|
+       (spadlet |$clearExcept|
+        (prog (t0)
+         (spadlet t0 t)
+         (return
+          (do ((t1 nil (null t0))
+               (t2 |$options| (cdr t2))
+               (t3 nil))
+              ((or t1 
+                   (atom t2)
+                   (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
+                   (progn (progn (spadlet |opt| (car t3)) t3) nil))
+                 t0)
+           (seq 
+            (exit 
+             (setq t0
+              (and t0 
+                   (boot-equal
+                    (|selectOptionLC| |opt| '(|except|) '|optionError|)
+                    '|except|)))))))))))
+     (cond
+      ((null |l|)
+        (spadlet |optList|
+         (prog (t4)
+          (spadlet t4 nil)
+          (return
+           (do ((t5 |$clearOptions| (cdr t5)) (|x| nil))
+               ((or (atom t5) (progn (setq |x| (car t5)) nil)) t4)
+            (seq
+             (exit
+              (setq t4 
+               (append t4 (cons '|%l| (cons "       " (cons |x| nil)))))))))))
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0010 (cons |optList| nil)))
+      (t
+        (spadlet |arg|
+         (|selectOptionLC| (car |l|) '(|all| |completely| |scaches|) nil))
+        (cond
+         ((boot-equal |arg| '|all|) (|clearCmdAll|))
+         ((boot-equal |arg| '|completely|) (|clearCmdCompletely|))
+         ((boot-equal |arg| '|scaches|) (|clearCmdSortedCaches|))
+         (|$clearExcept| (|clearCmdExcept| |l|))
+         (t
+          (|clearCmdParts| |l|) (|updateCurrentInterpreterFrame|)))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun clearCmdSortedCaches}
+;clearCmdSortedCaches() ==
+;  $lookupDefaults: local := false
+;  for [.,.,:domain] in HGET($ConstructorCache,'SortedCache) repeat
+;    pair := compiledLookupCheck('clearCache,[$Void],domain)
+;    SPADCALL pair
+<<defun clearCmdSortedCaches>>=
+(defun |clearCmdSortedCaches| ()
+ (prog (|$lookupDefaults| |domain| |pair|)
+  (declare (special |$lookupDefaults|))
+  (return
+   (seq 
+    (progn 
+     (spadlet |$lookupDefaults| nil)
+     (do ((t0 (hget |$ConstructorCache| '|SortedCache|) (cdr t0)) 
+          (t1 nil))
+         ((or (atom t0) 
+              (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
+              (progn (progn (spadlet |domain| (cddr t1)) t1) nil))
+            nil)
+      (seq
+       (exit
+        (progn
+         (spadlet |pair|
+          (|compiledLookupCheck| '|clearCache| (cons |$Void| nil) |domain|))
+         (spadcall |pair|)))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun clearCmdCompletely}
+;clearCmdCompletely() ==
+;  clearCmdAll()
+;  $localExposureData := COPY_-SEQ $localExposureDataDefault
+;  $xdatabase := NIL
+;  $CatOfCatDatabase  := NIL
+;  $DomOfCatDatabase  := NIL
+;  $JoinOfCatDatabase := NIL
+;  $JoinOfDomDatabase := NIL
+;  $attributeDb := NIL
+;  $functionTable := NIL
+;  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0013",NIL)
+;  clearClams()
+;  clearConstructorCaches()
+;  $existingFiles := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'UEQUAL
+;  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0014",NIL)
+;  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0015",NIL)
+;  NIL
+<<defun clearCmdCompletely>>=
+(defun |clearCmdCompletely| ()
+ (progn (|clearCmdAll|)
+  (spadlet |$localExposureData| (copy-seq |$localExposureDataDefault|))
+  (spadlet |$xdatabase| nil)
+  (spadlet |$CatOfCatDatabase| nil)
+  (spadlet |$DomOfCatDatabase| nil)
+  (spadlet |$JoinOfCatDatabase| nil)
+  (spadlet |$JoinOfDomDatabase| nil)
+  (spadlet |$attributeDb| nil)
+  (spadlet |$functionTable| nil)
+  (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0013 nil)
+  (|clearClams|)
