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[Axiom-developer] 20090315.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 collect set support co

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090315.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 collect set support code)
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 03:42:56 -0600

The )set tree data structure has supporting functions for initialization.
These functions were collected into bookvol5, rewritten from boot to lisp,
and documented.

diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 13ea50b..056019a 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -7594,11 +7594,197 @@ userlevel  operation access level of system user      
 Variables with current values of ... have further sub-options. 
 For example, issue )set  system to see what the options are 
-for system. 
-For more information, issue )help set .
+for system. For more information, issue )help set .
+\section{)set list functions}
+\subsection{defun initializeSetVariables}
+The argument settree is initially the \verb|$setOption| variable.
+The fourth element is a union-style switch symbol.
+The fifth element is usually a variable to set.
+The sixth element is a subtree to recurse for the TREE switch.
+The seventh element is usually the default value. For more detailed
+explanations see the list structure section \ref{Theliststructure}.
+<<defun initializeSetVariables>>=
+(defun |initializeSetVariables| (settree) 
+ (dolist (setdata settree)
+  (case (fourth setdata)
+      (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+        (funcall (fifth setdata) '|%initialize%|))
+        (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented."))
+   (INTEGER (set (fifth setdata) (seventh setdata)))
+   (STRING  (set (fifth setdata) (seventh setdata)))
+       (set (fifth setdata) (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (seventh setdata))))
+   (TREE  (|initializeSetVariables| (sixth setdata))))))
+\subsection{defun resetWorkspaceVariables}
+<<defun resetWorkspaceVariables>>=
+(defun |resetWorkspaceVariables| () 
+  (setq /countlist nil)
+  (setq /editfile nil)
+  (setq /sourcefiles nil)
+  (setq |$sourceFiles| nil)
+  (setq /pretty nil)
+  (setq /spacelist nil)
+  (setq /timerlist nil)
+  (setq |$existingFiles| (make-hashtable 'uequal))
+  (setq |$functionTable| nil)
+  (setq $boot nil)
+  (setq |$compileMapFlag| nil)
+  (setq |$echoLineStack| nil)
+  (setq |$operationNameList| nil)
+  (setq |$slamFlag| nil)
+  (setq |$CommandSynonymAlist| (copy |$InitialCommandSynonymAlist|))
+  (setq |$UserAbbreviationsAlist| nil)
+  (setq |$msgAlist| nil)
+  (setq |$msgDatabase| nil)
+  (setq |$msgDatabaseName| nil)
+  (setq |$dependeeClosureAlist| nil)
+  (setq |$IOindex| 1)
+  (setq |$coerceIntByMapCounter| 0)
+  (setq |$e| (cons (cons nil nil) nil))
+  (setq |$env| (cons (cons nil nil) nil))
+  (|initializeSetVariables| |$setOptions|)) 
-\subsection{The list structure}
+\subsection{defun displaySetOptionInformation}
+<<defun displaySetOptionInformation>>=
+(defun |displaySetOptionInformation| (arg setdata)
+ (let (current)
+  (cond
+   ((eq (fourth setdata) 'tree)
+    (|displaySetVariableSettings| (sixth setdata) (first setdata)))
+   (t 
+    (|centerAndHighlight|
+     (strconc "The " (|object2String| arg) " Option")
+      $linelength (|specialChar| '|hbar|))
+    (|sayBrightly|
+     `(|%l| ,@(|bright| "Description:") ,(second setdata)))
+    (case (fourth setdata)
+      (terpri)
+      (cond 
+       ((|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+         (funcall (fifth setdata) '|%describe%|))
+       (t (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented."))))
+     (INTEGER
+      (|sayMessage| 
+        `(" The" ,@(|bright| arg) "option" 
+          " may be followed by an integer in the range" 
+          ,@(|bright| (ELT (sixth setdata) 0)) "to" 
+          |%l| ,@(|bright| (ELT (sixth setdata) 1)) "inclusive." 
+          " The current setting is" ,@(|bright| (|eval| (fifth setdata))))))
+     (STRING
+      (|sayMessage| 
+        `(" The" ,@(|bright| arg) "option" 
+          " is followed by a string enclosed in double quote marks." 
+          '|%l| " The current setting is" 
+          ,@(|bright| (list '|"| (|eval| (fifth setdata)) '|"|)))))
+       (|sayMessage|
+        `(" The" ,@(|bright| arg) "option"
+              " may be followed by any one of the following:"))
+       (setq current 
+        (|translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (|eval| (fifth setdata))))
+       (dolist (name (sixth setdata))
+         (if (boot-equal name current)
+           (|sayBrightly| `( " ->" ,@(|bright| (|object2String| name))))
+           (|sayBrightly| (list "    " (|object2String| name)))))
+       (|sayMessage| " The current setting is indicated.")))))))
+\subsection{defun displaySetVariableSettings}
+<<defun displaySetVariableSettings>>=
+(defun |displaySetVariableSettings| (settree label)
+ (let (setoption st opt subtree subname)
+  (cond
+   ((eq label '||) (setq label ")set"))
+   (t (setq label (strconc "  " (|object2String| label) " "))))
+  (|centerAndHighlight|
+    (strconc "Current Values of" label " Variables") $linelength '| |)
+  (terpri)
+  (|sayBrightly| 
+   (list "Variable     " "Description                                "
+         "Current Value" ))
+  (say (|fillerSpaces| $linelength (|specialChar| '|hbar|)))
+  (setq subtree nil)
+  (dolist (setdata settree)
+   (when (|satisfiesUserLevel| (third setdata))
+     (setq setoption (|object2String| (first setdata)))
+     (setq setoption
+      (strconc setoption
+       (|fillerSpaces| (spaddifference 13 (|#| setoption)) " ")
+       (second setdata)))
+     (setq setoption
+      (strconc setoption
+       (|fillerSpaces| (spaddifference 55 (|#| setoption)) " ")))
+     (setq st (fourth setdata))
+     (case (fourth setdata)
+      (FUNCTION
+       (setq opt
+        (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+         (funcall (fifth setdata) '|%display%|)
+         "unimplemented"))
+       (cond
+        ((pairp opt)
+         (setq opt
+          (do ((t2 opt (cdr t2)) t1 (|o| nil))
+              ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |o| (car t2)) nil)) t1)
+           (setq t1 (append t1 (cons |o| (cons " " nil))))))))
+       (|sayBrightly| (|concat| setoption '|%b| opt '|%d|)))
+      (STRING
+       (setq opt (|object2String| (|eval| (fifth setdata))))
+       (|sayBrightly| `(,setoption ,@(|bright| opt))))
+      (INTEGER
+       (setq opt (|object2String| (|eval| (fifth setdata))))
+       (|sayBrightly| `(,setoption ,@(|bright| opt))))
+      (LITERALS
+       (setq opt (|object2String| 
+             (|translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (|eval| (fifth setdata)))))
+       (|sayBrightly| `(,setoption ,@(|bright| opt))))
+      (TREE
+         (|sayBrightly| `(,setoption ,@(|bright| "...")))
+         (setq subtree t)
+         (setq subname (|object2String| (first setdata)))))))
+  (terpri)
+  (when subtree
+     (|sayBrightly|
+      `("Variables with current values of" ,@(|bright| "...")
+            "have further sub-options. For example,"))
+     (|sayBrightly|
+      `("issue" ,@(|bright| ")set ") ,subname
+        " to see what the options are for" ,@(|bright| subname) "."
+        |%l| "For more information, issue" ,@(|bright| ")help set") ".")))))
+\subsection{defun translateYesNo2TrueFalse}
+<<defun translateYesNo2TrueFalse>>=
+(defun |translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (x)
+ (cond
+  ((|member| x '(|yes| |on|)) t)
+  ((|member| x '(|no| |off|)) nil)
+  (t x))) 
+\subsection{defun translateTrueFalse2YesNo}
+<<defun translateTrueFalse2YesNo>>=
+(defun |translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (x)
+ (cond
+  ((eq x t) '|on|)
+  ((null x) '|off|)
+  (t x))) 
+\section{The list structure}
 The structure of each list item consists of 7 items.  Consider this 
@@ -7621,9 +7807,7 @@ the user would see "operation access level of system 
 accepted. There are three levels: interpreter, compiler, development.