+  (|clearConstructorCaches|)
+  (spadlet |$existingFiles| (make-hashtable 'UEQUAL))
+  (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0014 nil)
+  (reclaim)
+  (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0015 nil)
+  nil)) 
+\subsection{defun clearCmdAll}
+;clearCmdAll() ==
+;  clearCmdSortedCaches()
+;  ------undo special variables------
+;  $frameRecord := nil
+;  $previousBindings := nil
+;  $variableNumberAlist := nil
+;  untraceMapSubNames _/TRACENAMES
+;  $InteractiveFrame := LIST LIST NIL
+;  resetInCoreHist()
+;  if $useInternalHistoryTable
+;    then $internalHistoryTable := NIL
+;    else deleteFile histFileName()
+;  $IOindex := 1
+;  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+;  $currentLine := '")clear all"    --restored 3/94; needed for undo (RDJ)
+;  clearMacroTable()
+;  if $frameMessages then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0011",[$interpreterFrameName])
+;  else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0012",NIL)
+<<defun clearCmdAll>>=
+(defun |clearCmdAll| ()
+ (progn
+  (|clearCmdSortedCaches|)
+  (spadlet |$frameRecord| nil)
+  (spadlet |$previousBindings| nil)
+  (spadlet |$variableNumberAlist| nil)
+  (|untraceMapSubNames| /tracenames)
+  (spadlet |$InteractiveFrame| (list (list nil)))
+  (|resetInCoreHist|)
+  (cond
+   (|$useInternalHistoryTable| (spadlet |$internalHistoryTable| nil))
+   (t (|deleteFile| (|histFileName|))))
+  (spadlet |$IOindex| 1)
+  (|updateCurrentInterpreterFrame|)
+  (spadlet |$currentLine| ")clear all")
+  (|clearMacroTable|)
+  (cond 
+   (|$frameMessages|
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0011 (cons |$interpreterFrameName| nil)))
+   (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0012 nil))))) 
+\subsection{defun clearCmdExcept}
+;clearCmdExcept(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
+;  --clears elements of vl of all options EXCEPT opt
+;  for option in $clearOptions |
+;    ^stringPrefix?(object2String opt,object2String option)
+;      repeat clearCmdParts [option,:vl]
+<<defun clearCmdExcept>>=
+(defun |clearCmdExcept| (arg)
+ (prog (opt vl)
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet opt (car arg))
+     (spadlet vl (cdr arg))
+     (do ((t0 |$clearOptions| (cdr t0)) (option nil))
+         ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq option (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+      (seq
+       (exit
+        (cond
+         ((null 
+           (|stringPrefix?| 
+            (|object2String| opt) 
+            (|object2String| option)))
+           (|clearCmdParts| (cons option vl)))))))))))) 
+\subsection{defun clearCmdParts}
+;clearCmdParts(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
+;  -- clears the bindings indicated by opt of all variables in vl
+;  option:= selectOptionLC(opt,$clearOptions,'optionError)
+;  option:= INTERN PNAME option
+;  -- the option can be plural but the key in the alist is sometimes
+;  -- singular
+;  option :=
+;    option = 'types =>  'mode
+;    option = 'modes =>  'mode
+;    option = 'values => 'value
+;    option
+;  null vl => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0055",NIL)
+;  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
+;  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
+;  if vl='(all) then
+;    vl := ASSOCLEFT CAAR $InteractiveFrame
+;    vl := REMDUP(append(vl, pmacs))
+;  $e : local := $InteractiveFrame
+;  for x in vl repeat
+;    clearDependencies(x,true)
+;    if option='properties and x in pmacs then clearParserMacro(x)
+;    if option='properties and x in imacs and ^(x in pmacs) then
+;        sayMessage ['"   You cannot clear the definition of the 
system-defined macro ",
+;            fixObjectForPrinting x,"."]