 These commands are restricted to keep the user from causing damage.
 \item {\bf 4} {\sl Type} a symbol, one of {\bf FUNCTION}, {\bf INTEGER},
-{\bf STRING}, {\bf LITERALS}, {\bf FILENAME} or {\bf TREE}. See the function
-{\bf initializeSetVariables} in the file
-{\bf setvars.boot.pamphlet\cite{2}}.
+{\bf STRING}, {\bf LITERALS}, {\bf FILENAME} or {\bf TREE}. 
 \item {\bf 5} {\sl Var} 
 \item FUNCTION is the function to call
@@ -7721,6 +7905,46 @@ args         arguments for compiling AXIOM code
+\subsection{defun setOutputLibrary}
+<<defun setOutputLibrary>>=
+(defun |setOutputLibrary| (arg)
+ (let (fn)
+   (cond
+    ((eq arg '|%initialize%|) (setq |$outputLibraryName| nil))
+    ((eq arg '|%display%|) (or |$outputLibraryName| "user.lib"))
+    ((or (null arg) (eq arg '|%describe%|) (eq (car arg) '?) (/= (|#| arg) 1))
+     (|describeOutputLibraryArgs|))
+    (t
+     (when (filep (setq fn (stringimage (car arg))))
+       (setq fn (truename fn)))
+     (|openOutputLibrary| (setq |$outputLibraryName| fn))))))
+\subsection{defun describeOutputLibraryArgs}
+<<defun describeOutputLibraryArgs>>=
+(defun |describeOutputLibraryArgs| ()
+ (|sayBrightly| (list
+  '|%b| ")set compiler output library"
+  '|%d| "is used to tell the compiler where to place"
+  '|%l| "compiled code generated by the library compiler.  By default it goes"
+  '|%l| "in a file called"
+  '|%b| "user.lib"
+  '|%d| "in the current directory.")))
+\subsection{defun openOutputLibrary}
+The input-libraries and output-library are now truename based.
+<<defun openOutputLibrary>>=
+(defun |openOutputLibrary| (lib)
+ (declare (special output-library input-libraries))
+  (|dropInputLibrary| lib)
+  (setq output-library (truename lib))
+  (push output-library input-libraries))
 ---------------------- The input Option -----------------------
@@ -7742,6 +7966,71 @@ args         arguments for compiling AXIOM code
+\subsection{defun setInputLibrary}
+The input-libraries is now maintained as a list of truenames.
+<<defun setInputLibrary>>=
+(defun |setInputLibrary| (arg)
+ (declare (special input-libraries))
+ (let (tmp1 filename act)
+  (cond
+   ((eq arg '|%initialize%|) t)
+   ((eq arg '|%display%|) (mapcar #'namestring input-libraries))
+   ((or (null arg) (eq arg '|%describe%|) (eq (car arg) '?))
+    (|describeInputLibraryArgs|))
+   ((and (pairp arg)
+         (progn
+          (setq act (qcar arg))
+          (setq tmp1 (qcdr arg))
+          (and (pairp tmp1)
+               (eq (qcdr tmp1) nil)
+               (progn (setq filename (qcar tmp1)) t)))
+         (setq act (|selectOptionLC| act '(|add| |drop|) nil)))
+    (cond
+     ((eq act '|add|)
+      (|addInputLibrary| (truename (stringimage filename))))
+     ((eq act '|drop|)
+      (|dropInputLibrary| (truename (stringimage filename))))))
+   (t (|setInputLibrary| nil)))))
+\subsection{defun describeInputLibraryArgs}
+<<defun describeInputLibraryArgs>>=
+(defun |describeInputLibraryArgs| ()
+ (|sayBrightly| (list
+  '|%b| ")set compiler input add library"
+  '|%d| "is used to tell AXIOM to add"
+  '|%b| "library"
+  '|%d| "to"
+  '|%l| "the front of the path used to find compile code."
+  '|%l|
+  '|%b| ")set compiler input drop library"
+  '|%d| "is used to tell AXIOM to remove"
+  '|%b| "library"
+  '|%d|
+  '|%l| "from this path.")))
+\subsection{defun addInputLibrary}
+The input-libraries variable is now maintained as a list of truenames.
+<<defun addInputLibrary>>=
+(defun |addInputLibrary| (lib)
+ (declare (special input-libraries))
+  (|dropInputLibrary| lib)
+  (push (truename lib) input-libraries))
+\subsection{defun dropInputLibrary}
+<<defun dropInputLibrary>>=
+(defun |dropInputLibrary| (lib) 
+ (declare (special input-libraries))
+ (setq input-libraries (delete (truename lib) input-libraries :test #'equal)))
 ----------------------- The args Option -----------------------
@@ -7770,6 +8059,37 @@ args         arguments for compiling AXIOM code
           "-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL__W__WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y 
+\subsection{defun setAsharpArgs}
+<<defun setAsharpArgs>>=
+(defun |setAsharpArgs| (arg)
+ (cond
+  ((eq arg '|%initialize%|)
+   (setq |$asharpCmdlineFlags|
+    "-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y 
+  ((eq arg '|%display%|) |$asharpCmdlineFlags|)
+  ((or (null arg) (eq arg '|%describe%|) (eq (car arg) '?))
+   (|describeAsharpArgs|))
+  (t (setq |$asharpCmdlineFlags| (car arg))))) 
+\subsection{defun describeAsharpArgs}
+<<defun describeAsharpArgs>>=
+(defun |describeAsharpArgs| () 
+ (|sayBrightly| (list
+  '|%b| ")set compiler args "
+  '|%d| "is used to tell AXIOM how to invoke the library compiler "
+  '|%l| " when compiling code for AXIOM."
+  '|%l| " The args option is followed by a string enclosed in double quotes."
+  '|%l|
+  '|%l| " The current setting is"
+  '|%l|
+  '|%b| "\"" |$asharpCmdlineFlags| "\""
+  '|%d|)))
 ---------------------- The expose Option ----------------------
@@ -9978,6 +10298,12 @@ prettyprint  prettyprint BOOT func's as they compile    
+(eval-when (eval load)
+ (|initializeSetVariables| |$setOptions|)
 \section{Set code}
 \subsection{defun set}
@@ -10027,49 +10353,49 @@ which gets called with \verb|%describe%|
      (|selectOption| (downcase (car l)) |$setOptionNames| '|optionError|))
     (setq setdata (cons arg (lassoc arg settree)))
-     ((null (|satisfiesUserLevel| (elt setdata 2)))
+     ((null (|satisfiesUserLevel| (third setdata)))
       (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0007 (list |$UserLevel| "set option" nil)))
      ((eql 1 (|#| l)) (|displaySetOptionInformation| arg setdata))
-      (setq st (elt setdata 3))
-      (cond
-       ((eq st 'function)
+      (setq st (fourth setdata))
+      (case (fourth setdata)
+       (FUNCTION
         (setq setfunarg
          (if (eq (elt l 1) 'default) 
           (kdr l)))
-        (if (|functionp| (elt setdata 4))
-          (funcall (elt setdata 4) setfunarg)
+        (if (|functionp| (fifth setdata))
+          (funcall (fifth setdata) setfunarg)
           (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented."))
         (when |$displaySetValue|
          (|displaySetOptionInformation| arg setdata))
-       ((eq st 'string)
+       (STRING
         (setq arg2 (elt l 1))
-         ((eq arg2 'default) (set (elt setdata 4) (elt setdata 6)))
-         (arg2 (set (elt setdata 4) arg2))
+         ((eq arg2 'default) (set (fifth setdata) (seventh setdata)))
+         (arg2 (set (fifth setdata) arg2))
          (t nil))
         (when (or |$displaySetValue| (null arg2))
          (|displaySetOptionInformation| arg setdata))
-       ((eq st 'integer)
+       (INTEGER
         (setq arg2
           (setq num (elt l 1))
            ((and (fixp num)
-                 (>= num (elt (elt setdata 5) 0))
-                 (or (null (setq upperlimit (elt (elt setdata 5) 1)))
+                 (>= num (elt (sixth setdata) 0))
+                 (or (null (setq upperlimit (elt (sixth setdata) 1)))
                      (<= num upperlimit)))
              (elt l 1)
-             (cons '|default| (elt setdata 5)) nil)))))
+             (cons '|default| (sixth setdata)) nil)))))
-         ((eq arg2 'default) (set (elt setdata 4) (elt setdata 6)))
-         (arg2 (set (elt setdata 4) arg2))
+         ((eq arg2 'default) (set (fifth setdata) (seventh setdata)))
+         (arg2 (set (fifth setdata) arg2))
          (t nil))
          ((or |$displaySetValue| (null arg2))
@@ -10080,22 +10406,22 @@ which gets called with \verb|%describe%|
            `(" Your value" ,@(|bright| (|object2String| (elt l 1)))
              "is not among the valid choices.")))
          (t nil)))
-       ((eq st 'literals)
+       (LITERALS
          ((setq arg2
           (|selectOption| (elt l 1) 
-           (cons '|default| (elt setdata 5)) nil))
+           (cons '|default| (sixth setdata)) nil))
            ((eq arg2 'default)
-            (set (elt setdata 4) 
-              (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (elt setdata 6))))
+            (set (fifth setdata) 
+              (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (seventh setdata))))
             (cond ((eq arg2 '|nobreak|) (use-fast-links t)))
              ((eq arg2 '|fastlinks|)
               (use-fast-links nil)
               (setq arg2 '|break|)))
-            (set (elt setdata 4) (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| arg2))))))
+            (set (fifth setdata) (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| arg2))))))
         (when (or |$displaySetValue| (null arg2))
           (|displaySetOptionInformation| arg setdata))
@@ -10105,7 +10431,7 @@ which gets called with \verb|%describe%|
             (append (|bright| (|object2String| (elt l 1)))
              (cons "is not among the valid choices." nil)))))
          (t nil)))
-       ((eq st 'tree) (|set1| (kdr l) (elt setdata 5)) nil)
+       (TREE (|set1| (kdr l) (sixth setdata)) nil)
          `("Cannot handle set tree node type" ,@(|bright| st) |yet|))
@@ -10113,79 +10439,6 @@ which gets called with \verb|%describe%|
-\subsection{defun displaySetOptionInformation}
-<<defun displaySetOptionInformation>>=
-(defun |displaySetOptionInformation| (arg setdata)
- (let (st current)
-  (setq st (elt setdata 3))
-  (cond
-   ((eq st 'tree)
-    (|displaySetVariableSettings| (elt setdata 5) (elt setdata 0)))
-   (t 
-    (|centerAndHighlight|
-     (strconc "The " (|object2String| arg) " Option")
-      $linelength (|specialChar| '|hbar|))
-    (|sayBrightly|
-     `(|%l| ,@(|bright| "Description:") ,(elt setdata 1)))
-    (cond
-     ((eq st 'function)
-      (terpri)
-      (cond 
-       ((|functionp| (elt setdata 4))
-         (funcall (elt setdata 4) '|%describe%|))
-       (t (|sayMSG| "   Function not implemented."))))
-     ((eq st 'integer)
-      (|sayMessage| 
-        `(" The" ,@(|bright| arg) "option" 
-          " may be followed by an integer in the range" 
-          ,@(|bright| (ELT (ELT setdata 5) 0)) "to" 
-          |%l| ,@(|bright| (ELT (ELT setdata 5) 1)) "inclusive." 
-          " The current setting is" ,@(|bright| (|eval| (elt setdata 4))))))
-     ((eq st 'string)
-      (|sayMessage| 
-        `(" The" ,@(|bright| arg) "option" 
-          " is followed by a string enclosed in double quote marks." 
-          '|%l| " The current setting is" 
-          ,@(|bright| (list '|"| (|eval| (elt setdata 4)) '|"|)))))
-     ((eq st 'literals)
-       (|sayMessage|
-        `(" The" ,@(|bright| arg) "option"
-              " may be followed by any one of the following:"))
-       (setq current 
-        (|translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (|eval| (elt setdata 4))))
-       (do ((t0 (elt setdata 5) (cdr t0)) (|name| nil))
-           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |name| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-        (seq
-         (exit
-          (cond
-           ((boot-equal |name| current)
-            (|sayBrightly| 
-             `( " ->" ,@(|bright| (|object2String| |name|)))))
-           (t
-            (|sayBrightly| (list "    " (|object2String| |name|))))))))
-       (|sayMessage| " The current setting is indicated.")))))))
-\subsection{defun translateYesNo2TrueFalse}
-<<defun translateYesNo2TrueFalse>>=
-(defun |translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (x)
- (cond
-  ((|member| x '(|yes| |on|)) t)
-  ((|member| x '(|no| |off|)) nil)
-  (t x))) 
-\subsection{defun translateTrueFalse2YesNo}
-<<defun translateTrueFalse2YesNo>>=
-(defun |translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (x)
- (cond
-  ((eq x t) '|on|)
-  ((null x) '|off|)
-  (t x))) 
@@ -15314,6 +15567,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun abbreviations>>
 <<defun abbreviationsSpad2Cmd>>
+<<defun addInputLibrary>>
 <<defun addNewInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun addTraceItem>>
 <<defun apropos>>
@@ -15352,6 +15606,9 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun createCurrentInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun credits>>
+<<defun describeAsharpArgs>>
+<<defun describeInputLibraryArgs>>
+<<defun describeOutputLibraryArgs>>
 <<defun dewritify>>
 <<defun dewritify,dewritifyInner>>
 <<defun dewritify,is?>>
@@ -15362,8 +15619,10 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun displayMacros>>
 <<defun displayOperations>>
 <<defun displaySetOptionInformation>>
+<<defun displaySetVariableSettings>>
 <<defun displaySpad2Cmd>>
 <<defun domainToGenvar>>
+<<defun dropInputLibrary>>
 <<defun emptyInterpreterFrame>>
@@ -15415,6 +15674,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun initHist>>
 <<defun initHistList>>
 <<defun initializeInterpreterFrameRing>>
+<<defun initializeSetVariables>>
 <<defun init-memory-config>>
 <<defun initroot>>
 <<defun intloop>>
@@ -15453,6 +15713,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun nextInterpreterFrame>>
 <<defun oldHistFileName>>
+<<defun openOutputLibrary>>
 <<defun openserver>>
 <<defun orderBySlotNumber>>
@@ -15488,6 +15749,7 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the exposure 
group information.
 <<defun resetInCoreHist>>
 <<defun resetSpacers>>
 <<defun resetTimers>>
+<<defun resetWorkspaceVariables>>
 <<defun restart>>
 <<defun restoreHistory>>
 <<defun runspad>>
@@ -15499,9 +15761,12 @@ load the file \verb|exposed.lsp| to set up the 
exposure group information.
 <<defun ScanOrPairVec>>
 <<defun set>>
 <<defun set1>>
+<<defun setAsharpArgs>>
 <<defun setCurrentLine>>
 <<defun setHistoryCore>>
+<<defun setInputLibrary>>
 <<defun setIOindex>>
+<<defun setOutputLibrary>>
 <<defun set-restart-hook>>
 <<defun shortenForPrinting>>
 <<defun showHistory>>
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 5bccecf..1f1e54b 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+20090315 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090315.01.tpd.patch
+20090315 tpd src/interp/setvars.boot remove set and library handling 
+20090315 tpd src/interp/daase.lisp fix input-libraries
+20090315 tpd src/interp/bootfuns.lisp remove initializeSetVariables
+20090315 tpd src/input/setcmd.input update set tests
+20090315 tpd src/input/cmds.input update cmd tests
+20090315 tpd books/bookvol5 collect set support functions
+20090315 tpd src/interp/daase.lisp remove open-library calls
 20090314 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090314.01.tpd.patch
 20090314 tpd books/bookvol5 document )set, include root code
 20090314 tpd src/input/Makefile add cmds, setcmd unit tests
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index f477e09..fcaf084 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -1003,5 +1003,7 @@ bookvol10.4 add credits, summary to API package<br/>
 bookvol5 add quit, pquit roots<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090314.01.tpd.patch">20090314.01.tpd.patch</a>
 bookvol5 document )set, include root code<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090315.01.tpd.patch">20090315.01.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol5 document collect set support functions<br/>
diff --git a/src/input/cmds.input.pamphlet b/src/input/cmds.input.pamphlet
index 4051b0c..ba7844d 100644
--- a/src/input/cmds.input.pamphlet
+++ b/src/input/cmds.input.pamphlet
@@ -834,6 +834,103 @@
 --R ZDSOLVE  ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage  ZLINDEP  IntegerLinearDependence
 --E 15
+This exercises setOutputLibrary, setInputLibrary, and setAsharpArgs
+--S 16
+)set compiler
+--R                  Current Values of  compiler  Variables                   
+--RVariable     Description                                Current Value
+--Routput       library in which to place compiled code     
+--Rinput        controls libraries from which to load compiled code  
+--Rargs         arguments for compiling AXIOM code         -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp 
-laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra 
+--E 16
+This exercises setInputLibrary, describeInputLibraryArgs
+--S 17
+)set compiler input
+--R---------------------------- The input Option -----------------------------
+--R Description: controls libraries from which to load compiled code
+--R )set compiler input add library is used to tell AXIOM to add library to
+--Rthe front of the path which determines where compiled code is loaded from.