+;    p1 := ASSOC(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame) =>
+;      option='properties =>
+;        if isMap x then
+;          (lm := get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame)) =>
+;            PAIRP lm => untraceMapSubNames [CADAR lm]
+;          NIL
+;        for p2 in CDR p1 repeat
+;          prop:= CAR p2
+;          recordOldValue(x,prop,CDR p2)
+;          recordNewValue(x,prop,NIL)
+;        SETF(CAAR $InteractiveFrame,deleteAssoc(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame))
+;      p2:= ASSOC(option,CDR p1) =>
+;        recordOldValue(x,option,CDR p2)
+;        recordNewValue(x,option,NIL)
+;        RPLACD(p2,NIL)
+;  nil
+<<defun clearCmdParts>>=
+(defun |clearCmdParts| (arg)
+ (prog (|$e| |opt| |option| |pmacs| |imacs| |vl| |p1| |lm| |prop| |p2|)
+  (declare (special |$e|))
+  (return
+   (seq
+    (progn
+     (spadlet |opt| (car arg))
+     (spadlet |vl| (cdr arg))
+     (spadlet |option| (|selectOptionLC| |opt| |$clearOptions| '|optionError|))
+     (spadlet |option| (intern (pname |option|)))
+     (spadlet |option|
+      (cond 
+       ((boot-equal |option| '|types|) '|mode|)
+       ((boot-equal |option| '|modes|) '|mode|)
+       ((boot-equal |option| '|values|) '|value|)
+       (t |option|)))
+     (cond
+      ((null |vl|) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0055 nil))
+      (t
+       (spadlet |pmacs| (|getParserMacroNames|))
+       (spadlet |imacs| (|getInterpMacroNames|))
+       (cond
+        ((boot-equal |vl| '(|all|))
+         (spadlet |vl| (assocleft (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)))
+         (spadlet |vl| (remdup (append |vl| |pmacs|)))))
+       (spadlet |$e| |$InteractiveFrame|)
+       (do ((t0 |vl| (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
+           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (progn
+           (|clearDependencies| |x| t)
+           (cond
+            ((and (boot-equal |option| '|properties|) (|member| |x| |pmacs|))
+              (|clearParserMacro| |x|)))
+           (cond 
+            ((and (boot-equal |option| '|properties|) 
+                  (|member| |x| |imacs|)
+                  (null (|member| |x| |pmacs|)))
+             (|sayMessage| (cons 
+              "   You cannot clear the definition of the system-defined macro "
+               (cons (|fixObjectForPrinting| |x|) 
+                     (cons (intern "." "BOOT") nil))))))
+           (cond
+            ((spadlet |p1| (|assoc| |x| (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)))
+             (cond
+              ((boot-equal |option| '|properties|)
+               (cond
+                ((|isMap| |x|)
+                 (seq
+                  (cond
+                   ((spadlet |lm| 
+                     (|get| |x| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
+                    (cond
+                     ((pairp |lm|)
+                     (exit (|untraceMapSubNames| (cons (cadar |lm|) nil))))))
+                   (t nil)))))
+               (do ((t1 (cdr |p1|) (cdr t1)) (|p2| nil))
+                   ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |p2| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
+                (seq
+                 (exit
+                  (progn
+                   (spadlet |prop| (car |p2|))
+                   (|recordOldValue| |x| |prop| (cdr |p2|))
+                   (|recordNewValue| |x| |prop| nil)))))
+               (setf (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)
+                (|deleteAssoc| |x| (caar |$InteractiveFrame|))))
+              ((spadlet |p2| (|assoc| |option| (cdr |p1|)))
+               (|recordOldValue| |x| |option| (cdr |p2|))
+               (|recordNewValue| |x| |option| nil)
+               (rplacd |p2| nil)))))))))
+       nil))))))) 
@@ -11427,6 +11781,13 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun changeToNamedInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun charDigitVal>>
 <<defun cleanupLine>>
+<<defun clear>>
+<<defun clearCmdAll>>
+<<defun clearCmdCompletely>>
+<<defun clearCmdExcept>>
+<<defun clearCmdParts>>
+<<defun clearCmdSortedCaches>>
+<<defun clearSpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun clearFrame>>
 <<defun closeInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun compileBoot>>
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 21aee6c..13496a6 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+20090408 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090308.02.tpd.patch
+20090308 tpd src/interp/i-syscmd.boot move clear to bookvol5
+20090308 tpd books/bookvol5 add )clear root
 20090308 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090308.01.tpd.patch
 20090308 tpd src/interp/i-syscmd.boot move abbreviation to bookvol5
 20090308 tpd books/bookvol5 add abbreviation, include roots
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 5552b92..1d7f8eb 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -993,5 +993,7 @@ bookvol10.3 add Grabmeier/Waldek fixes to Float<br/>