+--R )set compiler input drop library is used to tell AXIOM to remove library 
+--Rfrom this path.
+--E 17
+)set compiler input add
+--R )set compiler input add library is used to tell AXIOM to add library to
+--Rthe front of the path which determines where compiled code is loaded from.
+--R )set compiler input drop library is used to tell AXIOM to remove library 
+--Rfrom this path.
+)set compiler input add foo
+--R   >> System error:
+--R   OPEN-LIBRARY is invalid as a function.
+This exercises setOutputLibrary
+--S 18
+)set compiler output
+--R---------------------------- The output Option ----------------------------
+--R Description: library in which to place compiled code
+--R )set compiler output library is used to tell the compiler where to place
+--Rcompiled code generated by the library compiler.  By default it goes
+--Rin a file called user.lib in the current directory.
+--E 18
+This exercises setAsharpArgs
+--S 19
+)set compiler args
+--R----------------------------- The args Option -----------------------------
+--R Description: arguments for compiling AXIOM code
+--R )set compiler args  is used to tell AXIOM how to invoke the library 
+--R when compiling code for AXIOM.
+--R The args option is followed by a string enclosed in double quotes.
+--R The current setting is
+--R "-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y 
+--E 19
+This exercises setAsharpArgs
+--S 20
+)set compiler args "-TPD"
+--E 20
+--S 21
+)set compiler args
+--R----------------------------- The args Option -----------------------------
+--R Description: arguments for compiling AXIOM code
+--R )set compiler args  is used to tell AXIOM how to invoke the library 
+--R when compiling code for AXIOM.
+--R The args option is followed by a string enclosed in double quotes.
+--R The current setting is
+--R "-TPD" 
+--E 21
 )lisp (bye)
diff --git a/src/input/setcmd.input.pamphlet b/src/input/setcmd.input.pamphlet
index cc01582..399bca1 100644
--- a/src/input/setcmd.input.pamphlet
+++ b/src/input/setcmd.input.pamphlet
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 --RVariable     Description                                Current Value
---Routput       library in which to place compiled code     
+--Routput       library in which to place compiled code    user.lib 
 --Rinput        controls libraries from which to load compiled code  
 --Rargs         arguments for compiling AXIOM code         -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp 
-laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra 
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 --RVariable     Description                                Current Value
---Routput       library in which to place compiled code     
+--Routput       library in which to place compiled code    user.lib 
 --Rinput        controls libraries from which to load compiled code  
 --Rargs         arguments for compiling AXIOM code         -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp 
-laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra 
@@ -64,17 +64,21 @@
 --R Description: controls libraries from which to load compiled code
 --R )set compiler input add library is used to tell AXIOM to add library to
---Rthe front of the path which determines where compiled code is loaded from.
+--Rthe front of the path used to find compile code.
 --R )set compiler input drop library is used to tell AXIOM to remove library 
 --Rfrom this path.
 --E 4
 --S 5 of 86
 )set compiler output
 --R---------------------------- The output Option ----------------------------
 --R Description: library in which to place compiled code
+--R )set compiler output library is used to tell the compiler where to place
+--Rcompiled code generated by the library compiler.  By default it goes
+--Rin a file called user.lib in the current directory.
 --E 5
 --S 6 of 86
diff --git a/src/interp/bootfuns.lisp.pamphlet 
index 6b57dfe..e94b453 100644
--- a/src/interp/bootfuns.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/bootfuns.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ which will walk the structure $Y$ looking for this constant.
      (defparameter ,p ,val ,where)
      (export '(,p) "BOOT")))
-(def-boot-fun |initializeSetVariables| (arg) "early temp def")
 (def-boot-fun |updateSourceFiles| (x) "temp def")
 (def-boot-val |$timerTicksPerSecond| INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND
diff --git a/src/interp/daase.lisp.pamphlet b/src/interp/daase.lisp.pamphlet
index ab1cfcb..4ea1fe5 100644
--- a/src/interp/daase.lisp.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/daase.lisp.pamphlet
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ database.
   ;; Open the library
   (let (lib)
     (if (filep (setq lib (make-pathname :name object :type "lib")) )
-        (setq input-libraries (cons (open-library (truename lib)) 
+        (setq input-libraries (cons (truename lib) input-libraries))))
    (set-file-getter object)  ; sets the autoload property for G-object
    (dolist (domain asy)
      (setq key (first domain))
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ database.
   (let (lib)
     (if (filep (setq lib (make-pathname :name object :type "lib")) )
-        (setq input-libraries (cons (open-library (truename lib)) 
+        (setq input-libraries (cons (truename lib) input-libraries)))
     (|unloadOneConstructor| (get abbrev 'abbreviationfor) abbrev) )
   (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IU0001 (list key object))))))
diff --git a/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet
index d75cde4..a69b40d 100644
--- a/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet
+++ b/src/interp/setvars.boot.pamphlet
@@ -41,220 +41,7 @@ its arguments, such as describeSetOutputFortran.
 \section{Top level set functions}
 The {\bf set} function in this file handles the top level {\bf )set}
 command line functions.
-initializeSetVariables (setTree) ==
-  -- this function passes through the table of set variable information
-  -- and initializes the variables to their default definitions.
-  for setData in setTree repeat
-    st := setData.setType
-    st = 'FUNCTION =>
-      -- here setVar is really the name of a function to call
-      if functionp(setData.setVar)
-        then FUNCALL( setData.setVar,"%initialize%")
-        else sayMSG '"   Function not implemented."
-    st = 'INTEGER  =>
-      SET(setData.setVar, setData.setDef)
-    st = 'STRING  =>
-      SET(setData.setVar, setData.setDef)
-    st = 'LITERALS =>
-      SET(setData.setVar, translateYesNo2TrueFalse setData.setDef)
-    st = 'TREE =>
-      initializeSetVariables(setData.setLeaf)
-resetWorkspaceVariables () ==
-  -- this replaces def in DEBUG LISP
-  -- this function resets many workspace variables to their default
-  -- values. Some things are reset by start and not reset by restart.
-  SETQ(_/COUNTLIST                  , NIL)
-  SETQ(_/EDITFILE                   , NIL)
-  SETQ(_/SOURCEFILES                , NIL)
-  SETQ($sourceFiles                 , NIL)
-  SETQ(_/PRETTY                     , NIL)
-  SETQ(_/SPACELIST                  , NIL)
-  SETQ(_/TIMERLIST                  , NIL)
-  SETQ($existingFiles               , MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'UEQUAL)
-  SETQ($functionTable               , NIL)
-  SETQ($BOOT                        , NIL)
-  SETQ($compileMapFlag              , NIL)
-  SETQ($echoLineStack               , NIL)
-  SETQ($operationNameList           , NIL)
-  SETQ($slamFlag                    , NIL)
-  SETQ($CommandSynonymAlist         , COPY($InitialCommandSynonymAlist))
-  SETQ($UserAbbreviationsAlist      , NIL)
-  SETQ($msgAlist                    , NIL)
-  SETQ($msgDatabase                 , NIL)
-  SETQ($msgDatabaseName             , NIL)
-  SETQ($dependeeClosureAlist        , NIL)
-  SETQ($IOindex                     , 1  )
-  SETQ($coerceIntByMapCounter       , 0  )
-  SETQ($e                           , [[NIL]])
-  SETQ($env                         , [[NIL]])
-  -- many variables set by the following
-  initializeSetVariables($setOptions)
-displaySetVariableSettings(setTree,label) ==
-  if label = "" then label := '")set"
-    else label := STRCONC('" ",object2String label,'" ")
-  centerAndHighlight(STRCONC('"Current Values of ",label,
-    '" Variables"),$LINELENGTH," ")
-  sayBrightly ["Variable     ",
-               "Description                                ",
-                 "Current Value"]
-  SAY fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
-  subtree := nil
-  for setData in setTree repeat
-    null satisfiesUserLevel setData.setLevel => nil
-    setOption := object2String setData.setName
-    setOption := STRCONC(setOption,fillerSpaces(13-#setOption,'" "),
-                         setData.setLabel)
-    setOption := STRCONC(setOption,fillerSpaces(55-#setOption,'" "))
-    st := setData.setType
-    st = 'FUNCTION =>
-      opt :=
-        functionp(setData.setVar) => FUNCALL( setData.setVar,"%display%")
-        '"unimplemented"
-      if PAIRP opt then opt := [:[o,'" "] for o in opt]
-      sayBrightly concat(setOption,'%b,opt,'%d)
-    st = 'STRING   =>
-      opt := object2String eval setData.setVar
-      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright opt]
-    st = 'INTEGER  =>
-      opt := object2String eval setData.setVar
-      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright opt]
-    st = 'LITERALS =>
-      opt := object2String translateTrueFalse2YesNo eval setData.setVar
-      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright opt]
-    st = 'TREE     =>
-      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright '"..."]
-      subtree := true
-      subname := object2String setData.setName
-  subtree =>
-    sayBrightly ['"Variables with current values of",:bright '"...",
-      '"have further sub-options. For example,"]
-    sayBrightly ['"issue",:bright '")set ",subname,
-      '" to see what the options are for",:bright subname,'".",'%l,
-        '"For more information, issue",:bright '")help set",'"."]
-See the section compiler in setvart.boot.pamphlet\cite{1}.
-                  Current Values of  compiler  Variables                   
-Variable     Description                           Current Value
-output       library in which to place compiled code     
-input        controls libraries from which to load compiled code  
-args         arguments for compiling AXIOM code         
-             -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete 
-             -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra 
-setAsharpArgs arg ==
-  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-    $asharpCmdlineFlags := '"-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom 
-Mno-AXL__W__WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra"
-  arg = "%display%" =>
-    $asharpCmdlineFlags
-  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-    describeAsharpArgs()
-  $asharpCmdlineFlags := first(arg)
-describeAsharpArgs() ==
-  sayBrightly LIST (
-   '%b,'")set compiler args ",'%d,_
-   '"is used to tell AXIOM how to invoke the library compiler ",'%l,_
-   '" when compiling code for AXIOM.",'%l,_
-   '" The args option is followed by a string enclosed in double 
-   '" The current setting is",'%l,'%b,'"_"",$asharpCmdlineFlags,'"_"",'%d)
-setInputLibrary arg ==
-  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-   true
-  arg = "%display%" =>
-  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-    describeInputLibraryArgs()
-  arg is [act, filename] and (act := selectOptionLC(act,'(add drop),nil)) =>
-    act = 'add => addInputLibrary TRUENAME STRINGIMAGE filename
-    act = 'drop => dropInputLibrary TRUENAME STRINGIMAGE filename
-  setInputLibrary NIL
-setOutputLibrary arg ==
-  -- Hack to avoid initialising libraries in KCL:
-  not $cclSystem => false
-  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-    $outputLibraryName := nil
-  arg = "%display%" =>
-    $outputLibraryName or '"user.lib" 
-  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-    describeOutputLibraryArgs()
-  not ONEP(#arg) => setOutputLibrary nil
-  -- If the file already exists then use the complete pathname to help
-  -- keep track of it in the case the user issues )cd commands.
-  if FILEP (fn := STRINGIMAGE first arg) then fn := TRUENAME fn
-  openOutputLibrary($outputLibraryName := fn)
-describeOutputLibraryArgs() ==
-  sayBrightly LIST (
-   '%b,'")set compiler output library",'%d,_
-   '"is used to tell the compiler where to place", '%l,_
-   '"compiled code generated by the library compiler.  By default it 
-   '"in a file called",'%b, '"user.lib", '%d, '"in the current directory." 
-    )
-describeInputLibraryArgs() ==
-  sayBrightly LIST (
-   '%b,'")set compiler input add library",'%d,_
-   '"is used to tell AXIOM to add", '%b, '"library", '%d, '"to",'%l,
-   '"the front of the path which determines where compiled code is loaded 
-   '%l, '%b,'")set compiler input drop library",'%d,_
-   '"is used to tell AXIOM to remove", '%b, '"library", '%d, '%l,_
-   '"from this path."
-    )
 See the section expose in setvart.boot.pamphlet\cite{1}
@@ -1775,8 +1562,6 @@ describeSetStreamsCalculate() == 
@@ -1797,362 +1582,6 @@ describeSetStreamsCalculate() == 
-(DEFUN |initializeSetVariables| (|setTree|) 
- (PROG (|st|) 
-   (SEQ 
-    (DO ((#0=#:G2723 |setTree| (CDR #0#)) (|setData| NIL)) 
-     ((OR (ATOM #0#) (PROGN (SETQ |setData| (CAR #0#)) NIL)) NIL)
-     (SEQ 
-      (EXIT 
-       (PROGN 
-        (SPADLET |st| (ELT |setData| 3))
-        (COND 
-         ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE FUNCTION))
-          (COND 
-           ((|functionp| (ELT |setData| 4))
-             (FUNCALL (ELT |setData| 4) (QUOTE |%initialize%|)))
-           ((QUOTE T) (|sayMSG| (MAKESTRING "   Function not implemented.")))))
-         ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE INTEGER))
-           (SET (ELT |setData| 4) (ELT |setData| 6)))
-         ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE STRING))
-           (SET (ELT |setData| 4) (ELT |setData| 6)))
-         ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE LITERALS))
-           (SET (ELT |setData| 4) 
-            (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (ELT |setData| 6))))
-         ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE TREE))
-            (|initializeSetVariables| (ELT |setData| 5)))))))))))) 
-(DEFUN |resetWorkspaceVariables| NIL 
-  (SETQ |$sourceFiles| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$existingFiles| (MAKE-HASHTABLE (QUOTE UEQUAL)))
-  (SETQ |$functionTable| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$compileMapFlag| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$echoLineStack| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$operationNameList| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$slamFlag| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$CommandSynonymAlist| (COPY |$InitialCommandSynonymAlist|))
-  (SETQ |$UserAbbreviationsAlist| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$msgAlist| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$msgDatabase| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$msgDatabaseName| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$dependeeClosureAlist| NIL)
-  (SETQ |$IOindex| 1)
-  (SETQ |$coerceIntByMapCounter| 0)
-  (SETQ |$env| (CONS (CONS NIL NIL) NIL))
-  (|initializeSetVariables| |$setOptions|))) 
-(DEFUN |translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (|x|)
-  ((|member| |x| (QUOTE (|yes| |on|))) (QUOTE T))
-  ((|member| |x| (QUOTE (|no| |off|))) NIL)
-  ((QUOTE T) |x|))) 
-(DEFUN |translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (|x|)
-  ((BOOT-EQUAL |x| (QUOTE T)) (QUOTE |on|))
-  ((NULL |x|) (QUOTE |off|))
-  ((QUOTE T) |x|))) 
-(DEFUN |set| (|l|) (|set1| |l| |$setOptions|)) 
-(DEFUN |set1| (|l| |setTree|)
- (PROG (|$setOptionNames| |arg| |setData| |st| |setfunarg| |num|
-        |upperlimit| |arg2|)
-  (DECLARE (SPECIAL |$setOptionNames|))
-   (RETURN 
-    (SEQ 
-     (COND 
-      ((NULL |l|) (|displaySetVariableSettings| |setTree| (QUOTE ||)))
-      ((QUOTE T) 
-        (SPADLET |$setOptionNames| 
-         (PROG (#0=#:G2762) 
-          (SPADLET #0# NIL)
-          (RETURN
-           (DO
-            ((#1=#:G2767 |setTree| (CDR #1#)) (|x| NIL))
-             ((OR (ATOM #1#) (PROGN (SETQ |x| (CAR #1#)) NIL)) (NREVERSE0 #0#))
-             (SEQ (EXIT (SETQ #0# (CONS (ELT |x| 0) #0#))))))))
-        (SPADLET |arg| 
-         (|selectOption| (DOWNCASE (CAR |l|)) 
-            |$setOptionNames| (QUOTE |optionError|)))
-        (SPADLET |setData| (CONS |arg| (LASSOC |arg| |setTree|)))
-        (COND
-         ((NULL (|satisfiesUserLevel| (ELT |setData| 2)))
-           (|sayKeyedMsg| (QUOTE S2IZ0007) 
-            (CONS |$UserLevel| (CONS (MAKESTRING "set option") NIL))))
-         ((EQL 1 (|#| |l|)) (|displaySetOptionInformation| |arg| |setData|))
-         ((QUOTE T)
-           (SPADLET |st| (ELT |setData| 3))
-           (COND
-            ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE FUNCTION))
-              (SPADLET |setfunarg| 
-               (COND 
-                ((BOOT-EQUAL (ELT |l| 1) (QUOTE DEFAULT))
-                   (QUOTE |%initialize%|))
-                ((QUOTE T) (KDR |l|))))
-              (COND
-               ((|functionp| (ELT |setData| 4))
-                 (FUNCALL (ELT |setData| 4) |setfunarg|))
-               ((QUOTE T)
-                 (|sayMSG| (MAKESTRING "   Function not implemented."))))