 bookvol5 add trace root<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090308.01.tpd.patch">20090308.01.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol5 add include, abbreviation roots<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090308.02.tpd.patch">20090308.02.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol5 add clear root<br/>
diff --git a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet 
index dfcf93c..771c0ae 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
@@ -270,122 +270,6 @@ getSystemCommandLine() ==
 ------------ start of commands ------------------------------------------
---% )clear
-clear l == clearSpad2Cmd l
-clearSpad2Cmd l ==
-  -- new version which changes the environment and updates history
-  $clearExcept: local := nil
-  if $options then $clearExcept :=
-    "and"/[selectOptionLC(opt,'(except),'optionError) =
-             'except for [opt,:.] in $options]
-  null l =>
-    optList:= "append"/[['%l,'"       ",x] for x in $clearOptions]
-    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0010",[optList])
-  arg := selectOptionLC(first l,'(all completely scaches),NIL)
-  arg = 'all          => clearCmdAll()
-  arg = 'completely   => clearCmdCompletely()
-  arg = 'scaches      => clearCmdSortedCaches()
-  $clearExcept => clearCmdExcept(l)
-  clearCmdParts(l)
-  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
-clearCmdSortedCaches() ==
-  $lookupDefaults: local := false
-  for [.,.,:domain] in HGET($ConstructorCache,'SortedCache) repeat
-    pair := compiledLookupCheck('clearCache,[$Void],domain)
-    SPADCALL pair
-clearCmdCompletely() ==
-  clearCmdAll()
-  $localExposureData := COPY_-SEQ $localExposureDataDefault
-  $xdatabase := NIL
-  $CatOfCatDatabase  := NIL
-  $DomOfCatDatabase  := NIL
-  $JoinOfCatDatabase := NIL
-  $JoinOfDomDatabase := NIL
-  $attributeDb := NIL
-  $functionTable := NIL
-  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0013",NIL)
-  clearClams()
-  clearConstructorCaches()
-  $existingFiles := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'UEQUAL
-  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0014",NIL)
-  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0015",NIL)
-  NIL
-clearCmdAll() ==
-  clearCmdSortedCaches()
-  ------undo special variables------
-  $frameRecord := nil
-  $previousBindings := nil
-  $variableNumberAlist := nil
-  untraceMapSubNames _/TRACENAMES
-  $InteractiveFrame := LIST LIST NIL
-  resetInCoreHist()
-  if $useInternalHistoryTable
-    then $internalHistoryTable := NIL
-    else deleteFile histFileName()
-  $IOindex := 1
-  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
-  $currentLine := '")clear all"    --restored 3/94; needed for undo (RDJ)
-  clearMacroTable()
-  if $frameMessages then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0011",[$interpreterFrameName])
-  else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0012",NIL)
-clearCmdExcept(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
-  --clears elements of vl of all options EXCEPT opt
-  for option in $clearOptions |
-    ^stringPrefix?(object2String opt,object2String option)
-      repeat clearCmdParts [option,:vl]
-clearCmdParts(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
-  -- clears the bindings indicated by opt of all variables in vl
-  option:= selectOptionLC(opt,$clearOptions,'optionError)
-  option:= INTERN PNAME option
-  -- the option can be plural but the key in the alist is sometimes
-  -- singular
-  option :=
-    option = 'types =>  'mode
-    option = 'modes =>  'mode
-    option = 'values => 'value
-    option
-  null vl => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0055",NIL)
-  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
-  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
-  if vl='(all) then
-    vl := ASSOCLEFT CAAR $InteractiveFrame
-    vl := REMDUP(append(vl, pmacs))
-  $e : local := $InteractiveFrame
-  for x in vl repeat
-    clearDependencies(x,true)
-    if option='properties and x in pmacs then clearParserMacro(x)
-    if option='properties and x in imacs and ^(x in pmacs) then
-        sayMessage ['"   You cannot clear the definition of the system-defined 
macro ",
-            fixObjectForPrinting x,"."]
-    p1 := ASSOC(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame) =>
-      option='properties =>
-        if isMap x then
-          (lm := get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame)) =>
-            PAIRP lm => untraceMapSubNames [CADAR lm]
-          NIL
-        for p2 in CDR p1 repeat
-          prop:= CAR p2
-          recordOldValue(x,prop,CDR p2)
-          recordNewValue(x,prop,NIL)
-        SETF(CAAR $InteractiveFrame,deleteAssoc(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame))
-      p2:= ASSOC(option,CDR p1) =>
-        recordOldValue(x,option,CDR p2)
-        recordNewValue(x,option,NIL)
-        RPLACD(p2,NIL)
-  nil
 --% )close
 queryClients () ==

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