-              (COND 
-               (|$displaySetValue| 
-                (|displaySetOptionInformation| |arg| |setData|)))
-              NIL)
-            ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE STRING))
-              (SPADLET |arg2| (ELT |l| 1))
-              (COND 
-               ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg2| (QUOTE DEFAULT))
-                 (SET (ELT |setData| 4) (ELT |setData| 6)))
-               (|arg2| (SET (ELT |setData| 4) |arg2|)) ((QUOTE T) NIL))
-              (COND 
-               ((OR |$displaySetValue| (NULL |arg2|))
-                 (|displaySetOptionInformation| |arg| |setData|)))
-               NIL)
-            ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE INTEGER))
-              (SPADLET |arg2| 
-               (PROGN 
-                (SPADLET |num| (ELT |l| 1))
-                (COND 
-                 ((AND 
-                   (FIXP |num|)
-                   (>= |num| (ELT (ELT |setData| 5) 0))
-                   (OR 
-                    (NULL (SPADLET |upperlimit| (ELT (ELT |setData| 5) 1)))
-                    (<= |num| |upperlimit|)))
-                     |num|)
-                 ((QUOTE T) 
-                   (|selectOption| (ELT |l| 1) 
-                    (CONS (QUOTE |default|) (ELT |setData| 5)) NIL)))))
-              (COND 
-               ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg2| (QUOTE DEFAULT))
-                 (SET (ELT |setData| 4) (ELT |setData| 6)))
-               (|arg2| (SET (ELT |setData| 4) |arg2|))
-               ((QUOTE T) NIL))
-              (COND
-               ((OR |$displaySetValue| (NULL |arg2|))
-                 (|displaySetOptionInformation| |arg| |setData|)))
-              (COND 
-               ((NULL |arg2|)
-                 (|sayMessage| 
-                  (CONS 
-                   (MAKESTRING " Your value") 
-                   (APPEND 
-                    (|bright| (|object2String| (ELT |l| 1)))
-                    (CONS 
-                     (MAKESTRING "is not among the valid choices.")
-                     NIL)))))
-               ((QUOTE T) NIL)))
-            ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE LITERALS))
-              (COND
-               ((SPADLET |arg2| 
-                 (|selectOption| (ELT |l| 1) 
-                   (CONS (QUOTE |default|) (ELT |setData| 5)) NIL))
-                 (COND 
-                  ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg2| (QUOTE DEFAULT))
-                    (SET (ELT |setData| 4) 
-                     (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| (ELT |setData| 6))))
-                  ((QUOTE T) 
-                    (COND 
-                     ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg2| (QUOTE |nobreak|))
-                       (USE-FAST-LINKS (QUOTE T))))
-                    (COND 
-                     ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg2| (QUOTE |fastlinks|))
-                       (USE-FAST-LINKS (QUOTE NIL))
-                       (SPADLET |arg2| (QUOTE |break|))))
-                    (SET (ELT |setData| 4) 
-                      (|translateYesNo2TrueFalse| |arg2|))))))
-              (COND 
-               ((OR |$displaySetValue| (NULL |arg2|))
-                 (|displaySetOptionInformation| |arg| |setData|)))
-              (COND 
-               ((NULL |arg2|) 
-                 (|sayMessage| 
-                  (CONS 
-                   (MAKESTRING " Your value")
-                   (APPEND 
-                    (|bright| (|object2String| (ELT |l| 1)))
-                    (CONS 
-                     (MAKESTRING "is not among the valid choices.") 
-                     NIL)))))
-               ((QUOTE T) NIL)))
-            ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE TREE))
-              (|set1| (KDR |l|) (ELT |setData| 5))
-              NIL)
-            ((QUOTE T)
-              (|sayMessage|
-               (CONS 
-                (MAKESTRING "Cannot handle set tree node type")
-                (APPEND 
-                 (|bright| |st|)
-                 (CONS (QUOTE |yet|) NIL))))
-               NIL)))))))))) 
-;displaySetOptionInformation(arg,setData) ==
-;  st := setData.setType
-;  -- if the option is a sub-tree, show the full menu
-;  st = 'TREE =>
-;    displaySetVariableSettings(setData.setLeaf,setData.setName)
-;  -- otherwise we want to show the current setting
-;  centerAndHighlight (STRCONC('"The ",object2String arg,'" Option"),
-;                      $LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
-;  sayBrightly ['%l,:bright '"Description:",setData.setLabel]
-;  st = 'FUNCTION =>
-;    TERPRI()
-;    if functionp(setData.setVar)
-;      then FUNCALL(setData.setVar,"%describe%")
-;      else sayMSG '"   Function not implemented."
-;  st = 'INTEGER  =>
-;    sayMessage ['" The",:bright arg,'"option",
-;      '" may be followed by an integer in the range",
-;       :bright (setData.setLeaf).0,'"to",'%l,
-;        :bright (setData.setLeaf).1,'"inclusive.",
-;         '" The current setting is",:bright eval setData.setVar]
-;  st = 'STRING  =>
-;    sayMessage ['" The",:bright arg,'"option",
-;      '" is followed by a string enclosed in double quote marks.", '%l,
-;         '" The current setting is",:bright ["_"",eval setData.setVar, "_""]]
-;  st = 'LITERALS =>
-;    sayMessage ['" The",:bright arg,'"option",
-;      '" may be followed by any one of the following:"]
-;    current := translateTrueFalse2YesNo eval setData.setVar
-;    for name in setData.setLeaf repeat
-;      if name = current
-;        then sayBrightly ['" ->",:bright object2String name]
-;        else sayBrightly ['"    ",object2String name]
-;    sayMessage '" The current setting is indicated within the list."
-;    if (setData.setLeaf = '(yes no on off)) or
-;      (setData.setLeaf = '(yes no on off long)) then
-;       sayMessage [:bright '"yes",'"and",:bright '"no",
-;        '"have the same effect as",:bright '"on",'"and",:bright '"off",
-;          '"respectively."]
-(DEFUN |displaySetOptionInformation| (|arg| |setData|) (PROG (|st| |current|) 
(RETURN (SEQ (PROGN (SPADLET |st| (ELT |setData| 3)) (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| 
(QUOTE TREE)) (|displaySetVariableSettings| (ELT |setData| 5) (ELT |setData| 
0))) ((QUOTE T) (|centerAndHighlight| (STRCONC (MAKESTRING "The ") 
(|object2String| |arg|) (MAKESTRING " Option")) $LINELENGTH (|specialChar| 
(QUOTE |hbar|))) (|sayBrightly| (CONS (QUOTE |%l|) (APPEND (|bright| 
(MAKESTRING "Description:")) (CONS (ELT |setData| 1) NIL)))) (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL 
|st| (QUOTE FUNCTION)) (TERPRI) (COND ((|functionp| (ELT |setData| 4)) (FUNCALL 
(ELT |setData| 4) (QUOTE |%describe%|))) ((QUOTE T) (|sayMSG| (MAKESTRING "   
Function not implemented."))))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE INTEGER)) 
(|sayMessage| (CONS (MAKESTRING " The") (APPEND (|bright| |arg|) (CONS 
(MAKESTRING "option") (CONS (MAKESTRING " may be followed by an integer in the 
range") (APPEND (|bright| (ELT (ELT |setData| 5) 0)) (CONS (MAKESTRING "to") 
|%l|) (APPEND (|bright| (ELT (ELT |setData| 5) 1)) (CONS (MAKESTRING 
"inclusive.") (CONS (MAKESTRING " The current setting is") (|bright| (|eval| 
(ELT |setData| 4))))))))))))))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE STRING)) (|sayMessage| 
(CONS (MAKESTRING " The") (APPEND (|bright| |arg|) (CONS (MAKESTRING "option") 
(CONS (MAKESTRING " is followed by a string enclosed in double quote marks.") 
(CONS (QUOTE |%l|) (CONS (MAKESTRING " The current setting is") (|bright| (CONS 
(QUOTE |"|) (CONS (|eval| (ELT |setData| 4)) (CONS (QUOTE |"|) NIL)))))))))))) 
The") (APPEND (|bright| |arg|) (CONS (MAKESTRING "option") (CONS (MAKESTRING " 
may be followed by any one of the following:") NIL))))) (SPADLET |current| 
(|translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (|eval| (ELT |setData| 4)))) (DO ((#0=#:G2796 (ELT 
|setData| 5) (CDR #0#)) (|name| NIL)) ((OR (ATOM #0#) (PROGN (SETQ |name| (CAR 
#0#)) NIL)) NIL) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |name| |cur!
rent|) (|sayBrightly| (CONS (MAKESTRING " ->") (|bright| (|ob!
ject2String| |name|))))) ((QUOTE T) (|sayBrightly| (CONS (MAKESTRING "    ") 
(CONS (|object2String| |name|) NIL)))))))) (|sayMessage| (MAKESTRING " The 
current setting is indicated within the list.")) (COND ((OR (BOOT-EQUAL (ELT 
|setData| 5) (QUOTE (|yes| |no| |on| |off|))) (BOOT-EQUAL (ELT |setData| 5) 
(QUOTE (|yes| |no| |on| |off| |long|)))) (|sayMessage| (APPEND (|bright| 
"no")) (CONS (MAKESTRING "have the same effect as") (APPEND (|bright| 
"off")) (CONS (MAKESTRING "respectively.") NIL)))))))))) ((QUOTE T) 
-;displaySetVariableSettings(setTree,label) ==
-;  if label = "" then label := '")set"
-;    else label := STRCONC('" ",object2String label,'" ")
-;  centerAndHighlight(STRCONC('"Current Values of ",label,
-;    '" Variables"),$LINELENGTH," ")
-;  TERPRI()
-;  sayBrightly ["Variable     ",
-;               "Description                                ",
-;                 "Current Value"]
-;  SAY fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
-;  subtree := nil
-;  for setData in setTree repeat
-;    null satisfiesUserLevel setData.setLevel => nil
-;    setOption := object2String setData.setName
-;    setOption := STRCONC(setOption,fillerSpaces(13-#setOption,'" "),
-;                         setData.setLabel)
-;    setOption := STRCONC(setOption,fillerSpaces(55-#setOption,'" "))
-;    st := setData.setType
-;    st = 'FUNCTION =>
-;      opt :=
-;        functionp(setData.setVar) => FUNCALL( setData.setVar,"%display%")
-;        '"unimplemented"
-;      if PAIRP opt then opt := [:[o,'" "] for o in opt]
-;      sayBrightly concat(setOption,'%b,opt,'%d)
-;    st = 'STRING   =>
-;      opt := object2String eval setData.setVar
-;      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright opt]
-;    st = 'INTEGER  =>
-;      opt := object2String eval setData.setVar
-;      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright opt]
-;    st = 'LITERALS =>
-;      opt := object2String translateTrueFalse2YesNo eval setData.setVar
-;      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright opt]
-;    st = 'TREE     =>
-;      sayBrightly [setOption,:bright '"..."]
-;      subtree := true
-;      subname := object2String setData.setName
-;  TERPRI()
-;  subtree =>
-;    sayBrightly ['"Variables with current values of",:bright '"...",
-;      '"have further sub-options. For example,"]
-;    sayBrightly ['"issue",:bright '")set ",subname,
-;      '" to see what the options are for",:bright subname,'".",'%l,
-;        '"For more information, issue",:bright '")help set",'"."]
-(DEFUN |displaySetVariableSettings| (|setTree| |label|) (PROG (|setOption| 
|st| |opt| |subtree| |subname|) (RETURN (SEQ (PROGN (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |label| 
(QUOTE ||)) (SPADLET |label| (MAKESTRING ")set"))) ((QUOTE T) (SPADLET |label| 
(STRCONC (MAKESTRING " ") (|object2String| |label|) (MAKESTRING " "))))) 
(|centerAndHighlight| (STRCONC (MAKESTRING "Current Values of ") |label| 
(MAKESTRING " Variables")) $LINELENGTH (QUOTE | |)) (TERPRI) (|sayBrightly| 
(CONS (MAKESTRING "Variable     ") (CONS (MAKESTRING "Description               
                 ") (CONS (MAKESTRING "Current Value") NIL)))) (SAY 
(|fillerSpaces| $LINELENGTH (|specialChar| (QUOTE |hbar|)))) (SPADLET |subtree| 
NIL) (DO ((#0=#:G2822 |setTree| (CDR #0#)) (|setData| NIL)) ((OR (ATOM #0#) 
(PROGN (SETQ |setData| (CAR #0#)) NIL)) NIL) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((NULL 
(|satisfiesUserLevel| (ELT |setData| 2))) NIL) ((QUOTE T) (SPADLET |setOption| 
(|object2String| (ELT |setData| 0))) (SPADLET |setOption| (STRCONC |setOption| 
fillerSpaces| (SPADDIFFERENCE 13 (|#| |setOption|)) (MAKESTRING " ")) (ELT 
|setData| 1))) (SPADLET |setOption| (STRCONC |setOption| (|fillerSpaces| 
(SPADDIFFERENCE 55 (|#| |setOption|)) (MAKESTRING " ")))) (SPADLET |st| (ELT 
|setData| 3)) (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE FUNCTION)) (SPADLET |opt| (COND 
((|functionp| (ELT |setData| 4)) (FUNCALL (ELT |setData| 4) (QUOTE 
|%display%|))) ((QUOTE T) (MAKESTRING "unimplemented")))) (COND ((PAIRP |opt|) 
(SPADLET |opt| (PROG (#1=#:G2828) (SPADLET #1# NIL) (RETURN (DO ((#2=#:G2833 
|opt| (CDR #2#)) (|o| NIL)) ((OR (ATOM #2#) (PROGN (SETQ |o| (CAR #2#)) NIL)) 
#1#) (SEQ (EXIT (SETQ #1# (APPEND #1# (CONS |o| (CONS (MAKESTRING " ") 
NIL)))))))))))) (|sayBrightly| (|concat| |setOption| (QUOTE |%b|) |opt| (QUOTE 
|%d|)))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE STRING)) (SPADLET |opt| (|object2String| 
(|eval| (ELT |setData| 4)))) (|sayBrightly| (CONS |setOption| (|bright| 
|opt|)))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE INTEGER)) (SPADLET |opt| (|object2String| 
(|eval| (ELT!
 |setData| 4)))) (|sayBrightly| (CONS |setOption| (|bright| |!
opt|)))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE LITERALS)) (SPADLET |opt| (|object2String| 
(|translateTrueFalse2YesNo| (|eval| (ELT |setData| 4))))) (|sayBrightly| (CONS 
|setOption| (|bright| |opt|)))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |st| (QUOTE TREE)) (PROGN 
(|sayBrightly| (CONS |setOption| (|bright| (MAKESTRING "...")))) (SPADLET 
|subtree| (QUOTE T)) (SPADLET |subname| (|object2String| (ELT |setData| 
0))))))))))) (TERPRI) (COND (|subtree| (PROGN (|sayBrightly| (CONS (MAKESTRING 
"Variables with current values of") (APPEND (|bright| (MAKESTRING "...")) (CONS 
(MAKESTRING "have further sub-options. For example,") NIL)))) (|sayBrightly| 
(CONS (MAKESTRING "issue") (APPEND (|bright| (MAKESTRING ")set ")) (CONS 
|subname| (CONS (MAKESTRING " to see what the options are for") (APPEND 
(|bright| |subname|) (CONS (MAKESTRING ".") (CONS (QUOTE |%l|) (CONS 
(MAKESTRING "For more information, issue") (APPEND (|bright| (MAKESTRING ")help 
set")) (CONS (MAKESTRING ".") NIL))))))))))))))))))) 
-;setAsharpArgs arg ==
-;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-;    $asharpCmdlineFlags := '"-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom 
-Mno-AXL__W__WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra"
-;  arg = "%display%" =>
-;    $asharpCmdlineFlags
-;  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-;    describeAsharpArgs()
-;  $asharpCmdlineFlags := first(arg)
-(DEFUN |setAsharpArgs| (|arg|) (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE 
|%initialize%|)) (SPADLET |$asharpCmdlineFlags| (MAKESTRING "-O -Fasy -Fao 
-Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra"))) 
((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%display%|)) |$asharpCmdlineFlags|) ((OR (NULL 
|arg|) (BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%describe%|)) (BOOT-EQUAL (CAR |arg|) (QUOTE 
?))) (|describeAsharpArgs|)) ((QUOTE T) (SPADLET |$asharpCmdlineFlags| (CAR 
-;describeAsharpArgs() ==
-;  sayBrightly LIST (
-;   '%b,'")set compiler args ",'%d,_
-;   '"is used to tell AXIOM how to invoke the library compiler ",'%l,_
-;   '" when compiling code for AXIOM.",'%l,_
-;   '" The args option is followed by a string enclosed in double 
-;   '" The current setting is",'%l,'%b,'"_"",$asharpCmdlineFlags,'"_"",'%d)
-(DEFUN |describeAsharpArgs| NIL (|sayBrightly| (LIST (QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING 
")set compiler args ") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING "is used to tell AXIOM how to 
invoke the library compiler ") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " when compiling code 
for AXIOM.") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " The args option is followed by a string 
enclosed in double quotes.") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING " The 
current setting is") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING "\"") 
|$asharpCmdlineFlags| (MAKESTRING "\"") (QUOTE |%d|)))) 
-;setInputLibrary arg ==
-;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-;   true
-;  arg = "%display%" =>
-;  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-;    describeInputLibraryArgs()
-;  arg is [act, filename] and (act := selectOptionLC(act,'(add drop),nil)) =>
-;    act = 'add => addInputLibrary TRUENAME STRINGIMAGE filename
-;    act = 'drop => dropInputLibrary TRUENAME STRINGIMAGE filename
-;  setInputLibrary NIL
-(DEFUN |setInputLibrary| (|arg|) (PROG (|ISTMP#1| |filename| |act|) (RETURN 
(SEQ (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%initialize%|)) (QUOTE T)) ((BOOT-EQUAL 
|arg| (QUOTE |%display%|)) (PROG (#0=#:G2881) (SPADLET #0# NIL) (RETURN (DO 
((#1=#:G2886 INPUT-LIBRARIES (CDR #1#)) (|u| NIL)) ((OR (ATOM #1#) (PROGN (SETQ 
|u|) #0#)))))))) ((OR (NULL |arg|) (BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%describe%|)) 
(BOOT-EQUAL (CAR |arg|) (QUOTE ?))) (|describeInputLibraryArgs|)) ((AND (PAIRP 
|arg|) (PROGN (SPADLET |act| (QCAR |arg|)) (SPADLET |ISTMP#1| (QCDR |arg|)) 
(QCAR |ISTMP#1|)) (QUOTE T)))) (SPADLET |act| (|selectOptionLC| |act| (QUOTE 
(|add| |drop|)) NIL))) (COND ((BOOT-EQUAL |act| (QUOTE |add|)) 
(|addInputLibrary| (TRUENAME (STRINGIMAGE |filename|)))) ((BOOT-EQUAL |act| 
(QUOTE |drop|)) (|dropInputLibrary| (TRUENAME (STRINGIMAGE |filename|)))))) (!
(QUOTE T) (|setInputLibrary| NIL))))))) 
-;setOutputLibrary arg ==
-;  -- Hack to avoid initialising libraries in KCL:
-;  not $cclSystem => false
-;  arg = "%initialize%" =>
-;    $outputLibraryName := nil
-;  arg = "%display%" =>
-;    $outputLibraryName or '"user.lib"
-;  (null arg) or (arg = "%describe%") or (first arg = '_?) =>
-;    describeOutputLibraryArgs()
-;  not ONEP(#arg) => setOutputLibrary nil
-;  -- If the file already exists then use the complete pathname to help
-;  -- keep track of it in the case the user issues )cd commands.
-;  if FILEP (fn := STRINGIMAGE first arg) then fn := TRUENAME fn
-;  openOutputLibrary($outputLibraryName := fn)
-(DEFUN |setOutputLibrary| (|arg|) (PROG (|fn|) (RETURN (COND ((NULL 
|$cclSystem|) NIL) ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%initialize%|)) (SPADLET 
|$outputLibraryName| NIL)) ((BOOT-EQUAL |arg| (QUOTE |%display%|)) (OR 
|$outputLibraryName| (MAKESTRING "user.lib"))) ((OR (NULL |arg|) (BOOT-EQUAL 
|arg| (QUOTE |%describe%|)) (BOOT-EQUAL (CAR |arg|) (QUOTE ?))) 
(|describeOutputLibraryArgs|)) ((NULL (ONEP (|#| |arg|))) (|setOutputLibrary| 
(SPADLET |fn| (TRUENAME |fn|)))) (|openOutputLibrary| (SPADLET 
|$outputLibraryName| |fn|))))))) 
-;describeOutputLibraryArgs() ==
-;  sayBrightly LIST (
-;   '%b,'")set compiler output library",'%d,_
-;   '"is used to tell the compiler where to place", '%l,_
-;   '"compiled code generated by the library compiler.  By default it 
-;   '"in a file called",'%b, '"user.lib", '%d, '"in the current directory."
-;    )
-(DEFUN |describeOutputLibraryArgs| NIL (|sayBrightly| (LIST (QUOTE |%b|) 
(MAKESTRING ")set compiler output library") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING "is used 
to tell the compiler where to place") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING "compiled code 
generated by the library compiler.  By default it goes") (QUOTE |%l|) 
(MAKESTRING "in a file called") (QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING "user.lib") (QUOTE 
|%d|) (MAKESTRING "in the current directory.")))) 
-;describeInputLibraryArgs() ==
-;  sayBrightly LIST (
-;   '%b,'")set compiler input add library",'%d,_
-;   '"is used to tell AXIOM to add", '%b, '"library", '%d, '"to",'%l,
-;   '"the front of the path which determines where compiled code is loaded 
-;   '%l, '%b,'")set compiler input drop library",'%d,_
-;   '"is used to tell AXIOM to remove", '%b, '"library", '%d, '%l,_
-;   '"from this path."
-;    )
-(DEFUN |describeInputLibraryArgs| NIL (|sayBrightly| (LIST (QUOTE |%b|) 
(MAKESTRING ")set compiler input add library") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING "is 
used to tell AXIOM to add") (QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING "library") (QUOTE |%d|) 
(MAKESTRING "to") (QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING "the front of the path which 
determines where compiled code is loaded from.") (QUOTE |%l|) (QUOTE |%b|) 
(MAKESTRING ")set compiler input drop library") (QUOTE |%d|) (MAKESTRING "is 
used to tell AXIOM to remove") (QUOTE |%b|) (MAKESTRING "library") (QUOTE |%d|) 
(QUOTE |%l|) (MAKESTRING "from this path.")))) 
 ;setExpose arg ==
 ;  arg = "%initialize%" => loadExposureGroupData()
 ;  arg = "%display%" => '"..."

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